It’s such a thrill discovering another Missing Piece from David Lynch’s 1992 masterpiece, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Thanks to an Instagram post from Executive Producer Sabrina Sutherland, we now know what Sarah Palmer wore during a scene they filmed at the Double R Diner.

On October 2, 2024, Sabrina posted a continuity Polaroid photo of Sarah Palmer (played by Grace Zabriskie) outside the Double R Diner. The notes on this photo say, “Sc. 156, Sarah Palmer, Ring & Watch.” Her ring and watch are circled in the photo. This image contains a number of clues of where this would have appeared in the script.
According to the script by David Lynch and Bob Engles from August 8, 1991, scene 156 would have been shot outside the Double R. Diner with Sarah Palmer asking Leland and Laura where they had been.

Father and daughter had been parked outside Mo’s Motor in the scene prior where Leland Palmer had a flashback about Teresa Banks.

The 2014 release of The Missing Pieces contained the scene of Teresa Banks calling Leland Palmer from a phone booth outside the Red Diamond City Motel. This call took place after Banks telephoned Jacques Renault to ask what Laura’s father looked like. The dialogue is exactly as scripted above.

Leland realizes he’s been caught and the camera zooms in on his face. Look carefully and you’ll notice Ray Wise clinching his jaw.
The scene would have then cut to Leland and Laura pulling up to the Double R Diner where Sarah was waiting.

Sarah appears to be wearing a similar jacket seen earlier in The Missing Pieces when she returns home with groceries. We don’t get a great look at the jacket buttons but the collar seems similar.
The action would have cut to scene 157 which was omitted in the script.

Instead, the scene cuts to a close up of a clock changing from 7:59 to 8:00 p.m. in Laura Palmer’s bedroom (Scene #158). The time is specifically mentioned in the script.
I can’t thank Sabrina enough for continuing to give us a behind-the-scenes look at my favorite Lynch film. More than 30 years later, there are still missing pieces to discover and I love it!