I pretty much love every scene with Major Garland Briggs (played by Don Davis). He delivers some of the most memorable Twin Peaks quotes from the first two seasons. For this Quotable Peaks article, I examine a brief exchange in Episode 2.020 between Windom Earle (played by Kenneth Welsh) and a drugged-up Major Briggs.

Windom Earle captured Briggs during a surprise attack in the woods. Windom has strung him up at his cabin and pumped him full of drugs, hoping to elicit classified information about the Black Lodge.
“What do you fear most in the world?” asks Windom.

Stumbling and slurring his words, Major Garland Briggs replies, “The possibility that love is not enough.”

“Garland, please. I shall weep,” Windom mockingly laughs.
The first draft of Episode 2.020 was co-authored by Harley Peyton and Robert Engles on January 30, 1991.
There were multiple drafts published throughout February 1991 as indicated below. The colors next to the date indicate the color of the highly confidential script pages.
- Revised/General Distribution: February 5, 1991
- Revised Scene #’s: February 5, 1991 – Blue
- Revised: February 8, 1991 – Pink
- Revised: February 11, 1991 – Green
- Revised: February 11, 1991 – Yellow
- Revised: February 15, 1991 – Cherry
- Revised: March 12, 1991 – Goldenrod – Reshoot of Scene #8
While I’m uncertain if Harley or Robert wrote Briggs and Earle’s exchange in this scene, I have to agree with the Major’s sentiment.
As I get older, I wonder if love is not enough, especially at a time when (to paraphrase a famous song writing duo) the world needs “love, sweet love.”