Roadhouse and Bookhouse under cloud-filled sky

Trip Report – Sheryl Lee at North Bend Theatre – August 16, 2024

Sheryl Lee outside theatre

On August 16-17, 2024, the North Bend Theatre in North Bend, Washington held three screenings of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me with special guest Sheryl Lee. This is the first of three trip reports from the screenings held in the Real Twin Peaks of Snoqualmie Valley.


Exterior of North Bend Theatre

I arrived in North Bend, Washington on Friday morning after spending the night near SeaTac so I could capture nighttime shots of the Calhoun Memorial Hospital location. I immediately visited the historic North Bend Theatre to capture the marquee. What a delight to see all three shows were sold out!

Exterior of North Bend Theatre marquee
August 16, 2024

On the right side of the marquee, the theatre posted, “Welcome Home Laura Palmer.

Exterior of North Bend Theatre marquee with Mount Si in the distance
August 16, 2024

The left side marquee read, “We are honored to welcome Sheryl Lee.”

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Poster
August 16, 2024

A theatrical poster for Lynch’s 1992 film was displayed on the right side of the theatre. This is the U.S. version of the poster  which featured Laura Palmer from the Red Diamond City Motel scene in half a burning heart necklace.

Say No to Ghostwood sign
August 16, 2024

I loved seeing the “Say No To Ghostwood” meeting sign in the ticket window which is a recreated poster seen in the first two seasons of the show.

Two stars in cement
August 16, 2024

Just below the ticket window, the theatre displayed two stars that would soon be added to their “Walk of Fame.” One star was for Kyle MacLachlan who visited the theatre during the Real Twin Peaks event on February 24, 2024. The other was Sheryl’s star.  Their handprints and signatures in cement will be placed about the stars (look for the chalk drawn “X”).

Dan and Steven outside North Bend Theatre
August 16, 2024

While photographing the theatre from across the street, I ran into Dan Gutierrez from New Mexico. We first met in February 2024 during the Real Twin Peaks event where he dressed up like the Little Man From Another Place for the costume contest. Dan hosts a show called “New Mexico Rising!” which airs on a CBS affiliate in Albuquerque and across the state.

Dan captured some footage throughout the event that will be featured in a future broadcast in his 100th episode. Check him out on YouTube.

Steven standing in front of Mount Si with camera gear
Photo by: Jill Watson, August 16, 2024

I had been looking forward to this visit since June. Bookhouse Gal Jill Watson captured this shot with me and my camera gear with Mount Si in the distance.

Steven standing in front of North Bend Theatre with camera gear
August 16, 2024

I was ready to go for what will become one of my favorite Twin Peaks events today.


Exterior of North Bend Theatre
August 16, 2024

The first screening of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me was held at 7:00 p.m. on Friday. Fans started lining up about 5:00 p.m. With time to kill, I grabbed a beer at Volition Brewing Co. nearby by fellow Twin Peaks Blog author Vinnie Guidera and his gal Christin.

Beth Burrows welcoming guests to the North Bend Theatre
August 16, 2024

Beth Burrows, owner of the North Bend Theatre, greeted Twin Peaks fans around 5:30 p.m.

Beth checking in Jeff for screening
August 16, 2024

Jeff Powell was the first in line. He presented his QR code which Beth scanned and gave him with a physical ticket in return.

Ticket to North Bend Theatre

The commemorative ticket featured Sheryl Lee from the scene when she enters the Roadhouse in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me paired with the theatre’s beautiful neon marquee.

guests checking into theatre
August 16, 2024

More early bird folks checked into the theatre.

Beth Burrows and daughter outside theatre
August 16, 2024

Beth was joined by her daughter Maggie as they welcomed fans from all over the world.

Two people checking into theatre
August 16, 2024

People also dressed up like this nod to Lil’ the dancer from the private Portland airport complete with blue rose.

Guests checking into theatre
August 16, 2024

One fan was excited to show off her incredible Twin Peaks-themed nail artwork.

Twin Peaks themed nail artwork
August 16, 2024

Wow! Those are impressive and perfectly themed for the evening’s event.

Karl Reinsch with Mount Si in distance
August 16, 2024

Around 6:45, the unofficial Mayor of Twin Peaks, Karl Reinsch, was interviewed outside the theatre about being a Twin Peaks fan. Karl has been instrumental in preserving the history of Snoqualmie Valley as related to the show. In addition, he’s helped draft official proclamations for “Twin Peaks Day” each February for the past several years.

Vinnie, Christin and Britini
August 16, 2024

Once inside, Britni Larson, manager of North Bend Theatre, presented attendees with a commemorative postcard. Vinnie and Christin show off their newly acquired ephemera.

Post card with Sheryl Lee and North Bend Theatre

The small postcard featured a similar image found on the theatre ticket.

Steven with Karl and Jeff
August 16, 2024

I had to grab a selfie with Mayor Reinsch and Jeff, two Bookhouse Boys I’m glad to know.

Staff of North Bend Theatre
August 16, 2024

The North Bend Theatre staff were top notch – they kept the buttered popcorn popping the entire time!

Drink specials
August 16, 2024

The theatre offered drink specials such as the “Fire Walk with Me Mimosa” and Ghostwood Kolsch.

Vampire Beach Party beer from Volition Brewing
August 16, 2024

I chose the Vampire Beach Party from Volition Brewing which included a fun story about the beer. It was light and refreshing for a late summer day.

Three women in lobby of North Bend Theatre
August 16, 2024

Other attendees chose glasses of Red Blend Chardonnay – an excellent choice.


Poster for screening
August 16, 2024

As part of these special screenings, Twin Peaks fan @Mr. Video created a poster featuring the North Bend Theatre.

Theatre screen
August 16, 2024

A few weeks ago, he tagged me on the Twin Peaks Blog Instagram account with this awesome image. I tagged in North Bend Theatre and thankfully, they decided to release the poster at the event.

Steven and Mr. Video
August 16, 2024

I was so happy to meet in the lobby. He said he missed a screening in California but was thrilled to find the screening in North Bend.

Sheryl Lee and Mr. Video
August 16, 2024

The best part was capturing his meeting with Sheryl Lee later in the night. Check out his other work on Instagram.


View of theatre and giant screen
August 16, 2024

The North Bend Theatre was originally opened on April 9, 1941 by Jay Tew and cost $12,000 to build with 400 seats. Today, the 4,000-square-foot has 265 seats and has played host to not only first-run films but also plenty of community events, film festivals, and more. Seating was on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Red Room chair from Twin Peaks: The Return
August 16, 2024

While waiting for the film to start, fans could see Special Agent Dale Cooper’s Red Room chair from Twin Peaks: The Return courtesy of fellow Twin Peaks Blog author and prop collector Jason Mattson. The chair had been on display at the Snoqualmie Valley Historical Museum since February 2024. The end table was provided by Karl Reinsch.

Beth Burrows introducing the film.
August 16, 2024

A few minutes after 7:00 p.m., Beth Burrows welcomed all of the fans gathered for the show. Behind her was an image of Laura Palmer’s homecoming portrait on an end table at the Palmer House. She thanked everyone for attending the screening and explained how the night would proceed. There was also a brief montage of clips from Sheryl Lee’s other theatre and film roles such as Mother NightCafé SocietyBackbeat and more.

Title card for Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
August 16, 2024

There is no greater joy than seeing the opening credits roll for Lynch’s film in the theatre where it premiered 32 years ago on August 16. Back then, the film was attended by David Lynch and several cast members including Sheryl Lee, Moira Kelly, Catherine Coulson, Al Strobel, Ray Wise and Jonathan Leppell.

Inside of movie theatre
August 16, 2024

I could have watched the Deer Meadow sequence over and over again. This screening used the 4K version of the film, not the original 35mm print (thought it would be a dream to see it like that one day).

Sunset and Mount Si
August 16, 2024

Outside, the sun was setting as the last seven days of Laura Palmer were playing on the silver screen. I loved how Mount Si looked as the sky turned from blue to purple.


Sheryl Lee outside the theatre
August 16, 2024

As the film was coming to an end, Sheryl Lee arrived at the theatre. She loved seeing the gorgeous neon marquee and asked to take some photos with it. Twenty-year old Steven who first visited Snoqualmie Valley in August 1996 would have never believed this. We grabbed a shot with her and the “Welcome Home Laura Palmer” marquee.

Mike McGraner and Sheryl Lee outside the theatre
August 16, 2024

Her theatrical booking agent Mike McGraner joined her for an image. You may recall I first met Mike at Studio 35 in Columbus, Ohio in July 2019 when he held a screening of Lynch’s 1992 film followed by a conversation with Ray Wise and Sheryl Lee.

Beth Burrows and Sheryl Lee outside the theatre
August 16, 2024

Beth also posed for a shot with Sheryl Lee by her beloved hometown theatre.

Sheryl Lee outside the theatre
August 16, 2024

I also grabbed a shot with Sheryl Lee on the other side of the marquee.

Owls, photo of Laura and Lady Vanishes poster in the ticket booth
August 16, 2024

In the ticket booth behind her, Sheryl noticed the framed homecoming queen portrait was perfectly positioned in front of a movie poster for The Lady Vanishes. The framed portrait was flanked by two owls and adorned with a blue rose.

Sheryl Lee outside the theatre looking at Kyle MacLachlan's handprints
August 16, 2024

Cheryl also took a moment with Kyle MacLachlan’s handprints captured on February 24 this year. She placed her hands in his handprints. The cement block where she would soon leave an impression is seen just above Kyle’s prints.

Sheryl Lee and Mike watching the screen from the crying box
August 16, 2024

Following the brief photo session, Sheryl and Mike headed up to the “crying room” above the theatre. This was the spot where parent’s would have taken their crying children when the theatre first opened. We caught the end of the film. It was a surreal moment watching Laura Palmer on screen in the Red Room with Dale Cooper standing nearby and then looking over to see Sheryl Lee standing only four feet away. With the angelic “Voice of Love” filling the theatre and flashes of blue light bounces across Laura’s face, I’ll admit it was a moment I’ll never forget.

When the film concluded, the theatre screened a special eight-minute documentary about the 1992 Twin Peaks Fan Festival created by Dugpa. It contained clips, images and interviews about that first event. It was a joy seeing Travis Black and David Milner on screen – their stories were priceless (that’s a whole other article waiting to happen).


Once the short documentary concluded, Beth introduced Sheryl to the audience filled with Twin Peaks fans. Next on the agenda was a handprint ceremony.

Beth Burrows placing oil on Sheryl Lee's hands
August 16, 2024

Beth added oil to Sheryl Lee’s hands to ensure the cement wouldn’t stick to her skin.

Sheryl Lee pressing hands into cement
August 16, 2024

With hands like butterflies, Sheryl asked where she should place her handprints. The option was basically anywhere she wanted.

Sheryl Lee pressing hands into cement
August 16, 2024

She pressed her hands firmly in the cement. Look carefully and you’ll spot a beautiful bracelet designed by Michael Horse who played Tommy “The Hawk” Hill in Twin Peaks.

Sheryl Lee holding up hands
August 16, 2024

After making the impressions, it was time for Sheryl to “WASH HER HANDS!”

Sheryl Lee signing her name in cement
August 16, 2024

Using a pen, she signed the cement with expert penmanship.

Sheryl Lee's handprint and signature in cement
August 16, 2024

Here is the final handprint and autograph in cement that will be placed outside the theatre.

Star with Sheryl Lee's name
August 16, 2024

For her visit, Beth had a special Hollywood-like “Sheryl Lee” star framed as a gift for the Twin Peaks actress.


Aerial view of packed theatre with Sheryl Lee on stage
August 16, 2024

While the handprint and autograph ceremony was taking place, the North Bend Theatre staff moved Jason Mattson’s screen-used Red Room chair on stage. This would be the chair where Sheryl Lee sat and answered questions for approximately 45-minutes.

Here is the first conversation with Sheryl Lee from the Twin Peaks Blog YouTube channel.

Sheryl Lee on stage
August 16, 2024

The conversation started about 9:45 p.m. with the first question being asked about music on set during filming.

“My memory was there was always music present,” explained Sheryl. “Even if there were takes where the music wasn’t as loud or as present, it was so present by that point that it was in the cells of our being in a really supportive way creatively. You know that music, the way that David works with music and Angelo [Badalamenti], the music is such a part of it.”

Sheryl Lee on stage
August 16, 2024

Another fan asked about how Sheryl prepared for the part of Laura Palmer.

“I did have time to do research and David [Lynch] and I had a lot of creative conversations before we started filming and before I saw the script,” continued Sheryl. “So I had a lot of entry time and kind of steeping in it. I was still very, very young and very inexperienced so I didn’t understand necessarily psychologically and emotionally and mentally how to let it go … Now films like this would have a therapist on set. I’m serious and it’s not just for the actors but for the crew members who are watching these scenes, everyone. So many of us have been through trauma and so when you are working with really delicate material like this, it’s now such a beautiful thing the film industry has more support and structure for everyone in place.”

Sheryl Lee on stage
August 16, 2024

The entire conversation with Sheryl seemed to pass so quickly. I was fascinated by her answers and insightful questions from fans.

Twin Peaks fan asking a question
August 16, 2024

There was no particular line for question – people just raised their hands and Mike called on attendees throughout the room.

Sheryl Lee on stage with a microphone
August 16, 2024

Sheryl’s presence lit up the stage with open and entertaining responses.

Sheryl Lee on stage
August 16, 2024

She talked about her personal experiences as an actress and human, trying to better understand healing and how to create support and structures in our society, schools, families, hospitals and other places for listening and healing.

Sheryl Lee on stage with a microphone
August 16, 2024

She shared how David Lynch always calls her by her first and last name – Sheryl Lee (I can him echoing in my head).

Jeff Powell in theatre seat
August 16, 2024

She continued by saying Lynch is one of the most “present, in the moment” people that she’s ever met in her life. That kind of presence leads to so many discoveries that David notices that others may not see.

Sheryl was also really in awe of what David did with The Missing Pieces.

“It was a film,” she exclaimed. “It wasn’t just scenes that weren’t there. It was it’s own piece. And because I love the other actors so much and I’m such a fan of them, that I got to see all this work of theirs that I hadn’t seen before. That was really, really a gift.”

This was something that we noticed during a four-hour dissection of The Missing Pieces on the same stage earlier this year in February. Long-time Twin Peaks fan and acclaimed author John Thorne spoke about this very thing that Sheryl reiterated during this first conversation – the extended and deleted scenes were actually a film assembled by Lynch.

Sheryl Lee on stage with a microphone
August 16, 2024

There were so many more insights and questions that I invite you to watch the entire conversation on YouTube.


Mayor Miller Taking photo
August 16, 2024

Once the conversation wrapped up, North Bend Mayor and fellow photographer Mary Miller took a group shot with Sheryl Lee and all those who attended the 7:00 p.m. showing.

Sheryl Lee, Mayor Mary Miller and Audience
August 16, 2024

She then asked me to take a photo with everyone. How cool is it that the Mayor is a Twin Peaks fan?

Mayor Miller, Sheryl Lee, Karl Reinsch and audience
August 16, 2024

One more shot with Mayor Miller, Sheryl Lee and Karl Reinsch along with a “whole damn town” of awesome people.


Mike at photo table
August 16, 2024

With group photos completed, attendees could purchase one of four photos from Twin Peaks or having something signed that they brought. They could also get a photo for an additional charge.

Jeff Powell meeting Sheryl Lee
August 16, 2024

Sheryl then met with fans until 2:30 a.m. Not kidding – I couldn’t believe it! I’ve never seen anything like it. The care, compassion and time she spent with every single people was incredible.

Sheryl Lee signing log
August 16, 2024

Even at 2:02 a.m., she was still signing unique things like this cut piece of wood.


Thank you to Sheryl Lee, Mike McGraner, Steve Lange, Beth and Kevin Burrows, Britni Larson, the entire staff of North Bend Theatre and the many fans who traveled near and far to make this a memorable night. Here are images of a few of them.


Flickr Gallery

See even more event photo from the August 16, 2024 screening at North Bend Theatre in this Flickr Gallery.


  • Steven Miller

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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