Hillside with trees and fog

Real Twin Peaks 2025 – Recap from Day One on Feb. 21

Image collage from the first day of The Real Twin Peaks 2025

The Real Twin Peaks event returned to Snoqualmie Valley, Washington from Feb. 21-24, 2025. This celebration of the towns where David Lynch and Mark Frost’s filmed Twin Peaks and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me was filled with wonderful and strange activities for fans from around the world. Here is a look at the first day of the event on Friday, Feb. 21 which included panel discussions, a trivia game, a movie screening and ended with singing songs in the local Moose Lodge.


Exterior of Pressed on Main with Mount Si in the distance
The first day of the Real Twin Peaks 2025 event began on Pressed on Main located at 208 Main Ave S in North Bend for VIP check-in. This local small business officially opened on April 2, 2023 with healthy options such as cold pressed juice and Gluten-free food. Their mission is to provide Snoqualmie Valley with “fresh, nutrient dense food options that restore and fuel our bodies the way that nature intended.”

Preparing the VIP Bags
Photo by: Jessica Self, The Real Twin Peaks

Before the first day, an assembly line was created inside the to put together the VIP welcome bags. Jessica Self, Executive Director of the North Bend Downtown Foundation and social media master for The Real Twin Peaks event, shared this behind-the-scenes shot.

Desk and booth inside Pressed On Main With VIP Items
Photo by: Jessica Self, The Real Twin Peaks

The back table contained the “Let’s Rock” welcome bags as is where guests would check in.

Twin Peaks location trading cards

On the table, trading cards designed by Washington artist Todd Gamble were stacked together. These cards were originally released at the Real Twin Peaks 2023 event which I discussed in this article on Twin Peaks Blog.

Jessica, Laurie, Dorie and Kathryn in Pressed on Main
Photo by: Jessica Self, The Real Twin Peaks

Upon my arrival, Real Twin Peaks event staff Jessica, Laurie, Dorie and Kathryn were waiting to greet attendees.

Steven and Jessica at Pressed on Main
Photo by: Jessica Self, The Real Twin Peaks

What a delight to see Jessica again – I can’t believe an entire year has passed since the last Real Twin Peaks event.

Black t-shirt with event logo for VIP ticket holders

I picked up my pre-ordered event t-shirt created especially for VIP members. The black shirt contained the event poster found in shops throughout the Valley.

White board with items from the Real Twin Peaks VIP bag

The “Let’s Rock” welcome bag contained the following items – an event poster, a “Let’s Rock” black beanie, event guide postcards, a postcard for Pressed on Main, candy cigarettes, Real Twin Peaks stickers, a David Lynch sticker, a Welcome to Twin Peaks website sticker, and my favorite,  a can of Georgia coffee. The latter was included as a nod to the Japanese coffee commercials produced in the early 1990s starring Kyle MacLachlan.

Pressed Juice samples

The location also offered free samples of their pressed juice, which is something I had never tried before this trip. I chose the orange-colored beverage which is called “I’ve Got Sunshine.” It contains carrot, orange, pineapple, apple, lemon, and turmeric.

Pressed juice in jars

I loved the sample so much that I grabbed a full bottle from their freezer by the register. It was the perfect way to start a very long day.

Doughnuts on a tray

I also grabbed a delicious pink-frosted doughnut which I ate while on the way to the first event of the day – the David Lynch Memorial at Sno-Valley Eagles in Snoqualmie.


Exterio of the Twin Peaks Town Hall in Doe

The Sno-Valley Eagles #3529 in downtown Snoqualmie served as The Twin Peaks Town Hall, complete with a sign created by Mary Hütter. The Town Hall would remain open from 9:00 to 12:00 Noon and 6:00 p.m. to Midnight for event attendees.

Holding up the schedule outside the Twin Peaks Town Hall

This year, handy postcards with the event schedule were printed for attendees, a welcome addition to keep track of all activities. It was going to be a busy weekend!

Inside of Sno-Valley Eagles with booths and a Red Room

Inside the former car dealership turned Eagles headquarters, attendees found plenty of seats scattered throughout the room. The red booths are the same ones that were once located in the now demolished Fall City, Washington diner that served as the film location for Hap’s Diner.

Counter with stools

The large counter constructed for the 1992 film is also found inside Eagles. Thankfully it was saved since the entire location was demolished in July 2024.

Laura Palmer standee

Outside a red draped area stood two standees sold on the Paramount Shop including Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks: The Return.

The Fireman standee

And The Fireman shown in full color attire and not black and white as he appears in the series.

Red Room with two chairs, a Saturn Lamp, a Venus de Milo statue

Inside the red draped area, attendees would find a recreation of the Red Room with two chairs; a side table with coffee cup and Saturn lamp; and the “babe without the arms” – a replica Venus de Milo statue.

Image of David Lynch on a red-draped easel

Shortly after 9:00 a.m., a memorial for David Lynch was held featuring a 10-minute meditation session, memories shared by David Lynch and Twin Peaks fans and several musical performances by Richard Green (The Magician in Mulholland Drive and Director of I Know Catherine, The Log Lady) and Rebekah Del Rio (the Club Silencio Singer in Mulholland Drive and Roadhouse performer in Part 12 in Twin Peaks: The Return. You can see more photos and view the entire 47-minute memorial in this Twin Peaks Blog article.


People at a table talking with "Mulholland Drive" sign floating above them

I left the Twin Peaks Town Hall in Snoqualmie and drove to Friends & Co. Ice Cream shop in North Bend for the first free panel discussion of the day. From 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., John Thorne, author of “Devious Dreams – Reimagining David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive,” and David Lynch and Twin Peaks expert, Josh Eisenstadt were joined by Richard Green and Rebekah Del Rio for a deep dive into David Lynch’s award-winning 2001 film.

You can read more about the panel and see the entire discussion in this article on Twin Peaks Blog.


Josh Eisenstadt and Scott Ryan speaking and an image of Scott's book "Always Music in the Air"

We had an hour break until the second free discussion panel which started at 1:00 p.m. down the street at Boxley’s in North Bend. Titled, “Always Music in the Air – The Sounds of Twin Peaks,” author Scott Ryan, editor of “Blue Rose Magazine,” and Josh Eisenstadt, Director, Screenwriter and long-time Twin Peaks fan, spoke to a packed house. This dynamic duo discussed Ryan’s new book, unsung heroes Lori Eschler and Dean Hurley, and favorite tracks from David Lynch and Mark Frost’s wonderful and strange show.

Steven and Scott at Boxley's

The entire panel discussion and more photos from the event are found in this Twin Peaks Blog article. I’ve got a real indication this was one of my favorite panels, mostly because Scott wore his Dougie Jones lime green jacket.


Exterior of Hartwood Cafe in North Bend, Washington

After the second panel, I needed a pick me up and a quick bite to eat. John Thorne, his wife Laura and I stopped by Hartwood Cafe located next to Boxley’s. This coffee shop along North Bend Way was home to a panel discussion about film locations during Real Twin Peaks 2024.

Drink menu in Hartwood Cafe

The cafe offered themed David Lynch and Twin Peaks drinks during the event weekend with playful names like “Wild at Heart,” “Laura Palmer,” “Agent Cooper” and “The Owl.” I settled for Ginger Beer and a ham and cheese croissant.

Twin Peaks and Washington-themed sitckers

Local artist stickers themed to Twin Peaks and Washington state were offered for $5.00 near the register.

Steven, John and Laura inside Hartwood Cafe

John, Laura and I settled in at a round table to catch up. I’ve been following John’s work since 1993 when I first discovered “Wrapped in Plastic” at a local Barnes & Noble store in Upper Arlington, Ohio. For 75 issues, the late Craig Miller and John published this outstanding fan magazine which was a lifeline during the early days of my fandom.

Wrapped in Plastic, No 27 Letters section

John and Craig were so kind to publish letters I wrote to them, like this one about the film location for Mo’s Motors in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. I realized the location makes a cameo in the second season and felt compelled to tell Craig and John who published my letter in “Wrapped in Plastic,” No. 27.

Today, John has published several outstanding books about David Lynch’s works and Twin Peaks. His book, “Ominous Whoosh: A Wandering Mind Returns to Twin Peaks,” made me appreciate Twin Peaks: The Return even more. Josh Eisenstadt and John had a fascinating conversation about Part 8 at the Real Twin Peaks 2024 event.

Cover of "Wrapped in Plastic" No. 8 featuring Frank Silva

John brought a binder of photo prints from the 1990s which included production photos from filming at Kiana Lodge for the Twin Peaks pilot on March 17-18, 1989. He also had photos from the 1993 Twin Peaks Fan Festival, including this photo of Frank Silva (who played Killer BOB) taken by Craig Miller during the festival. It was incredible viewing the original photo of Silva who only attended that one fan event. He died two years later in 1995. There is great video of Frank speaking at the event wearing that plaid jacket.

I’m grateful for any time spent with John and Laura as his work has inspired me to do what I do today for this blog. I don’t think he realizes just how much I geek out chatting with him.


Inside of William Grassie Estates Wine tasting room with people sitting at tables

My conversation at Hartwood Cafe ran long so I joined the Ultimate Twin Peaks Trivia game a little late. This challenging yet fun activity was hosted for the 25th non-consecutive time by Josh Eisenstadt at Wm. Grassie Estates Wine Tasting Room from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. At one point during game play, the fire alarm for the entire complex was activated.

Congratulations to third place winner, Dan Gutierrez; second place winner, Kiara Walker; and first place winner, David Guarente (who is holding the golden Venus de Milo statue).

Josh will winners of the Ultimate Twin Peaks Trivia Contest
Photo by: Dan Gutierrez

You can read about this year’s contest in this Twin Peaks Blog article.


North Bend Theatre exterior
February 21, 2025

The fire alarm gave me a reason to exit the trivia game as I had to return to the North Bend Theatre for the screening of Paul Verhoeven’s 1987 film, Robocop. This one-screen theatre was home to the U.S. premiere of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me on August 16, 1992 during the 1992 Twin Peaks Fan Festival.

Stars and handprints
Instagram | North Bend Theatre, Jan. 13, 2025

The theatre recently installed the first two handprint and autographs from Sheryl Lee and Kyle MacLachlan for their Walk Of Fame. Ray Wise will be joining the pair following a special ceremony during this year’s event.

Robocop Ad on a movie screen

The director’s cut of this film was shown from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. which starred special guest Ray Wise as Leon Nash (“Don’t Touch Me Man”).


Following the film screening, Ray Wise entered the theatre to a roaring crowd. He made his way to the front near a stage where theatre owner Beth Burrows waited to assist him with the handprint ceremony.

Ray Wise signing his name while Beth Burrows looks on
Feb. 21, 2025

Ray was a great sport at signing his name in the cement block and then placing his oil covered hands to leave impressions.

Ray Wise smiling
Feb. 21, 2025

Mike McGraner spoke with Wise for about 35 minutes then opened the floor to questions. He spoke for more than an hour at the theatre.

Ray Wise and Mike McGraner
Feb. 21, 2025

At one point, Wise shared a moment of reflection about David Lynch following a fan’s question about his passing.

“He’s probably the most wonderful individual I’ve known in my life. He was a man of ideas,” Ray reflected on his friend. “His head was jammed full of ideas, a true Renaissance man. His whole day was dedicated to making those ideas real, and he made so many of them real in his life – in every area, art, music, film.”

Ray Wise Demonstrating a Business Hug
Feb. 21, 2025

One of my favorite moments was a fan asking Ray for a Business Hug, which was based on a Tim & Eric Awesome Show skit. He jumped at the chance making the moment one of the most entertaining things of the evening.

Ray Wise and Vinnie Guidera
Feb. 21, 2025

Following the conversation, a table and chairs were set up on stage where Ray signed autographs and posed for photos. Fellow Twin Peaks Blog author Vinnie Guidera and Wise recreated a memorable moment from the second season.

You can read about the conversation and see the entire discussion in this Twin Peaks Blog article.


Neon sign for the Moose Lodge at night
February 21, 2025

While the Conversation with Ray Wise was taking place at the North Bend Theatre, the nearby Moose Lodge 1666 in North Bend was hosting Leland’s Karaoke.

Crowd gathered to listen to karaoke

KJ Dwaine Wheeler played music while attendee performed favorite songs all evening until about midnight then they literally had to kick us out.

Ray Wise singing

After Ray finished his autograph session, he decided to crash the party to sing an a cappella version of “Mairzy Doats,” 1930s song he made famous during the second season opener of Twin Peaks.

You can see a story with video of Ray singing in this Twin Peaks Blog article.

By this time of the night (or is it morning), I was starved. So I stopped over with friends to the Pour House where I devoured taquitos. They were either the greatest thing I ever tasted or I was really that hungry. To think, this was only the first full day of the Real Twin Peaks.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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