Why Is Annie Blackburn Always Holding a Coffee Decanter?
If Twin Peaks action figures ever become a thing, I hope Annie Blackburn’s figure is packaged with a coffee decanter. Why? She holds it ALL THE TIME at the Double R Diner.
If Twin Peaks action figures ever become a thing, I hope Annie Blackburn’s figure is packaged with a coffee decanter. Why? She holds it ALL THE TIME at the Double R Diner.
“Diane, today we are going to focus on the green coffee mugs.” While researching all things about the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department in Twin Peaks, I kept noticing a green mug in several episodes throughout season two. The mug makes it’s first appearance in episode 2.001. But this mug is the second green colored mug to…
In Twin Peaks Part 4 on Showtime, Deputy Director Gordon Cole realizes the team is no where near Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Ever prepared, Special Agent Albert Rosenfield presents Cole with a photo of Mount Rushmore. While examining the photo, he remarks, “There they are Albert – faces of stone.” But did you know…
It’s all about the bunnies this Easter weekend! I’m taking a closer look at boxes of chocolate bunnies from the Twin Peaks Pilot episode and Part 3 in Season 3 on Showtime.
Duncan Todd (played by Patrick Fischler) in Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime was an associate of Mr. C. He appeared in Parts 2, 6, 10, 13, and 15, and was often seen siting behind a desk in a spacious, modern office overlooking “Las Vegas.” As it turns out, his office scenes were filmed in the heart…
In Twin Peaks Part 2 on Showtime, Mr. C hosts a dinner party with Ray Monroe, Darya and Jack at a restaurant in South Dakota. The establishing shot for this scene was from Bell’s Motor Lodge in Spearfish, South Dakota (as seen in this article). The restaurant interior, however, was filmed in southern California. It…
I spotted this sign while watching A Very Lovely Dream: One Week in Twin Peaks by Charles de Lauzirika on the Twin Peaks Season 3 Blu-ray. I love the little details like this poster used at the Twin Peaks Sheriff Department.
In Twin Peaks Episode 2.019, Special Agent Dale Cooper is seen sitting by a fire place enjoying a glass of warm milk. He is soon joined by John Justice Wheeler and the two have an exchange about love. For years, I wondered what glass Cooper uses in this scene. It wasn’t until the show was…
In Twin Peaks Part 7 on Showtime, Deputy Andy Brennan visits The Farmer who is played by Edward “Ted” Dowling. The thing that caught my eye in this scene was the hat worn by the Farmer.
During the first two seasons of Twin Peaks, there are two paintings prominently featured above booths at the Double R Diner set. The desert-themed image is by artist Norman Yeckley is titled “Spring Formal.” But what about the ocean-themed image in the adjacent booth? After some extensive research, I discovered the origin of that painting…