Hillside with trees and fog

All in the Details – The Look of James

After all these years of being a Twin Peaks fan, there are certain images stick out in my mind. In particular, I remember many scenes with James Marshall as Laura Palmer’s secret boyfriend, James Hurley. While some have joked about his role, he really does give an emotionally-charged and powerful performance in all three seasons plus Twin…

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Twin Peaks Blog – Year in Review 2020

What a year! As the last seconds of this unprecedented and surreal year tick away, I’m reflecting on the highlights for TwinPeaksBlog.com in 2020. This year marked the 30th Anniversary of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s masterpiece, and despite the challenges we all faced, there were damn fine moments that kept me connected with fellow…

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Twin Peaks Prop – Stars & Outer Space Made Easy

In Twin Peaks episode 2.021, Agent Cooper hypothesizes that “if the door to the Black Lodge does exist, it probably exists at a point in time.” Symbols from the Owl Cave petroglyph and a pocket book on planets lead him to conclude that the gateway opens when Jupiter and Saturn meet. This is known in…

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