Hillside with trees and fog
Laura Palmer washing her hands

Twin Peaks Location – The Palmer House Bathroom

It’s a short scene in David Lynch’s 1992 film, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. After being berated by Leland Palmer for not washing her hands before dinner, Laura Palmer is seen crying at a sink in a dimly lit bathroom. This scene was shot on location at a historic Rucker Hill home located in Everett, Washington…

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Twin Peaks Location – Laura Palmer’s Bedroom

Doubling is a common theme that runs throughout Twin Peaks. There are “two Chalfont trailers” at the Fat Trout Trailer Park, Laura Palmer’s cousin, Madeline Ferguson, looks almost exactly like her. The same thought can be applied to Laura Palmer’s bedroom – there are two versions with one being a set for the 1992 feature film…

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Twin Peaks Location – Red Meets Richard Horne

For several years now, I have loved playing the game of finding and identifying Twin Peaks locations. Between the thrill of the hunt to researching a location’s history, there is no greater joy than finding a photo that confirms my suspicions about a location. Today, I’m happy to report I am crossing off another location…

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