Twin Peaks X Society6 – Owl Petroglyph in Curtain Red

With only one more day in the month long 30th Anniversary celebration of Twin Peaks on Society6, we return to a familiar favorite artist, west Seattle-based Kathryn Sich from Yesterday Collection. You may recall her previously featured works in June such as the Double R Diner Toss design. Today’s design includes a different coloration of her art from earlier this month.


The Twin Peaks X Society6 collection is no longer available as of 2024. This article is an archive of the artwork featured in this collection released in 2020 for the 30th anniversary of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s wonderful and strange series.


Twin Peaks X Society6 - Owl Petroglyph in Curtain Red
Artwork by Yesterday Collection

Titled “Owl Petroglyph in Curtain Red,” Yesterday Collection offers a red hued version of her design from June 6.

Twin Peaks X Society6 - Owl Petroglyph
Artwork by Yesterday Collection

This repeating pattern design is pretty much a direct lift from the Owl Cave symbol seen in the episode.

Owl Cave
Episode 2.018

The Owl Cave symbol was hidden behind this drawing on the cave wall.

Windom Earle in Owl Cave
Episode 2.019

It’s Windom Earle who discovers how to unlock the buried map. He turns the stone with the symbol to make the walls come crashing down.


Twin Peaks X Society6 - Owl Petroglyph in Curtain Red

Similar to her previous release, the Owl Cave Petroglyph artwork was found on a smorgasbord of items.

Twin Peaks X Society6 - Owl Petroglyph in Curtain Red

Twin Peaks X Society6 - Owl Petroglyph in Curtain Red

I’d still chose the fanny pack as it would mostly help me in the field when shooting photos. Though the floor pillow would make a nice addition to the home.

Twin Peaks X Society6 - Owl Petroglyph in Curtain Red

I’m particularly drawn to the All Over Graphic Tee. But if I had a nickel for every Twin Peaks t-shirt I owned, I’d be dead.


Textile by Yesterday Collection

I also found this print available as fabric from her Spoonflower shop.

Artwork by Yesterday Collection

The Owl Cave Petroglyph is just one of several Twin Peaks-inspired designs she has available as fabric. I particularly love the Great Northern Hotel pattern as I immediately recognized the design.


Yesterday Collection

A West Seattle-based textile designer with a BA in Fashion Design, Kathryn Sich has been trained in the fine arts since childhood, and has a broad amount of experience in all aspects of art and design.  She began her higher education as a Fibers major at The Maryland Institute College of Art before earning a degree in Fashion Design from Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia.

In addition to fashion, Kathryn has also always enjoyed packaging design, interior design, and furniture design/carpentry.  Her main area of interest is textiles, feeling it is the perfect marriage of fashion and interiors.  She loves designing conversation-worthy fabrics for both the home and the wardrobe.  While her style is quite eclectic, her work is most often inspired by Postmodern art and the Memphis Milano design movement of the 1980’s.

You can follow her work on Instagram (@Yesterday.Collection)


In June 2020, SHOWTIME® and Society6 are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the cult-favorite series with a special collection of art inspired by the dark and mysterious world created by Mark Frost and David Lynch. Society6 released one design daily for 30 days.

Twin Peaks X Society6


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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