Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me Screening with Sheryl Lee, August 16-17, 2024

Inside of movie theatre with seats and screen

On August 16, 1992, David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me had its theatrical debut in the United States during the first Twin Peaks Fan Festival in North Bend, Washington. The North Bend Cinema, now known as the North Bend Theatre, hosted this star-studded premiere organized by New Line Cinema. Now, 32 years later, Sheryl Lee, who played Laura Palmer, is returning to Snoqualmie Valley for three special screenings of the film on August 16-17, 2024.


Advertisement with Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer and North Bend Theatre

On June 2, 2024, the North Bend Theatre official announced three screenings of David Lynch’s 1992 masterpiece, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Sheryl Lee, who gave an incredible performance as Laura Palmer, is scheduled to attend the screenings on August 16 at 7:00 p.m. and August 17 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Inside of movie theatre with seats and screen
February 24, 2023

Tickets are available now at the North Bend Theatre website.

There is nothing quite like watching this film in the town where it was filmed. I saw it during the Real Twin Peaks 2023 event on February 24 – incredible!

Steven and Mike
October 22, 2022

Long-time David Lynch fan Mike McGraner will host a Question and Answer session following the screenings with Sheryl. He is a producer and director best known for Nite Owl Theatre Starring Fritz the Nite Owl in Columbus, Ohio. He also is a budding musician who released an album titled “Hearts Will Break: Part One” which you can sample here in a teaser video.

Sheryl Lee and Steven Miller
July 19, 2019

Mike hosted this kind of screening event with Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise at Studio 35 in Columbus in July 2019. She was incredibly kind after the question session at the event and posed for photos with fans.

I’m sure more details will be coming soon for the North Bend Theatre screenings but I don’t want you to miss out on getting tickets.


North Bend Theatre Marquee
February 26, 2023

It’s fitting that Sheryl will be at the North Bend Theatre on August 16. Thirty-two years earlier, she attended the premiere of Lynch’s then newest film, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. The film debuted at the Cannes Film Festival and in Japan on May 16, 1992. A few months later, French cinemas began showing the movie on July 3. A few days after the North Bend screening, German theatres played the film beginning on August 20. The wider theatrical release in the United States happened on August 28.

I intend to have a much longer and in-depth article about the August 16 premiere. For now, I found some gems which I thought you’d like to see.

Black and white image of Catherine Coulson holding a log surrounded by reporters
The San Francisco Examiner, August 17, 1992

The film’s premiere attracted several actors including the late Catherine Coulson seen holding her infamous log. Look carefully behind her and a young child is wearing a t-shirt with the logo of the 1992 Twin Peaks Fest.

1992 Twin Peaks Fest Logo
Photo from Vinnie Guidera

New Line Cinema sponsored the event in Snoqualmie Valley. Throughout the summer, they had some pretty unconventional ways of marketing the film including Twin Peaks Happy Hours and a premiere party in Los Angeles, California that didn’t actually show the film.

Collage of Polaroids
North Bend Theatre

During the Real Twin Peaks 2023 event, the North Bend Theatre shared these Polaroid image collages from the August 16 premiere.

Collage of Polaroids
North Bend Theatre

Pat Cokewell is the “RR Owner” who ran the Mar-T Cafe at the time (known today as Twede’s Cafe).

Newspaper article
North Bend Newspaper, August 1992

Pat was quoted in this article from the North Bend Newspaper following the premiere. She sold 300 pies during the weekend’s festivities! After the film’s premiere, she held a party where the 300 attendees could pay $5.00 for a piece of cherry pie and a cup of coffee.

Steven and Pat Cokewell at the Mar-T Cafe
August 11, 1996

I met Pat during my first visit to North Bend in August 1996. She was still making those delicious pies at the time.

Image collage from Alpine Blossom

Joanne Richter, former owner of the now defunct Alpine Blossom and Gift Shoppe, said fans purchased a lot of Twin Peaks t-shirts. At the time, her store was located just down the street from the theatre and it was THE place for wonderful and strange souvenirs from the show and the “Real Twin Peaks.”

Newspaper article
Centre Daily Times, August 18, 1992

Other reports stated fans wait for hours to attend the screen on Sunday evening. This article from Centre Daily Times on August 18, 1992 discusses Lynch’s now famous remarks about the theatre.

David Lynch at North Bend Theatre
North Bend Theatre, August 16, 1992

“I was once at a theatre in Los Angeles called the Nuart standing in front of a group, a packed theatre, and talked a little bit about ‘Eraserhead’ [crowd cheers], Lynch said. “But you got a great theatre. I’m not kidding, ya. It smells and it looks [crowd laughs and cheers] … It’s the real thing.”

Lynch would receive an award that night from Festival organizers to which he responded, “Things were a little slow this year at Cannes … so thanks a lot.”

The article also had a quote from Sher Fernandes who supposedly played an extra in the pilot episode.

“It was a little bizarre, but it answered a lot of questions,” she told reporter Stephen Clutter.

I would love to know what Sher is doing today and what part she played. Maybe we’ll have others who attended the premiere on August 16 attend this year’s event. Wouldn’t that be something?

Theatre poster of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me with Welcome to Twin Peaks sign
February 24, 2023

All said, I hope to see you at the theatre on August 16 this year!




  • Steven Miller

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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