Dr. Jacoby’s Fake Beard in The Missing Pieces

In 2014, long-time Twin Peaks fans were treated to David Lynch’s The Missing Pieces, nearly 90 minutes of deleted or extended scenes from his 1992 theatrical release of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. One of those brief scenes included Dr. Lawrence Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn) speaking with Laura Palmer via the telephone. I always felt Jacoby’s beard look…

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Oversized Eat-It-All Ice Cream Cone

Twin Peaks Prop – Eat-It-All Ice Cream Cone

Twin Peaks feels like home because of its believable clutter. Rich set decoration makes its spaces feel real and occupied, and the coziness of a place like the Double R Diner is palpable through the screen. To me, the giant ice cream cone displayed behind the counter is a beacon of the diner’s small town…

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Two posters of Twin Peaks fan films

Two Twin Peaks Fans Working on New Fan-Inspired Films

Every fandom, from Star Trek to The Prisoner and more, has a small-but-dedicated group of fans who dream stories beyond what appears in television or movies. Mark Frost and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks is no exception. Once the original series ended in June 1991, some fans imagined what happened after Special Agent Dale Cooper left Room…

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