And now, an ending. Where there was once one piece of art, there are now more than 30. On this final day of the month-long 30th anniversary celebration of Twin Peaks on Society6, Requiescat (also know as Italian artist Giorgio Deponti) returns with new artwork inspired by a very important key at The Great Northern Hotel.
The Twin Peaks X Society6 collection is no longer available as of 2024. This article is an archive of the artwork featured in this collection released in 2020 for the 30th anniversary of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s wonderful and strange series.

Titled “The Great Northern Hotel,” Requiescat (also know as Italian artist Giorgio Deponti) drew the key to Dale Cooper’s room at the Northern, Room 315.

The Requiescat project focuses on “graphic illustrations and animations made of stars, space, uncommon objects and glitchy patterns, all in black and white.” This key is a perfect fit!

While the key featured in today’s art is from Season 3, the original Room 315 key looks slightly different. It’s best seen in Episode 1007 just before Cooper reenters his room for the night.

The room key plays an important part in Season 3 on Showtime. We see it in Part 5, when Jade mails the key to Twin Peaks, Washington from a Las Vegas car wash.

It also appears in Part 12 when Ben Horne gives the key to Sheriff Frank Truman.

Finally, Cooper unlocks a door using the room key in Part 17.
Requiescat’s artwork is was available as a print, sticker, tote bag and wall mural. These items are no longer available.

Italian freelance, graphic designer Giorgio Deponti created the Requiescat project which focuses on “graphic illustrations and animations made of stars, space, uncommon objects and glitchy patterns, all in black and white.”
Follow Requiescat on Instagram (@requiescat_rqsct and @_oigroig) or check out his work on his portfolio website.
Here is the final countdown image with all 30 designs. Today is a great day to give yourself a present, and check out Society6’s website for Twin Peaks.
from victorian bruch 1977 USE unitet states of EUROPA germany frankfurt am main. street im mainfeld .3 appartment 1. room 5. 315. really not a joke,i watch at my scholltime whith maybe15 jears old, twin peaks in television, and i think about the waiting redromm what is in 25 jears,and exactly 25 jears i watch the old tv sries twin peaks,and i think some things came to reality in my live after 25 jears,maybe the future ise write before in oures multiverse on more i lok for the next 25 jears. 25 2 plus 5 is seven 7,a nice book too from mark frost and david lynch, i reded irst 1998 and last jears 2019 to now again….it plaxs in old london and is a verry good book for people like us twinpeaks fans,the titel is SEVEN:::…my birthday is 12.7.77 1977. and thats why i read it when the bok came 1993 out. its extrem stuff,every twin peaks must read it seven..