Twin Peaks Day 2025 T-Shirt from Fright Rags

Agent Cooper holding a tape recorder and a t-shirt with Agent Cooper

While I was out playing at the Real Twin Peaks in Snoqualmie Valley, Washington on February 24, 2025, Fright Rags released a specially designed t-shirt celebrating Twin Peaks Day. This is the day that Special Agent Dale Cooper drives into the small Pacific Northwest town to investigate the murder of Laura Palmer. This year’s design features Kyle MacLachlan’s iconic character holding a tape recorder.



Ben Scrivens founded Fright-Rags more than 22 years ago in Rochester, New York. A horror fan since first seeing John Carpenter’s Halloween  at the age of four, Ben discovered companies producing quality, horror-related apparel didn’t exist in the early 2000s. Being a graphic designer by trade, he began posting designs on a horror forum run by Justin Marby. The response was overwelmingly positive, which lead him to producing his first run of shirts for about $600. The first order arrived on September 2, 2003, and the rest is history. Ben said his company is focused “on making the most kick-ass t-shirts, and backing them with the best possible service.”

Image collage of Twin Peaks Themed products

On June 24, 2020, Fright Rags released their first officially licensed Twin Peaks collection. A second way was released a few months later for Twin Peaks Day on February 24, 2021. I own all items from both collections and can say the shirts are well-designed and the products are top notch. The lounge pants are extremely comfortable and I still wear them nearly five years later.


Instagram teasuer for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt
Instagram | Fright Rags, Feb. 10, 2025

On February 10, 2025, Fright Rags teased a new Twin Peaks Day release with an image of Special Agent Dale Cooper driving into the town while speaking into his hand-held tape recorder.

Instagram for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt
Instagram | Fright Rags, Feb. 19, 2025

Nine days later, the company shared a first-look at the Twin Peaks Day shirt featuring a publicity image of Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) holding a tape recorder. The announced a special, one-day only price for the shirt on February 24.

“We’re dropping a brand new officially licensed Agent Cooper design for TWIN PEAKS day this Monday for only $24! This new design launches at 11:30am ET Monday Feb 24 and will be available in both our standard super-soft shirt and for the first time, COMFORT COLORS! For Twin Peaks Day, the standard shirts will be specially priced at only $24/ea (2X-5X extra). The Comfort Colors tees will start at $25/ea (2X-4X extra). Note: Sale price ends Monday Feb 24 at 11:59pm ET.

Agent Dale Cooper holding a tape recorder
The Mauve Zone

This publicity image was originally captured during the show’s run on ABC Television. Fellow Twin Peaks Blog author Vinnie Guidera discussed Cooper’s tape recorders seen throughout the show. In this image, he is holding a Panasonic RN-105 which was produced in 1988. It’s the same recorder he uses in the pilot episode when driving into town during the pilot.

Instagram for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt
Instagram | Fright Rags, Feb. 23, 2025

Fright Rags added another Instagram post about the Twin Peaks Day shirt on February 23. The Comfort Colors option mentioned is a brand-name of shirt that offers a thicker, slightly distressed cut.

Instagram for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt
Instagram | Fright Rags, Feb. 24, 2025

Two Instagram posts were made on February 24. The first advertised the special $24 price for February 24, 2025 only.

Instagram for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt
Instagram | Fright Rags, Feb. 24, 2025

The second post contained only an image of Special Agent Dale Cooper.

Facebook post for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt
Facebook | Fright Rags, Feb. 24, 2025

They shared a similar image on their official Facebook page on February 24, 2025.

Email from Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt
Email | Fright Rags, Feb. 24, 2025

The company also sent a day-of email to subscribers advertising the $24 Today Only Shirt. You can sign up for text messages for alerts about new designs by visiting Fright Rags’ website.


The good news is the shirts are still available (as of March 2, 2025) as they are a pre-order item. They will be shipped beginning March 21.

Fright Rags shirts featuring Twin Peaks

A quick search of “Twin Peaks” reveals the three Twin Peaks Day shirts, two print-on-demand shirts from their June 2020 collection and a special Tier 2 shirt that is only available to people who have reached a certain threshold in purchases.

Product Page for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper holding a tape recorder t-shirt

The 11:30 AM, February 24 shirt is printed on super soft 4.5 oz 100% pre-shrunk ringspun cotton.

Product Page for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper holding a tape recorder t-shirt

The 11:30 AM, February 24 – Comfort Colors shirt is printed on Heavyweight 6.1oz 100% ringspun cotton shirts with a relaxed fit, seamless body. The shirt is garment dyed with a vintage, lived in feel.

Product Page for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper holding a tape recorder t-shirt

A women’s cut of the 11:30 AM, February 24 shirt is also available. It’s also printed on super soft 4.5 oz 100% pre-shrunk ringspun cotton.

Models wearing Agent Cooper holding a tape recorder t-shirts

This is how the mens and women’s cuts appear on models.

Agent Cooper holding a tape recorder t-shirt

This is a comparison of all three designs being offered for Twin Peaks Day in February 2025.

Television Advertisement for Twin Peaks T-Shirt

The Tier 2 shirt is a recreation of an advertisement published in Nov. 1990 for the David Lynch-directed episode 2.007.

Product Page for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt

The company reintroduced two print-on-demand options from their 2020 collection. The first is titled “The Agent Cooper Files” and features pulp novel cover-inspired artwork by Yannick Bouchard. It’s offered in sizes Small to 2X-Large and are printed on a black, super soft 4.3oz 100% pre-shrunk ringspun cotton shirt. Sizes 3X to 5X-Large are printed on a black, super soft 4.5oz 100% pre-shrunk ringspun cotton shirt.

Product Page for Fright Rags with Agent Cooper t-shirt

The second on-demand shirt is titled “Damn Fine Coffee” and features artwork by Christopher Lovell (@lovellart). It’s printed using the same details listed for the other on-demand shirt.

I know I don’t need another t-shirt but I couldn’t resist purchasing the Twin Peaks Day 2025 shirts. It’s a thrill seeing new products from this wonderful and strange show I adore.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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