January 20, 2021 is a special day. Not only did we have the Inauguration of a new President in the United States, we also get to celebrate the 75th birthday of a unifying force in the world, David Lynch. He was born on this day in 1946 and has made a tremendous impact in my life for the past 28 years. My first David Lynch film was Wild At Heart. After seeing it, I was hooked on his vision and style. Over the years, I’ve come to love his philosophy of “keeping your eye on the doughnut and not the hole,” and how he embraces “happy accidents” during his creative process. Wishing David many happy returns of the day as he embarks on another year around the sun. Here is my love letter to him for his milestone birthday.

I’ve been spending time rewatching the short films by Jason S. created for the Twin Peaks Season 3 set titled Impressions: A Journey Behind the Scenes of Twin Peaks. For someone who loves understanding the production process, these short films are a treat (their companion footage titled Behind the Curtain from the Twin Peaks – From Z to A set is also impressive).
If you haven’t seen his more recent works this past year during the pandemic on YouTube, check out David Lynch Theater. The daily weather reports and seeing him pick the daily numbers have become essential viewing every day.

It was such a treat to see Mr. Lynch and his dynamic crew and actors in action creating the show that I adore. Here are several images that I captured from that footage. I presented them in black and white as I think they best capture the emotion and pure delight that Lynch has while in the creative zone.

His delight at seeing Frank Truman’s computer monitor that moves made me smile.

In fact, I smiled this much.

I loved seeing these candid shots of David smiling in footage captured by Jason S. They seemed so authentic and relatable. Like I wanted to have a cup of damn fine coffee with him.

When he is working with his actors, he is solely focused on them. He has a vision which he easily paints with his direction and words. As a result, performances are beyond incredible.

Jason S. even captured moment of Lynch lost in thought while the crew set up for additional takes.

Just watch when he enters the Great Northern Hotel set or when he gives direction to Joy Nash (Señorita Dido) when filming Part 8. Pure happiness.

He is expressive with his hands yet remains attentive and listens.

He demonstrates what he seeks and his actors gladly follow.

So thank you David Lynch for sharing with the world your passion. You have brought a smile to my face so often and have connected me with some outstanding individuals around the world who have become lifelong friends.
I close this article with David Lynch in “Curtains Up,” a short film by Stella McCartney. I first saw this at the Festival of Disruption 2018 in Brooklyn, New York. His narration paired with the visuals are mesmerizing, just like everything he does.