Twin Peaks Prop – Dale Cooper’s Book About Tibet

Throughout Twin Peaks, Special Agent Dale Cooper shares his fascination about the country of Tibet. He shares the history of Tibet in Episode 1.002 while preparing to throw rocks at bottles. After being shot in episode 2.001, he tells Diane that wishes the Dalai Lama could return to Tibet from exile. Finally, he shares even more history about Tibet while enjoying breakfast with Agent Albert Rosenfield in episode 2.002. So it’s no surprise that Cooper would be reading about the country while on assignment in Twin Peaks. After years of searching, I finally found a copy of the book that Cooper reads in the latter half of the second season.


We first see Cooper’s book in Episode 2.014 at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department.

Doctor Hayward leaving Sheriff's Station
Episode 2.014
Dale Cooper speaking with Sheriff Truman
Episode 2.014

It was the second image above that lead me on a search down a rather deep rabbit hole.


On a hunch, I search for “Tibet Book” on March 24, 2019. There were 6,894 results returned. So I set off, looking page by page for a cover that appeared to match. search results

Finally, after looking at approximately 4,800 images, I found it on page 24 … almost. The book appeared similar – black cover with red border and white text – but it wasn’t an exact match. Yet this was a major clue as to the book’s origin.

Cover of Tibet: A Complete Guide book

Using the book’s title I found on eBay, I uncovered the original – “Tibet: A Complete Guide” by by Elisabeth B. Booz – which was published in 1986 by Passport Books in Chicago, IL .

Obituary for Ben Booz
Roy W. Barber Funeral Home

Sadly,  I also uncovered an obituary for the author who died peacefully on October 31, 2016 at the age of 91. According to this site:

“Since 1986 a devoted member of the Society of Women Geographers, Ben was stalwart in promoting the exploration of the world by women, herself producing in-depth guides to New Zealand and Tibet. With sketchbook and paintbrush in hand, she traveled for pleasure to many wonderful distant places, including Kyrgyzstan, Inner Mongolia, Tasmania, Gotland, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Iceland and the Orkney Islands.”

So this had to be the same author of Cooper’s book.

Back of Book

Additional searching on the internet for “Elisabeth Booz” and “Tibet” turned up an image of the back cover.

Cooper reading a book at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.017

We get a brief look at the back cover when Cooper is at the Double R Diner just before meeting Annie in Episode 2.017.

Tibet: A Complete Guide Cover
Third Edition – March 1991

I mentioned I almost found an exact match. Multiple searches continue to return images of a third edition from March 1991. Notice the red ribbon on the front corner which doesn’t appear on the book in the episode.

Dale Cooper in room 315 at The Great Northern Hotel
Episode 2.016

The book Cooper has in the series could be a second edition printing. While the images on the book’s cover above mostly appear to match, the colors look slightly off (e.g. the first square appears more orange; second is more blue, etc.). It could also be the other way around – Cooper has a first edition and I found an image of the second edition printing.

Either way, I’m 99.9% confident this is the book.

Dale Cooper in bed while Doctor Hayward and Sheriff Truman look on
Episode 2.022

The book only appears in Episodes 2.014, 2.016 and 2.017. I’m assuming the upside down book on the nightstand next to the duck in Episode 2.022 is the same book but we don’t get a good look.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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One thought on “Twin Peaks Prop – Dale Cooper’s Book About Tibet

  1. You are right about the book on Tibet by Ben Booz. She was an old friend of the family and I was traveling with her and her son Paddy around Tibet with her in 1985 when she was gathering information for the book. Oddly enough, I spend summers on a small island in Maine and my wife has a pottery shop on the dock here. A few weeks ago, the guy who played agent Dale Cooper walked into her shop and, being a big fan of twin peaks, she was thrilled! He made her day…..

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