Signed Insert ‘Twin Peaks’ Limited Event Series Soundtrack from Barnes & Noble
In September 2017, Barnes & Noble released the “Twin Peaks” Limited Event Series Soundtrack on vinyl. This copy included a signed insert by composer Angelo Badalamenti.
In September 2017, Barnes & Noble released the “Twin Peaks” Limited Event Series Soundtrack on vinyl. This copy included a signed insert by composer Angelo Badalamenti.
The crucial sequel to the New York Times bestselling “The Secret History of Twin Peaks,” Mark Frost’s “Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier” was released on October 31, 2017. VJ Books offered signed copies of this book via their website which I ordered in late 2017.
One of the first locations I recall finding from Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime was the site of Mr. C’s Car Crash in Part 3. The episode originally aired on Showtime Anytime on May 21 and was subsequently broadcast on May 28. By June 3, I had found the location on Google Maps.
In Twin Peaks Part 7 on Showtime, there is a an 8-second establishing shot of Diane Evans’ apartment which was supposed to be set in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the only time in the series the exterior was shown. Part 7 aired on June 18, 2017, and by July 9, 2017, I found the actual…
I made this on June 7, 2017 shortly after Twin Peaks Part 5 aired on Showtime. I was reading Mark Frost’s book, “The Secret History of Twin Peaks” which happened to coincide with this episode where Dr. Amp shovels his way out with his golden shovel.
Frostie … the official soft drink of KPJK Radio in Twin Peaks Part 8 on Showtime. This image was taken from the behind the scenes footage from the Twin Peaks: From Z to A Blu-ray set. You can briefly see the bottle when the Woodsman visits the radio studio, but the details are blurry.
In Twin Peaks – Part 5 on Showtime, a car wash detailer (played by Sean Bolger) discovers a Great Northern Hotel room key while cleaning Jade’s bright Baja Yellow 2015 Jeep Wrangler. He tells Jade (played by Nafessa Williams) about the key and she drops it in a nearby mailbox. The entire scene lasts about…
I recently shared the interior filming location of Diane Evans’ apartment. Before finding that location, I was on a different quest that begin shortly after the original airing of Part 7 in mid June 2017 on Showtime. Being a long time collector of vinyl albums, I immediately recognized the blue-hued square propped against the wall…
An early promotional image for Twin Peaks on Showtime featured Gordon Cole and Albert Rosenfield standing in front of a fireplace in what appeared to be a home. At the time the image was released, I had no idea they were standing in Diane Evans’ apartment (or the fact we’d get to meet Cooper’s mysterious…
The painting was the backdrop for some of the most memorable scenes at the Double R Diner in Twin Peaks. And now it’s been identified