Hillside with trees and fog
Cooper and Truman in the Sheriff's cruiser

Twin Peaks Location – Stakeout at the Roadhouse

From the beginning, the relationship between Special Agent Dale Cooper and Sheriff Truman was a special one. It’s best exemplified in the pilot episode when the law enforcement duo is on a stakeout at the Roadhouse. This scene was conveniently shot just outside the location in Fall City, Washington. But let’s take a closer look…

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Oversized Eat-It-All Ice Cream Cone

Twin Peaks Prop – Eat-It-All Ice Cream Cone

Twin Peaks feels like home because of its believable clutter. Rich set decoration makes its spaces feel real and occupied, and the coziness of a place like the Double R Diner is palpable through the screen. To me, the giant ice cream cone displayed behind the counter is a beacon of the diner’s small town…

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