On August 22, 2018, ScifiHobby.com released the first series of Twin Peaks trading cards from Rittenhouse Archives. The collection documents the all three seasons of the series and includes plot synopsis, autographed cards, character cards, quote cards and more. This article looks at cards 11-20 in the base set series of 90 cards.
For this analysis, I’m including the card images as well as screen caps from the respective episodes. I’ve included both the episode production name and the episode titles first bestowed by a German television station during a rebroadcast in the early 1990s.

The front of card 11 includes mourners at Laura Palmer’s funeral from Twin Peaks episode 1.003.

The back of card 11 Agents Cooper and Rosenfield discussing a complaint he wants to file against Sheriff Truman. The synopsis reads:
“Deputy Hawk tries to track down the one-armed man, while Albert Rosenfield gives Dale Cooper his report on Laura Palmer. Cooper refuses to sign Albert’s complaint regarding Sheriff Truman’s assault on him, and defends the people of Twin Peaks to his fellow agent. At Laura’s funeral, Bobby Briggs suddenly excoriates his fellow citizens and fights with James Hurley. Late at the Double R, Cooper orders pie and befriends Ed Hurley. Sheriff Truman brings Cooper into the loop regarding a drug running operation, then explains the Bookhouse Boys, a secret society formed to fight the evil in the woods around Twin Peaks.”

The front of card 12 shows Special Agent Dale Cooper, Big Ed Hurley and Deputy Hawk at the Bookhouse questioning Bernard Renault from Twin Peaks episode 1.003.

The back of card 12 shows Josie Packard smiling at Sheriff Truman in Twin Peaks episode 1.003. The synopsis reads:
“Cooper and the Bookhouse Boys confront Bernard Renault, who was captured that morning while brining an ounce of cocaine across the Canadian border. Bernard makes excuses and urges a skeptical Cooper to talk to his brother Jacques, a bartender at the Roadhouse. When Jacques gets wind of trouble, he contacts Leo Johnson, who has his own problems to deal with. Meanwhile, Josie Packard informs Sheriff Truman that Catherine Martell and Benjamin Horne are scheming against her. At the Great Northern Hotel, Leland Palmer breaks down on the dance floor; Cooper and Deputy Hawk take the distraught man home.”

Dr. Lawrence Jacoby is seen speaking with Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman on the front of card 13.

Deputy Andy Brennan is seen sketching an image of Bob as described by Sarah Palmer on the back of card 13. The synopsis reads:
“Sarah Palmer describes BOB for Deputy Andy’s sketch. The tormented woman also informs Sheriff Truman about visions involving a flashlight and Laura Palmer’s necklace. Cooper tries to question Dr. Jacoby about Laura, but the psychiatrist says Laura had well-guarded secrets. Cooper then takes a call from FBI Regional Bureau Chief Gordon Cole, who has new details concerning Laura’s autopsy. Later, Cooper, Andy, and Truman pay a visit to the one-armed man, Phillip Gerard, who Deputy Hawk has located at the Timber Falls Motel. As they approach Gerard’s door, Andy embarrasses himself by dropping his gun, which accidentally fires.”

The front of card 14 shows Mike the one-armed man speaking with Sheriff Truman and Agent Cooper at the Timber Falls Motel.

Shelly Johnson and Norma Jennings at the Double R Diner is found on the back of card 14. The synopsis reads:
“Under questioning, Philip Gerard insists he doesn’t recognize BOB from Deputy Andy’s sketch. The only Bob he says he knows is Bob Lydecker, a veterinarian. Cooper hakes a connection: the bird that attacked Laura Palmer on the night of her death was a patient of Lydecker’s office. Cooper promptly confiscates Lydeceker’s files. Afterward, to prevent another mishap like Deputy Andy’s dropped gun, Cooper and the sheriff’s team practice their firearm skills. Elsewhere, Norma Jennings discusses her future, as her husband Hank will soon be released from prison. Her situation resonates with Shelly Johnson, who has her own troubles with me.”

Card 15 shows Cooper, Truman and Hawk discussing a poker chip that Albert Rosenfield reconstructed.

The back of card 15 shows Donna Hayward and James Hurley looking for the buried necklace in the woods. The synopsis reads:
“Hoping to learn more about Laura Palmer’s murder, Audrey Horne asks her father for a job in cosmetics at the family-owned department store. At the sheriff’s station, Cooper learns that Laura’s stomach contained a poker chip with the letter ‘J,’ and the bites on her shoulders may be from Jacques Renault’s bird. The lawmen head to Jacques’ apartment and find Leo Johnson’s bloody shirt planted there by Bobby Briggs. Leo, meanwhile, meets Ben Horne by the river and shows him the dead body of Bernard Renault. Ben pays Leo to torch the mill. Not far away, James Hurley and Donna Hayward discover that the buried half of Laura’s necklace is gone.”

Agent Cooper speaking with Audrey Horne in the dining room at the Great Northern Hotel is found on the front of card 16.

The back of card 16 has an image of Deputy Andy Brennan speaking with Shelly Johnson in her home. The synopsis reads:
“Businessmen from Iceland, excited about Ben Horne’s Ghostwood Development Project, descend on the Great Northern Hotel and wake Cooper with their loud singing. Consequently, he’s in no mood to humor Audrey Horne when she approaches him at breakfast and offers to help with his case. Later that morning, the sheriff’s team concludes that Bernard Renault may have jumped bail, while Jacques may be dead – his blood was on Leo Johnson’ shirt. Meanwhile, Deputy Andy visits Shelly Johnson to ask her about Leo, Laura Palmer, and Jacques, while Bobby Briggs secretly listens in.”

Card 17 has an image of Deputy Hawk, Sheriff Truman and Agent Cooper examining a photo in Jacques Renault’s apartment.

On the back of card 17, Margaret Lanterman, the Log Lady, is seen speaking with the sheriff’s team in her home. The synopsis reads:
“Hank Jennings, free from jail at last, shows up at the Double R Diner, where his wife Norma gives him a job washing dishes. James Hurley tells Donna Hayward about his parent’ troubles and expresses his wish that they not keep secrets from each other. The two meet with Maddy Ferguson, Laura Palmer’s cousin, and ask her to find Laura’s secret hiding place. Meanwhile, Truman and Cooper connect Jacques to Laura through Flesh World magazine. They venture into the woods and eventually find the Log Lady, who tells them what her log witnessed: two men, two girls … and screaming.”

Card 18 has Agent Cooper holding a broken poker chip from One Eyed Jack’s found in Jacques Renault’s cabin.

Shelly Johnson points a gun at Leo Johnson on the back of card 18. The synopsis reads:
“Truman and Cooper find Waldo the myna bird and other clues inside a remote cabin. Back at the Great Northern Hotel, Ben Horne and Catherine Martell discuss their plot against Josie Packard, just before Leland Palmer distracts everyone with an emotional breakdown at the gala for the Icelanders. Ben steps away from the part and finds Josie in his office; the pair are going to double-cross Catherine. Later that night, Hank Jennings jumps Leo Johnson outside the Johnson house. Beaten and bloody, Leo goes inside and gets rough with his wife Shelly, who shoots him in self-defense. Wounded, Leo runs off.”

Agent Cooper, Sheriff Truman and Deputy Hawk discuss Waldo the myna bird at the sheriff’s station on the front of card 19.

The back of card 19 shows Donna Hayward and Maddy Ferguson at a dining room table listening to Laura Palmer’s audio tape.
The synopsis reads:
“Cooper sets the love-struck Audrey Horne straight about their relationship; they can be friends, but not lovers. He goes to the sheriff’s station and learns that Laura Palmer, Ronette Pulaski and Leo Johnson had all visited Jacques Renault’s apartment. After place his voice recorder near Waldo to capture anything the bird might say, Cooper suggests the Bookhouse Boys visit One Eyed Jack’s. Meanwhile, three others intent on solved Laura’s murder – Donna Hayward, James Hurley, and Maddy Ferguson – listen to a tape that Laura recorded for Dr. Jacoby. The trip make plans to steal another of Laura’s tapes from Jacoby’s office.”

On the front of card 20, Bookhouse Boys Sheriff Harry S. Truman, Big Ed Hurley and Special Agent Cooper meeting in the Great Northern Hotel to discuss visiting One Eyed Jacks during episode 1.006.

The back of card 20 shows Josie Packard and boyfriend Sheriff Truman having an intense conversation at Blue Pine Lodge from Twin Peaks episode 1.006. The synopsis reads:
“After Nadine Hurley learns her patent for silent drape runners was denied, her husband Ed offers encouragement. Meanwhile, Josie Packard is admits to Sheriff Truman, her lover, that she’s been spying on Ben Horne and Catherine Martell, who are plotting arson. Catherine’s plans suffer a setback when she discovers her second ledger book is missing. Elsewhere, Audrey Horne eavesdrops on a private meeting between her boss and another employee at her family’s department store. Audrey picks up clues regarding One Eyed Jack’s, including someone named ‘Black Rose,’ while Cooper prepares to visit One Eyed Jack’s with gambling money provided by the FBI.”
Note – there is an error in the text with the word “is” added to the sentence, “Meanwhile, Josie Packard is admits to Sheriff Truman, her lover, that she’s been spying on Ben Horne and Catherine Martell, who are plotting arson.”