Exterior of The Line

Real Twin Peaks 2024 – Breakfast at Salish Lodge on February 24

Three people at a table holding up coffee cups

Breakfast at Salish Lodge & Spa is something I enjoy with every visit to Snoqualmie Valley, Washington. During the Real Twin Peaks 2024 event, I attended a Twin Peaks Breakfast that was included with VIP tickets. Damn fine coffee paired with incredible views of Snoqualmie Falls is a perfect way to start the morning.


Steven standing by Snoqualmie Falls

Upon arriving at Salish Lodge & Spa around 6:45 a.m., I went immediately over to see Snoqualmie Falls. It’s one location seen early in the pilot episode on February 24, so I figured it was a perfect way to start the day.

No matter how many times I’ve seen the falls, I never tire of this view. It was nice being there so early in the morning as I was the only person viewing the falls.

Snoqualmie Falls and Salish Lodge in the morning
February 24, 2024
Great Northern Hotel and White Tail Falls

The pilot episode establishing shot had snow around the bottom of the falls. I wasn’t as lucky on this day but the skies felt like pilot episode weather.

Snoqualmie Falls early in the morning
February 24, 2024

At 268-feet, the falls are about 10 feet taller than the mighty Niagara Falls in Canada. I can see why this is the second most visited natural wonder in Washington state behind Mount Rainier.


Sign on a door
February 24, 2024

For the Real Twin Peaks 2024 event, there were two seatings for breakfast at Salish Lodge. The first seating was held from 7:00-9:00 a.m. for VIP ticket A holders, while VIP Ticket C holders could attend the second seating from 9:00-11:00 a.m.

I selected the first seating as Josh Eisenstadt, John Thorne and me would be discussing Twin Peaks film locations in California at the Black Dog Arts Cafe starting at 9:00 a.m.

The breakfast was held in the second floor conference room space. A “Twin Peaks Breakfast” sign greeted attendees upon checking in with the Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce team.

Conference room with round tables
February 24, 2024

Several round tables were placed throughout the room with a breakfast served buffet style.

Coffee station
February 24, 2024

A coffee station was my first stop as this Bookhouse Boy was a little sleepy from The Pink Room Dance Party held just a few hours earlier.

Three people at a table holding up coffee cups
Photo by Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce

Fellow Bookhouse Boys John Thorne and Ben joined me in the caffeine celebration.


House-made tea biscuits, scones, coffee cakes and muffins

Silver bowl of breakfast potatoes

Breakfast potatoes – my favorite!

Silver bowl of sausage

Chicken sausage links, not patties.

Silver bowl of eggs

Farm fresh scrambled eggs with Beecher’s cheddar cheese. If you aren’t familiar with Beecher’s Handmade Cheese, it’s a Washington state favorite. They have a storefront in Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle.

Silver bowl with bacon

Bacon, not quite super crispy, but still delicious.

Silver bowl of pancakes

Short stack of griddle cakes.

Breakfast plate with bowl of oatmeal and coffee

They also offered oatmeal with strawberries and other toppings. All said, it was a nice meal with friends.


Twin Peaks Day menue

Going into breakfast, I was thinking we were going to sample the Twin Peaks Day Menu first introduced during the Real Twin Peaks 2023 event. You may recall how much I loved that meal – it was a highlight from the previous year’s event.

Table with breakfast food
February 24, 2023

The Salish Lodge team brought back that delicious menu for guests visiting The Restaurant (formerly known as The Attic) location on February 24-25, 2024.

Guests who ordered from the Twin Peaks Day 2024 menu received a Room 315 keychain from The Great Northern Hotel.

Dining room construction wall
February 26, 2024

The dining room is currently under construction at Salish Lodge & Spa. There is a false wall blocking access just after the stairs to The Restaurant. Construction stared January 8, 2024, When finished, the restaurant will have a new configuration and look. I can’t wait!

Chef Sergio and Steven

There were many synchronicity moments during my visit to the Real Twin Peaks this year. One moment happened while waiting in line to meet Kyle MacLachlan at Salish Lodge on Sunday, February 25. There was a gentleman behind me holding a Twin Peaks Day Menu. Eventually I introduced myself and quickly learned it was Chef Sergio Cox. He was the Chef who created the Twin Peaks Day menu last year. I couldn’t believe it!

For the next 20 minutes, I gushed over that menu and how much I enjoyed everything from it. Sergio left the Salish Lodge culinary team in December 2023 and moved to Las Vegas (more Twin Peaks connections!). He returned to help with this year’s Twin Peaks Day menu reprise. What a chance encounter?!

Prison Guard Dickson and Hank Jennings
Episode 1.004

Sergio has been a long-time fan of the show. The details on his menu were evident of that fact. One reason could be that his uncle appeared as a background character in episode 1.004.

Prison Guard Dickson and Hank Jennings
Episode 1.004

Hank Jennings is escorted to meet Norma Jennings by an uncredited prison guard named with the last name Dickson.

Hank Jennings being escorted by a prison guard
Episode 1.004

Officer Dickson was played by Sergio’s uncle Aaron (sadly I didn’t get his last name). Even more sad, Uncle Aaron died about a year later. Sergio remembers the family watching this episode to spot their beloved uncle.

Thank you to the Salish Lodge team for orchestrating a wonderful meal, and thank you to Chef Sergio for your passion around this wonderful and strange show.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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