Real Twin Peaks 2025 – Recap from Day Two on Feb. 22

Image collage from Day Two of the Real Twin Peaks 2025 event

Following an exciting start to the Real Twin Peaks 2025 event on Friday, Feb. 21, the second day of this celebration of the towns where David Lynch and Mark Frost’s filmed Twin Peaks and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me was was filled with even more activities that concluded with the Twin Peaks High School Class of 1989 prom at Snoqualmie Valley Eagles. Here’s a look back at the incredibly busy day.


Holding up the schedule outside the Twin Peaks Town Hall

The morning started with check-in for VIPs ticket holders at Pressed on Main in North Bend. Anyone who missed picking up the swag bag could stop by until 2:00 p.m.

Room 315 Key Chain and small cherry pie

Meanwhile at Salish Lodge and Spa, they offered their Twin Peaks Day breakfast, complete with themed specials such as Cooper’s Breakfast of eggs and crispy bacon. Anyone who ordered from the menu received a replica key chain from The Great Northern Hotel.


Steven and Vinnie on stage speaking with people in a packed room

The first free activity on Saturday was a panel discussion held at the Black Dog Arts Cafe in downtown Snoqualmie. Fellow Twin Peaks location hunter and Twin Peaks Blog author Vinnie Guidera and I hosted this hour-long presentation, we shared tidbits, insights and fun facts about filming locations in Washington state and their Southern California counterparts.

You can watch a replay of this discussion on the Twin Peaks Blog YouTube channel – @TheTwinPeaksBlog

Inside Black Dog Arts Cafe for presentation

During the Real Twin Peaks 2024 event, we held a similar Twin Peaks film locations discussion with Josh Eisenstadt and John Thorne about the spots found in Southern California. We had maybe a third of the room filled for that panel, so this was a true delight to see so many people join us for Steven and Vinnie’s comedy hour.

Steven and Vinnie on stage with attendee holding a coffee mug
Photo by: Jessica Self

At the end of the presentation, I gave away a specially designed Twin Peaks Blog coffee mug to one lucky attendee.

Steven and Jeff Moore speaking
Photo by: Jessica Self

Before the conversation started, I spent a few moments catching up with Twin Peaks season two prop master Jeff Moore. I love that Jeff continues being so involved with the fan community. As a long-time fan for more than three decades, I have such admiration for the crew who worked on the show. They were some of the most talented individuals who created the wonderful and strange world I adore. Jeff is currently writing a book, “Who Propped Laura Palmer?”, about his experiences serving as the head of props. I can’t wait to read it!

Merchandise display inside Snoqualmie Trading Co.

Immediately after the panel, fans were invited to stop by the Snoqualmie Trading Company down the street which carried a variety of products themed to the Real Twin Peaks.

T-shirt display from Snoqualmie Trading Co.

See this shopping guide which contains a roundup retail shops in the Valley offering new items for the Twin Peaks-themed weekend. The Trading Company is currently carrying select shirts and items via their online store.


Exterior of the North Bend Theatre

Starting at 11:00 a.m., the North Bend Theatre was home to Cinema Unwrapped, the brainchild of Karl Reinsch who was inspired by Roger Ebert’s Cinema Interruptus. This was the second time this event was held during the Real Twin Peaks events.

Cinema Unwrapped ticket

Attendees received this commemorative ticket with an image of Ray Wise from Twin Peaks episode 2.007. Ray would hold a conversation and meet and greet immediately following the event.

Image collage of Cinema Unwrapped participants

This live interactive analysis of the international version of the Twin Peaks pilot was hosted by a panel of moderators including Josh Eisenstadt, Mary Hütter, John Thorne, Anita Rehn and me. Charlene Sharlem Weiss also joined us on stage for the conversation.

Audience in North Bend Theatre

The theatre was rather full for this surprise screening as what exactly was being shown wasn’t revealed until the program started.

Two attendees dressed as the Log Lady

Even the Log Ladies showed up for the screening!

Karl Reinsch, Josh Eisenstadt and Steven by Theatre stage
Photo by: Jessica Self

Before the screening began, Karl, Josh and I posed by the stage. Six comfortable chairs were placed on either side of the stage and panel members had a microphone to comment during the screening.

Movie screen with paused image of Donna Hayward

I’ve never watched the Twin Peaks pilot on a movie screen. I was sitting so close to the screen that I felt like I was in the town of Twin Peaks.

John Thorne, Anita Rehn, and Steven on stage

It was a joy spending time with John and Anita on stage talking about our favorite thing. Steven and Josh Eisenstadt outside North Bend Theatre

During a brief intermission, Josh and I grabbed a photo outside the theatre. I’m continually in awe of his knowledge about Lynch and Frost’s wonderful and strange show.

Steven and Jessica at North Bend Theatre

I was also glad to see Jessica Self, executive director of the North Bend Downtown Foundation, who worked tirelessly throughout the weekend capturing photos and videos of this event.

Norma Jennings pours Bobby Briggs a cup of coffee at the Double R Diner

One cool detail learned during this screening came from Snoqualmie Valley resident Bob Antone. He identified the mill worker seen at the Double R Dinner when Bobby Briggs has an exchange between Norma Jennings and Shelly Johnson. The extra’s name was Leo Kelly who was known for dressing up for various holidays throughout the year (see this Twin Peaks Blog article for the full story).


Author Scott Ryan and Em Marinelli hosted a free workshop about the The Healing Magic of Twin Peaks: Dreams from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the North Bend Trading Company in downtown North Bend.

Scott and Em's workshop graphic

Marinelli is a professor, therapist, and host of the Twin Peaks Tattoo Podcast. At the Real Twin Peaks 2023 event, Em hosted a panel discussion about Twin Peaks tattoos at the Black Dog Arts Cafe.

Ryan has served as the managing editor of “Blue Rose Magazine” and wrote several books about David Lynch’s works including “Lost Highway: The Fist of Love” and “Fire Walk With Me: Your Laura Disappeared.” He is bidding farewell to the “Blue Rose Magazine” with one final issue that is a tribute to David Lynch (you can order it HERE)

Photo collage of Scott and Em's workshop and book signing
Instagram | Photo by: Jessica Self, North Bend Downtown Foundation, Feb. 22, 2025

Scott also signed his new book, “Always Music in the Air: The Music of Twin Peaks,” which was the topic of a panel discussion held on Friday, Feb. 21 at Boxley’s in North Bend.


Beth Burrows assisting Ray Wise with the handprint ceremony
February 22, 2025

Immediately following Cinema Unwrapped, Ray Wise returned to the North Bend Theatre for another handprint ceremony and conversation with fans. The handprints and autograph in cement will eventually join the Walk of Fame located outside the one-screen theatre.

Ray Wise and Mike McGraner on stage

Ray’s theatrical booking agent Mike McGraner hosted an hour-long conversation with Wise who answered questions about his acting career and experiences in Twin Peaks.

One of the coolest moments during this conversation was Ray Wise demonstrating how he recorded his line, “Find Laura,” as seen in Part 2 of Twin Peaks: The Return.


Large Group shot of attendees at the Twin Peaks High School Prom

As Ray Wise was wrapping up his autograph session with Real Twin Peaks attendees, the Twin Peaks High School Class of 1989 Prom kicked off at 6:00 p.m. in Snoqualmie Valley Eagles in downtown Snoqualmie. With music by DJ Dwaine Wheeler, DJ Mallie and a live performance by Seattle-based Prom Queen, the night was something to remember.

Prom attendees in costumes inspired by Twin Peaks

Some “High School” students dressed up such as this couple giving a nod to Deputy Andy Brennan’s outfit from the Horne’s Department Fashion Show at The Great Northern Hotel and a catatonic-but-ready-to-party Leo Johnson from Twin Peaks season two.

Leeni signing

Leeni and her band Prom Queen played a dreamy, doom-pop filled set with music from Twin Peaks. Their performance of The Pink Room was the perfect song for the night as the clock ticked near midnight.

Prom Queen and Prom King

Following a game of musical chairs and a limbo contest, a Prom Queen and Prom King were crowned with red sashes and red-jeweled crowns.


Twin Peaks Quintet performing at Boxley's

While the Twin Peaks High School Prom was going in in Snoqualmie, the Twin Peaks Quintet took the stage for an hour and 45-minute set at Boxley’s in North Bend. This special jazz-seasoned tribute to the music of Twin Peaks featured Andrew Glynn on Saxophone, Eric Verlinde on Piano, Michael Glynn on Bass, Sutton Marley on Drums and Brian Kirk on Vibes, who also played on the Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me soundtrack.

Brian Kirk holding up a bow speaking into a microphone

Brian shared two stories about working with David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti on the soundtrack to Lynch’s 1992 film. He demonstrated how he ran a bow along a cymbal to create sounds used in the film. JazzClubsNW, the nonprofit organization that creates jazz performance and education opportunities for professionals and students throughout the Pacific Northwest, has the entire performance available for members.

The quintet played some jazz standards along with Badalamenti and Julee Cruise’s music with songs like “Theme to Twin Peaks,” “Laura Palmer’s Theme,” “Audrey’s Dance,” “The Nightingale,” and “Sycamore Trees.” Read the full report about the concert in this Twin Peaks Blog article.

What a wonderful day in the Valley! I couldn’t wait for day three.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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