One-story house with a white fence

All In The Details – Specials at the Double R Diner

Episode 2004

“And, uh, what can we add to the menu? Some specials, maybe?” Upon hearing M.T. Wentz is coming to town in Twin Peaks episode 2.004, Hank Jennings asks Norma Jennings what items can they add to the menu as he plans to trick the Double R Diner out like “Christmas on the Fourth of July.” He suggests that they should add some specials and Norma replies she always wanted to try some regional dishes. This was the starting point for my research into the many specials offered at the diner in all three seasons of Twin Peaks and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Starting with the Pilot episode, there were a variety of deals and meals offered throughout the series. Grab a napkin and let’s dig in.


Inside of Double R Diner

The first “special” to appear in Twin Peaks is found in the Pilot Episode as the camera pans to follow Heidi’s entrance. We catch a glimpse of an A-Frame sign advertising “All You Can Eat Spaghetti” on Saturdays. Most likely this was an sign for the actual Mar-T Cafe, the North Bend, Washington film location for the Double R Diner in the Pilot Episode, Fire Walk With Me and Season 3.

Bobby Briggs at the counter

The Pilot episode also contains a sign advertising a special price for “Children Under 12 and Senior Citizens.” Again, this was probably a real deal offered at the Mar-T Cafe in North Bend, Washington.

Shelly Johnson speaks to Agent Cooper
Episode 1.001
Norma Johnson Speaks with Agent Cooper
Episode 1.001

In episode 1.001, Special Agent Dale Cooper and Sheriff Harry S. Truman speak with Shelly Johnson and Norma Jennings at the Double R Diner. Behind each of them you may notice the top of a sign advertising “Today’s StockPot Soup.” It’s the same sign seen in the first image of this article. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see what soup was being offered during this episode but I will be referencing that sign throughout the rest of this story.

Big Ed waves hello to Norma Jennings
Episode 1.002

Big Ed visits Norma in episode 1.002 and we can see the top of the StockPot Soup sign next to the giant ice cream cone.

Norma Jennings speaks with Audrey Horne
Episode 1.002

The first soup offered is Split Pea as seen when Norma approaches Audrey Horne later in episode 1.002.

Norma Jennings speaking with Agent Cooper
Episode 1.002
Shelly Johnson speaking with Agent Cooper
Episode 1.002

I thought we might get a look at the sign from episode 1.001 when quick flashbacks happen during the Tibetan Rock Throwing scene. But we don’t and the soup from that episode remains a mystery.

Shelly Johnson returns to the Double R Diner while Norma Jennings looks on
Episode 1.004

In episode 1.004, the soup appears to be Gazpacho (since that’s the only soup I know that ends with “acho.”)

Maddy Ferguson speaks with Norma Jennings at the Double R Diner
Episode 1.004

You can see the StockPot Soup sign still turned toward the previous camera angle when Maddy Ferguson arrives. This scene also offers a look at several signs along the back wall above the kitchen window. There is the Double R Diner menu in red, a square sign advertising The “Double” R meal, and a red rectangle sign that offers “Special for Today.”

Double R Diner menu
Double R Diner

Thanks to TwinPeaksArchive, we get a closer partial look at the menu and a great look at the “Special for Today” sign – a “Douglas Fir Burger for $2.95(?).”

James and Maddy leaving the Double R Diner
Episode 1.004

As Maddy and James leave the Double R, the camera angle picks up a corner of the StockPot Soup sign.

Hank Jennings speaks with Shelly Johnson behind the counter at the Double R Diner
Episode 1.006

Very Vegetable soup is the StockPot soup of the day in episode 1.006.

Hank Jennings looks at Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman from behind the counter at the Double R Diner
Episode 1.006

It’s still Very Vegetable when Cooper and Truman arrive to check on Hank Jennings.

Hank Jennings at the Double R Diner
Episode 1.006

Hank must have wanted Cooper and Truman to see the soup de jour as the sign is slightly turned toward the camera in this close up shot of Hank.

Shelly Johnson behind the counter at the Double R Diner
Episode 1.006

It remains at the angle from the previous shot with Hank when Shelly Johnson gets cups of coffee for the duo.

Hank Jennings by the food machines at the Double R Diner
Episode 1.007

In the final episode of the first season, the soup has changed to Lobster Bisque. Fresh coffee is also only $.25 a cup and they offer free refills. 


Guy yelling "Hot Damn" at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.001

Hot damn that StockPot Soup sign moved again by episode 2.001.

Hank Jennings behind the counter at Double R Diner
Episode 2.001

It’s still Lobster Bisque though as we see Bobby Briggs exchange looks with Hank Jennings.

Norma Jennings speaking with Log Lady and Major Briggs
Episode 2.001

Later in the episode, the soup remains the same as before – Lobster Bisque.

Double R Diner waitress carrying food
Episode 2.003

A rectangle sign advertising the “Lumberjack Pancake Stack Special for $2.95″ is seen in episode 2.003 (just before Lucy Moran and Dick Tremayne have lunch.”)

Hank Jennings carrying Meals on Wheels trays while Norma Jennings speaks on the phone behind the counter at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.004

By episode 2.004, the StockPot Soup sign moved again and is now advertising Rabbit Chili. We also can see signs behind Norma Jennings as she speaks on the phone.

Double R Diner signs
Double R Diner

Thanks again to TwinPeaksArchive, we can see an alternate angle to the previous still image from the Double R Diner. A charbroiled “Bark-Burger” with fries is only $3.95!

Hank and Norma Jennings speaking at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.004

Norma and Hank discuss M.T. Wentz, which offers a closer look at the Rabbit Chili sign.

Double R Diner kitchen
Episode 2.004

Later in Episode 2004, you can briefly see the sign for The “Double” R which includes two eggs, two strips of bacon, two sausage links, two pieces of toast for $2.00!


Today's StockPot Soup sign next to cake
Episode 2.004

After Hank and Norma decorate the Double R Diner in anticipation of M.T. Wentz’s arrival, they use the StockPot Soup sign to advertise the fact they have specials. At this point, I’m offering a slight departure as this sign has a cool connection to the Pacific Northwest.

StockPot Soup

I’ve been unable to locate a replica sign like the one above on the internet or online auction sites. I did, however, learn that StockPot Soups was founded in 1981  by Kevin Fortun who, “was purchasing director for Schwartz Brothers Restaurants in Bellevue, Washington.” In August 1998, Campbell’s Soup Company acquired StockPot Soups as part of it’s “Away from Home” division. I think the sign was a neat little detail that added to the authenticity of the show.

Hank Jennings at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.004

This shot of Hank in Episode 2004 gives another look at the sign.


Norma Jennings and Shelly Johnson behind the counter at Double R Diner
Episode 2.007

Coffee is still on $.25 a cup in episode 2.007. The sign appears to have moved from a previous episode.

Big Ed and Nadine Hurley enter the Double R Diner
Episode 2.007

When Big Ed and Nadine Hurley visit the Double R in episode 2.007, the soup is Split Pea and Lamb.

Norma Jennings behind the counter at Double R Diner
Episode 2.008

In episode 2.008, the soup has changed to Potato and Spam.

Norma Jennings behind the counter at Double R Diner
Episode 2.011

French Onion soup is the flavor of the day in episode 2.011.

Norma Jennings Speaking to Big Ed Hurley behind the Double R Diner counter
Episode 2.012

Another mystery soup appears in episode 2.012 as we never get a good look at the StockPot Soup sign behind Norma.

Norma Jennings walking away from Big Ed Hurley
Episode 2.012

As Norma returns to the counter after speaking with Ed in episode 2.012, we can see the sign advertising The “Double” R special was moved to the front of the restaurant.

Norma Jennings walking through the Double R Diner
Episode 2.013

Episode 2.013 features Spring Wheat and Barley as the soup of the day.

Pete Martell laughing behind the counter
Episode 2.015

Pete Martell blocks the StockPot Soup sign in episode 2.015 so we never get a look at what is being offered for the day.

Shelly Johnson walking behind the Double R Diner counter
Episode 2.016

Rabbit Bisque is the soup in episode 2.016.

Shelly Johnson speaking to Major Briggs
Episode 2.017

I believe Walleyed Pike is the soup(?) of the day in episode 2.017. I can’t imagine that as a soup so maybe it was meant to be a meal.

Log Lady eating pie at the Double R Diner that Shelly Johnson serves
Episode 2.018

In episode 2.018, the StockPot Soup sign performs a magic trick. The scene opens with Agents Cooper and Cole arriving at the Double R Diner with Sheriff Truman. There is a scene with Shelly Johnson brining the Log Lady more pie. The soup of the day appears to be Cream of Cantaloupe (which is actually a thing!).

Shelly Johnson behind the counter at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.018
Shelly Johnson behind the counter at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.018

When Gordon Cole approaches Shelly Johnson, the StockPot Soup sign has disappeared (“IT’S GONE!”). Perhaps no one liked Cream of Cantaloupe.

Annie Blackburn holding a coffee decanter behind the counter
Episode 2.019

Coffee decanter Annie Blackburn walks by the Fresh Coffee sign in episode 2.019. You can see additional signs from previous episodes in the background.

Annie Blackburn, Shelly Johnson and Agent Cooper at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.019
Shelly Johnson walking behind the counter at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.019

I’m surprised Special Agent Dale Cooper didn’t order the Hearty Beaver Broth in episode 2.019.

Agent Cooper and Annie Blackburn talk at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.020

As the camera slowly zooms out during Cooper and Annie’s conversation in episode 2.020, we can see the Fresh Coffee sign that was strategically placed in episode 2.007 is missing. It also appears the Specials for Today sign has been updated with Squirrel Loaf. Yum!

Norma Jennings, Annie Blackburn and Shelly Johnson at the Double R Diner
Episode 2.021

The final StockPot Soup of the day from the entire series appears to be Cream of Eggplant as seen in episode 2.021.


Aerial shot of Double R Diner
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

In Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, the crew returned to North Bend, Washington to shoot scenes inside and out of the Mar-T Cafe.

Norma Jennings looking at Heidi in the Double R Diner
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Laura Palmer speaking with the Grandmother and Grandson at Double R Diner
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

It looks like they recycled the same rectangular signs that were used on the Double R Diner set. The signs appear in the windows of the diner when Laura Palmer is outside speaking with the grandmother and her grandson. I believe they were strategically placed in that window to block the reflection of the camera and crew. You can catch a glimpse of the crew in the window to the far right.


Norma Jennings and Shelly Johnson looking through the Double R Diner window
Part 5

Twenty-five years later, we returned to the Double R Diner in Season 3 on Showtime. In Part 5, we get a first look at a new rectangular sign advertising a charbroiled burger and fries for $8.95.  The charbroiled “Bark-Burger” and fries from Season 2 was only $3.95.

Inside of the Double R Diner
Part 6

In Part 6, we can see that “Hot Coffee” (not “Fresh Coffee”) is now $2.49 with refills. The “Double” R meal has also increased in price, from $2.00 to $6.00.

Heidi and Shelly Johnson at the Double R Diner
Part 6. Photo: Suzanne Tenner/SHOWTIME

In this publicity shot by Suzanne Tenner for Showtime, we get an outstanding look at the RR2GO menu on the counter by the ketchup.

Double R Diner Menu
Part 6. Photo: Suzanne Tenner/SHOWTIME

The Lumberjack Breakfast special is only $3.95! They offer soup du jour but no indication if Potato and Spam or Hearty Beaver Broth is available. You could order a charbroiled burger for $3.95 and fries or onion rings for $1.95 which is a better deal than the one advertised in Part 5. Odd.

Norma Jennings behind the Double R Diner counter
Part 11

Part 11 offers a better look at The “Double” R meal sign.

Inside the Double R Diner
Part 15

For the final appearance of the Double R Diner interior in Part 15, I spotted a similar “Special for Today” sign on the far right side of the diner. It’s difficult to tell what is being offered though. I love that the sign is similar to the one from the first two seasons.

For those playing along at home, here is a breakdown of the StockPot Soups featured in each episode.

  • Episode 1.001 – Unknown
  • Episode 1.002 – Split Pea
  • Episode 1.004 – Gazpacho
  • Episode 1.006 – Very Vegetable
  • Episode 1.007 – Lobster Bisque
  • Episode 2.001 – Lobster Bisque
  • Episode 2.004 – Rabbit Chili / “Ask About Our Specials!”
  • Episode 2.007 – Split Pea & Lamb
  • Episode 2.008 – Potato & Spam
  • Episode 2.011 – French Onion
  • Episode 2.012 – Unknown
  • Episode 2.013 – Spring Wheat & Barley
  • Episode 2.015 – Unknown
  • Episode 2.016 – Rabbit Bisque
  • Episode 2.017 – Walleyed Pike
  • Episode 2.018 – Cream of Cantaloupe
  • Episode 2.019 – Hearty Beaver Broth
  • Episode 2.021 – Cream of Eggplant

Stay tuned for a future article looking at the specials offered at Hap’s Diner in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

Irene at Hap's Diner
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

Oh wait, they don’t have any.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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One thought on “All In The Details – Specials at the Double R Diner

  1. The soup in Episode 2.017 is Walleyed Pike Chowder.

    I’ve been rewatching and trying to catch as many of these as possible. You caught a few that I missed!

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