Hillside with trees and fog

Twin Peaks Trading Cards – The Hollywood Show Promo Set

From October 9-11, 2010, Twin Peaks cast and crew gathered for a reunion at The Hollywood Show in Burbank, California. One crew member in attendance was Paula K. Shimatsu-U, who served as the Unit Publicist for Lynch/Frost Productions, assistant to Mark Frost and on-set photographer for the first two seasons of the show. For this event, she produced a series of 18 trading cards featuring her still photography and advertised her now defunct website PurelyPaula.com.


Dana Ashbrook, Michael Ontkean and Paula K. Shimatsu-U

According to her defunct website, Paula is a a third generation native of Los Angeles, California who worked from an early age in film, television and on the stage with Cary Grant, Anne Bancroft, Ricardo Montalbán, Florence Henderson, Elvis Presley and many other legendary Hollywood stars.

She graduated from University of California – Berkeley where she worked at numerous concerts on campus, as well as for American impresario and rock concert promoter Bill Graham. Paula returned to Los Angeles after working as a stewardess for Pan American Airways to work as senior case worker for Congressman Henry A. Waxman, who was a U.S. representative from California from 1975 to 2015.

Advertisement for a photo studio
The Los Angeles Times, December 16, 1929

She is the granddaughter of the first Japanese photographer in Los Angeles, Tokiji Utsushigawa. The “U” at the end of her name stands for Utsushigawa, her mother’s maiden name. It is what is registered on her birth certificate, so it is her legal last name. To her knowledge, no one else uses it. She likes to give her maternal grandfather the respect to which he is overdue. He was the first Japanese photographer in Los Angeles, and had to move his studio because they were planning to build LA City Hall at that site.

I found an advertisement for her grandfather’s studio once located at 244 1/2 East 1st Street, which appears to be in the area known today as Little Tokyo in downtown Los Angeles. The ad was published on December 16, 1929 in The Los Angeles Times.

Black and White image of Rear Admiral Yoshiro
The Los Angeles Times, December 7, 1910

I also found this photo taken by Utsushigawa for The Los Angeles Times and published on December 7, 1910.

City Market of Los Angeles, California, 9th & San Pedro Street, August 8th 1910
City Market of Los Angeles, California, 9th & San Pedro Street, August 8th 1910

Paula’s grandfather also took this image on August 8, 1910 of the City Market of Los Angeles, California located 9th & San Pedro Street. Photography is clearly in her genetics and something that would come in handy when working on Twin Peaks.

She was told about the position of assistant to Mark Frost by a friend from UC Berkeley, Tony Krantz. You may recall Tony worked at Creative Artists Agency and had introduced Mark to David Lynch. They decided to collaborate on a script for a television pilot with the working title, “Northwest Passage” Paula assisted Mark and David with research for the pilot script and the formation of Lynch-Frost Productions.

Twin Peaks television credits

For the Pilot episode, she was credited as “Assistant to Mark Frost.”

Twin Peaks television credits
Episode 1.001

This credit would continue throughout the first season from episodes 1.001 to 1.007.

Twin Peaks television credits
Episode 2.001

By the beginning of season two, she was credited as “Unit Publicist.” Her duties would include building creative assets used to promote Twin Peaks including photography and other press materials. She told Wired’s Brendan Seibel on August 6, 2010 that she got the gig despite a lack of photographic experience.

“I still don’t know what an f-stop is. I relied on my automatic camera, and for shooting in low light levels with no flash allowed, I think I got some pretty superb images.”

After the show ended in 1991, she worked for the internationally lauded pioneer in digital communications, Dr. William C. Lindsey; served as an Executive Assistant to Broadcom’s Chief Technology Officer, Henry Samuel; and worked as a consultant for personal and business management.

Today, Paula is the President and owner of Legacies with Integrity, a nonprofit based in Santa Monica, California. She describes her role on LinkedIn: “A fifth generation healer since very young, my focus is helping to educate others on a multi-level platform with health and wellness. Working with well-honed integrative skills and knowledge, provide support and continuing growth in aiding others and their pets to find better health, harmony and wellness in all aspects of their lives.”


Screencap of Dugpa forum posst
Dugpa.com | November 30, 2009

Returning to the 2000s, Paula launched a Twin Peaks photography website on November 30, 2009. The site was announced by Jerry Horne on the former Dugpa.com forums.

PurelyPaula.com website

The site contained information about Paula, her career history, details about a book of Twin Peaks photographs that never materialized, upcoming appearances and a store.

PurelyPaula.com website

One of the most interesting details on her site was a book titled “Northwest Passages” which was supposed to be released in 2010. Paula described the book:

“‘Northwest Passages’ is a brand new coffee table book of photography, which will be released in 2010. The book will contain previously unpublished photos taken on and off the set of the “Twin Peaks” TV Series by Paula K. Shimatsu-U. between 1989 and 1991. As the unit publicist, stills photographer, art director of most stills photos taken for ABC and assistant to Mark Frost, Paula K. Shimatsu-U. experienced an unique insight into the world of “Twin Peaks.”

‘Northwest Passages’ is an independent self published release. The artist’s intention is to make her photos available to enjoy by the fans, cast and crew. A lot of time, effort and resources have gone into recovering, choosing, cataloging, restoring, and archiving the photos that will be presented in the book. To help fund this project, several print sets and mini posters will be made available prior to the release of this book.

As the book will likely have a limited print run, those who register their interest will be given first opportunity to purchase ‘Northwest Passages.’”

Sadly, the book was never released.

PurelyPaula.com website

The online store had two prints – a series of shots of Laura Palmer and Audrey Horne during the ski trip and a shot of the Twin Peaks team with then ABC Television President Bob Iger.

Dugpa.com post

During the 2010 Twin Peaks Fan Festival, Paula presented an exclusive slideshow during a screening of the Twin Peaks pilot at the Seattle Art Museum. Dugpa.com announced this event on August 5, 2010 and mentioned Paula would be selling prints at the show.

Sales of additional prints continued throughout the year via Twin Peaks Archive leading up to The Hollywood Show in October 2010.

Screencap of Dugpa forum posts
Dugpa.com | September 27, 2010

Jerry Horne announced on September 27, 2010 via the Dugpa.com forum that Paula would make several prints available on her website in advance of the autograph show being held a few weeks later.


Twin Peaks backdrop
Twin Peaks Archive

The Hollywood Show was the first time in awhile that so many stars gathered in one place to meet with fans. It’s true that celebrities had been attending the Twin Peaks Fan Festivals in Snoqualmie Valley for most of the 2000s. Previous event organizer, Jared Lyon, created this outstanding chart detailing which celebrities attended those events.

Paula K., Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise
Twin Peaks Archive

Paula was set up at a booth along with stars like Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise. It appears she is holding box of dolls, wrapped in plastic!

Twin Peaks Archive

Sheryl and Paula pose for a photo at the show. Notice the autographs on the giant backdrop that features the 2007 Twin Peaks: The Definitive Gold Box Edition set.

Paula K. and Ray Wise
Twin Peaks Archive

Paula with Ray Wise.

Paula K. and Lenny Von Dohlen
Twin Peaks Archive

Lenny Von Dohlen and Paula stopped for a photo by the backdrop.

As a photographer by hobby (and sometimes profession), it would have been a dream to meet her at this event.


As part of publicity for her appearance at the show and to advertise her website, Paula created a promo set of 18 cards featuring photographs she took during her time as Unit Publicist. The back of each card contained a photo of David Lynch, Paula and Kyle MacLachlan. According to a Wired.com article on August 6, 2010, this image is “during the wrap party celebrating the very popular One Eyed Jacks episode.”

This could be from the end of episode 2.002 when Audrey Horne calls Special Agent Dale Cooper who was sleeping in his pajamas in room 315 at The Great Northern Hotel.

Catherine Coulson dressed as The Log Lady from the Milford wedding in episode 2.011.

Charlotte Stewart as Betty Briggs when she speaks with Sheriff Truman and Agent Cooper about her husband’s disappearance at the beginning of episode 2.011.

Connie Woods who appeared as The New Girl at One Eyed Jacks in episode 1.002 and is later scene recording Audrey Horne tied up in a chair in episode 2.003.

Dana Ashbrook as Bobby Briggs. He’s wearing a plaid shirt seen in multiple episodes including 2.002 when Shelly and he are listening to music in a car. It also appears in episode 2.019 when he is convincing Shelly Johnson to sign up for the Miss Twin Peaks contest and when he sees Gordon Cole kissing Shelly at the Double R Diner. His undershirt is different in both episodes.

Eric DaRe (spelled “Dare” on the card) as Leo Johnson and Chris Mulkey as Hank Jennings from episode 1.005.

James Marshall as James Hurley.

Kimmy Robertson as Lucy Moran wearing a sweater seen in episode 2.001.

Lara Flynn Boyle as Donna Hayward. She’s dressed in her outfit from episode 2.004. She is wearing the scarf when speaking with Maddy at the Double R Diner.

Lenny von Dohlen as Harold Smith from episode 2.005.

The image of Michael Parks as Jean Renault was printed incorrectly on the card.

This is how the image should have appeared, captured from episode 2.010.

Peggy Lipton as Norma Jennings from episode 1.002.

Piper Laurie as Mr. Tojamura and “his” assistant played by Derick Shimatsu who is Paula’s brother.

Derick Shimatsu, Paula K. Shimatsu-U and Brad Dukes
Photo by: Brad Dukes

Derrick also attended The Hollywood Show in October 2010, as seen here with Paul and Bookhouse Boy Brad Dukes, author of “Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks.”

Piper Laurie appears solo on a card as Catherine Martell. The aforementioned Wired article said Laurie asked “Shimatsu-u to shoot her portrait after seeing pictures of Sherilyn Fenn against the same backdrop” from One Eyed Jacks.

Ray Wise as Leland Palmer in The Roadhouse from episode 2.009.

Russ Tamblyn as Dr. Jacoby dressed in an outfit from episode 2.010 at Leland Palmer’s wake.

Sherilyn Fenn as Audrey Horne from episode 1.007 and 2.001.

Sheryl Lee appears twice in the set, first as Maddy Ferguson. This looks like a behind-the-scenes shot that captured cosmetology details (it’s why she appears against a white wall).

And again as Laura Palmer in an outtake from her ski photo shoot with Audrey Horne.


Flickr gallery images of Twin Peaks Trading Cards

You can download high-resolution images of these Twin Peaks trading cards in this Flickr gallery.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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