Leland Palmer leaving the dining room passing the carved bear

Twin Peaks Prop – Carved Bear by Don Wells Keys

I recently shared details about the Thunderbird totem pole by master carver Don Wells Keys that’s found at Kiana Lodge in Poulsbo, Washington. This private event and wedding venue served as the filming location for The Great Northern Hotel interiors in the Twin Peaks pilot. A hand-carved bear by Keys makes a cameo twice in…

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Jerry Horne and Heba at The Great Northern Hotel

Twin Peaks Prop – Jerry Horne’s Jonette Jewelry Brooch

Though I’ve spent years studying Twin Peaks props and collecting replicas, the show’s wardrobe has largely remained in my blind spot. Thankfully A.M. Starr, author of the wonderfully insightful 1400 River Road blog, has a keen eye for wardrobe details and has identified several pieces I likely would’ve missed. In 2021, she identified and wrote…

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Audrey Horne selecting a book from the bookshelf

Twin Peaks Prop – Audrey Horne’s Civil Disobedience Book

In Twin Peaks episode 2.018 (#25 from the second season), Audrey Horne visits the Twin Peaks City Library to research civil disobedience. While there, she meets Windom Earle who is disguised as a poetry professor named Edward Perkins. While reviewing this short exchange, I identified several books found on the “Political Science” shelf in the town’s…

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