Mount Si with trees in foreground
Oversized Eat-It-All Ice Cream Cone

Twin Peaks Prop – Eat-It-All Ice Cream Cone

Twin Peaks feels like home because of its believable clutter. Rich set decoration makes its spaces feel real and occupied, and the coziness of a place like the Double R Diner is palpable through the screen. To me, the giant ice cream cone displayed behind the counter is a beacon of the diner’s small town…

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Twin Peaks Prop – Screen-Used Police Radio

In a fictional world as rich and mystifying as Twin Peaks, it’s easy to take the practical details for granted. While some featured props and decorations had to be both memorable and believable, others simply had to be present because their absence would be distracting. I recently acquired a small collection of screen-used odds and…

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Twin Peaks Prop – Nadine Hurley’s Rowing Machine

At long last, I have an original Twin Peaks prop to share with you, and it’s a doozy: Nadine Hurley’s screen-used rowing machine. It’s rare enough when a piece like this hits the market, but when the entire history of ownership is documented, down to a thirty year old receipt signed by David Lynch’s former…

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Love Letter to Walter Olkewicz in Twin Peaks

From the moment I first saw Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me in fall 1993, Walter Olkewicz, who played Jacques Renault and later Jean-Michel Renault in Season Three, left a lasting impression on me. I don’t know what it is about that “creepy Jacques,” but Walter played him exceptionally. With word of his passing on April…

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All in the Details – The Look of James

After all these years of being a Twin Peaks fan, there are certain images stick out in my mind. In particular, I remember many scenes with James Marshall as Laura Palmer’s secret boyfriend, James Hurley. While some have joked about his role, he really does give an emotionally-charged and powerful performance in all three seasons plus Twin…

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