Mount Si with trees in foreground

Twin Peaks Film Location – Leland Palmer Pulled Over

I love exploring the film location for driving scenes in Twin Peaks. One of the first articles I published on this blog discussed Agent Cooper’s drive into town. There is something about the magic of editing with these scenes that is fun to break down. Today, I’m looking at the scene in Episode 2008 where Leland Palmer is pulled over by Sheriff Truman. This scene, like many from Season 2, was shot in Southern California. So buckle up, this one is great.


Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over

For this article, I’ll be using three aerial maps to indicate where the scenes take place. Overall, the crew used Lake Vista Drive that runs through Malibou Lake Mountain Club, a private lake and residential community of custom houses nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains between the Conejo Valley and beaches of Malibu.

The area has many No Trespassing signs and the community is serious about those warnings.

Scott Frost penned this episode’s script between September 12-26, 1990. Part of this particular scene was revised on September 20 and was presented on Pink pages (which helped differentiate between the pages with and without revisions).

The scene was shot on October 3, 1990, the same day we see Leland Palmer leaving his house with the golf club bag. One of the extra features on a previous DVD release contained a snapshot of the call sheet for the day. They also filmed pulling Maddy from the water later that day.

The most interesting part about the script is “Big Ed” is used in place of “Leland Palmer.” At the time, there was utmost secrecy around revealing the true identity of Killer BOB, so these changes were made to avoid anything leaking prior to the episode airing on November 17, 1990. Clearly, the crew involved that day knew Ray Wise and not Everett McGill were in the scenes. I wonder what it would have been like if Twitter was a thing in the 1990s.


Leland Palmer Driving His Car
Episode 2008 – Scene 1

The scene opens with Leland Palmer singing “The Surrey With A Fringe On Top” from Rogers and Hammerstein’s first musical, “Oklahoma!” from 1943. The film version of this play debuted in theatres between October 11-13, 1955. He will continue signing this song throughout the scene (he began signing when he was leaving home earlier in the episode).

The scene numbers below the images correspond to the images on the Google Maps image above.

Google Maps - Leland Palmer Begins Driving
Google Maps

The approximate coordinates where Leland’s drive begins are 34°06’27.5″N 118°45’29.0″W. Notice the stones in the background which are still found along Lake Vista Drive today.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over
Episode 2008

Leland continues serenading us with his show tune. You can see a blue and white street sign in the background.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over
Episode 2008 – Scene 2

Leland passes a driveway.

Google Maps - Leland Palmer Driving His Car
Google Maps

Those details are found at 34°06’28.0″N 118°45’28.0″W along Lake Vista Drive.

Leland Palmer Singing
2008 – Scene 3
Google Maps - Leland Palmer Driving
Google Maps

Most likely the out-of-focus sign in the background is about at this spot – 34°06’28.1″N 118°45’25.9″W.


Leland Palmer swerving his car on the road
Episode 2008 – Scene 4

The camera cuts to a rear view of Leland’s dark blue 1975 Chevrolet Caprice Convertible with tan interior. The license plate – 710 YEP – is for The Timber State which is the slogan for a fictitious Washington state (it’s actually known as The Evergreen State). The bottom of the plate says “Centennial Celebration.”

Lake Vista Drive in Malibou Lake Mountain Club
October 14, 2020

Here is a look at the same spot from October 14, 2020. The approximate coordinates are 34°06’28.1″N 118°45’24.7″W. Notice how the white fence was replaced with a wooden, rustic-looking one. This changed happened at some point after 2016.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over
Episode 2008

In the script, this is where the action begins (remember Big Ed = Leland Palmer)

Big Ed Hurley’s pickup truck swerves wildly down the middle of a country road. 

Remember the tree on the far right side of this image. It will appear many more times throughout the entire scene.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over
Episode 2008 – Scene 5

Leland continues his erratic drive down the highway.

Lake Vista Drive on September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020

That giant tree is still found on Lake Vista Drive today at 34°06’28.6″N 118°45’22.7″W.


Empty Road in Episode 2008
Episode 2008

The scene suddenly cuts to an empty road. We see a tire of what I assume is a big rig truck, which probably means there is extra footage of the truck passing the camera (another missing piece!).

Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department Ford Bronco
Episode 2008

Enter the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department’s Ford Bronco. This scene doesn’t appear in the script.

Lake Vista Drive on October 14, 2020
October 14, 2020

We’ve also jumped locations to the far side of Lake Vista Drive before crossing the bridge near Malibou Lake. Approximate coordinates are 34°06’34.1″N 118°45’11.5″W.

Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department Ford Bronco
Episode 2008 – Scene 6
Lake Vista Drive on October 14, 2020
October 14, 2020

The Ford Bronco passes the camera on its way down Lake Vista Drive.


Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman inside the Ford Bronco
Episode 2008

Agent Cooper is whistling “The Surrey With the Fringe On Top” when we cut to inside the Ford Bronco. The scene also jumps and they are now driving in the opposite direction, which would be the same direction that Leland is traveling (his car would be behind the Bronco).

Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman in the Ford Bronco
Episode 2008 – Scene 7

There’s that giant tree in the rear window. Cooper’s whistling is not mentioned in the script.

Lake Vista Drive
Google Maps

The scene takes place at 34°06’28.8″N 118°45’22.3″W.


Google Maps - Leland Palmer Pulled Over in Twin Peaks
Google Maps

Time for a new map as the scene continues along Lake Vista Drive.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over
Episode 2008 – Scene 11
Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer's Car
Episode 2008

We now see the front of Leland’s car as he swerves side to side on the road. This scene takes place around 34°06’28.1″N 118°45’25.2″W.

Lake Vista Drive on Google Maps
Google Maps

The markers along the right side of the road make this spot easy to identify.


Trees as Leland Palmer Drives
Episode 2008 – Scene 9
Google Maps - Trees Along Lake Vista Drive
Google Maps

The camera pans up to trees above Leland’s car, which is supposed to be his point-of-view as he barrels down the road. The tree canopy is part of that one giant tree I’ve mentioned a few times. It’s found at 34°06’28.5″N 118°45’22.7″W.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over
Episode 2008
Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over
Episode 2008 – Scene 10

Panning down from the tree canopy, we see the familiar white fence along Lake Visa Drive.

Lake Vista Drive on September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020

The spot is found at 34°06’29.0″N 118°45’22.0″W.

Leland Palmer driving through Twin Peaks
Episode 2008

Oh hey – there’s that giant tree again.


Cooper and Truman in the Ford Bronco
Episode 2008

The script picks up the dialogue from the scene; it remains mostly the same on screen with a few changes to dialogue and one omission. Notice that tree is behind them which means Leland’s car should be right behind the Sheriff’s.

Cooper sees the oncoming car in their lane before Harry.

Are driver education programs compulsory in your school system? [Cooper says “mandatory” not “compulsory”]

Harry has seen it, nods “yes.” 

Yep … 

Think we’ve got a drop out. Look out, Harry!

The truck doesn’t pull over, Harry drives off the road. They’re startled, but neither they or the car are damaged. They look at each other a moment. Did they see who they think they saw? 

Big, Ed?
[Not included on screen]

Sheriff Truman Driving the Ford Bronco
Episode 2008 – Scene 12

Cut inside to Sheriff Truman driving the Ford Bronco from the view of the rear seat passenger. They are driving in the opposite direction from the previous scene.

Thanks to the yellow road sign, the scene is pretty easy to locate – 34°06’31.8″N 118°45’20.6″W. Those giant white trees on the right side of the image will be seen when Leland parks his car after being pulled over.

Agent Cooper in Episode 2008
Episode 2008

When Cooper yells, this scene is most likely shot during the same scene when he asks Truman about driver’s education classes. Either they had two cameras or they did a second closer take of Cooper’s dialogue.


Sheriff Truman avoids a collision
Episode 2008 – Scene 13

Sheriff Truman makes an evasive maneuver to avoid hitting Leland.

Google Maps - Lake Vista Drive
Google Maps

You can find this spot at 34°06’30.4″N 118°45’21.3″W, which is right in front of a place we’ve already seen earlier in the episode. Notice the brown home to the right.

Leland Palmer closing his trunk
Episode 2008

It’s the same brown home from the scene when Leland puts his golf clubs in the trunk of his car.

Lake Vista Drive
September 19, 2020

Sadly, the home was long gone but the yellow fire hydrant and bollards remain.


Twin Peaks Film Location - Leland Palmer Pulled Over
Google Maps

You’re still with me. Good. This is the final map from our road trip with Leland Palmer.

Sheriff Truman avoids hitting Leland's car
Episode 2008

The crew probably chose this spot as there was enough room along the side of the road to perform the stunt.

Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department Vehicle
Episode 2008 – Scene 14

One thing we seen just around the bend is some type of vehicle. Could be a crane truck which is probably blocking access to the road to ensure proper safety on set.

Lake Vista Drive on Google Maps
Google Maps

Improvements were made to the area which replaced the giant tree and paved the driveway of a nearby home. The approximate coordinates are 34°06’30.0″N 118°45’21.3″W.


Leland Playing It Cool
Episode 2008 – Scene 15

You can see the brown house in this shot of Leland looking in his rear view mirror, trying to play it cool. The scene was shot around 34°06’30.8″N 118°45’20.9″W.

The script described the action:

Close on Big Ed behind the wheel.

The sheriff approaches from behind, lights and siren blaring. Ed smiles, waves to them, obeys their instructions to pull over to the side of the road.

Josh Boyd created this meme based on the scene which caught the attention of Ray Wise’s daughter. She tagged him on Twitter on February 1, 2019.


Leland Palmer Parks His Car
Episode 2008

Leland puts his car into park along the side of the road.

Lake Vista Drive in Malibou Lake Mountain Club
September 19, 2020

The same spot from September 19, 2020. Unfortunately, that giant tree was removed yet it still appears in Google Maps which helped me determine where he parked the car.

Leland Puts the Car in Park
Episode 2008

There’s the trees I mentioned we’d see again when Leland put the car in park.

Truman and Cooper approach Leland
Episode 2008 – Scene 16

The coordinates for this location are 34°06’31.0″N 118°45’20.7″W, which are the final location on our drive.


Leland Palmer sitting in his car
Episode 2008
Lake Vista Drive on September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020

The law enforcement team approach Leland’s car.

Leland Palmer and Agent Cooper
Episode 2008

The dialogue from the script remains mostly the same with only minor changes.

Truman and Cooper step out of the Bronco, as does Ed out of his truck. 

ED (concerned)
Harry, Agent Cooper, are you all right? 

We’re fine, Ed, you? 

I’m fine. I was, was just on my way out to the club to break in out some new irons. Boron. Graphite shafts. I started thinking about Laura. I guess my mind wandered. [No mention on screen about the type of Leland’s clubs]

It’s a good practice to leave your troubles behind when you sit behind the wheel of a vehicle. 

Yes, of course, you’re quite right. My apologies. 

The only other change in the script when Leland recalls the “dairy” is how it’s described. They reference Big Ed’s Gas Farm since the character is supposed to be “Big Ed.”

Oh. Oh, I did remember something. As you’d asked? The night Laura died. I was working late at the station. Around ten. Ben Horne shows up in his fancy car. He looks real agitated, talking to himself. I heard him say something about a ‘dairy.’ 


Back of Sheriff Truman's Vehicle
Episode 2008

Sheriff Truman gets a call from Lucy Moran over the radio. We get a fantastic shot of the back of his Ford Bronco with the license plate – Timber State L4257SP.

Cooper and Leland Palmer Talk About Golf
Episode 2008

Leland asks Cooper about golf and wants to show off his new clubs.

Leland in the trunk
Episode 2008

As Leland rummages around for his clubs, we see “golfers” on the green area behind the fence. This is not a golf club but by having the extras in the scene, it makes it feel like one.

Sheriff Truman in Episode 2008
Episode 2008

Truman yells to Cooper that they found Gerard by the waterfall.

Golf Club Bag with Maddy
Episode 2008

We see the golf club bag with Maddy in the the trunk.

Golf Club Bag
Episode 2008

It’s similar to the bag we saw earlier in the episode.

Leland holding the golf club
Episode 2008

This scene always makes my hair stand on end. It sure looks like Leland was about the whack Cooper with that golf club.

Leland with the Golf Club
Episode 2008

More of the extras can be spotted in the background as Leland moves to put away his club.


Leland Palmer in the driver's seat
Episode 2008

Leland returns to the driver’s seat as the Sheriff and Cooper speed away.

Sheriff Truman and Cooper depart
Episode 2008

As the law enforcement team leaves, we can see another squad car in the distance (probably controlling access to the road). There is also some movement of people near the Malibou Lake Club House. Unsure if that is where base camp was located for the day but it could explain the movement.

Leland Palmer in his car
Episode 2008

Leland sits for a moment in his car. The script describes the action:

Cooper and Truman get in the Bronco and drive off. Ed watches them, then begins to laugh wickedly as he walks back-to the rear, throws the club inside.

Bob in the rear view mirror
Episode 2008
Bob in the rear view mirror
Episode 2008

He climbs in behind the wheel, looks in the rear view mirror. It’s “Bob.”


I have to give credit to Charles from the former website. He first explored this scene more than a decade ago. Below is the page that was once located on his site. I just expanded the work he originally started. - The Real Country Club Road


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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