Exterior of The Line

Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me – Japanese Ephemera From May 1992

By now, you may know that my favorite David Lynch film is Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. My goal for this site is to document everything I can related to that 1992 masterpiece. Recently, I won an eBay auction of some ephemera created for the Japanese market during the film’s release in May that year.


You may recall from a previous articles detailing the film’s souvenir booklet and stickersTwin Peaks was wildly popular in Japan. According to a Los Angeles Times article from June 1992, ticket sales were incredibly strong for Lynch’s follow-up to the then two-season show:

“Since its premiere in Japan on May 16, ticket sales for the movie have reached 450,000; it is expected to run through the summer … ‘We’re booked into more than 100 theaters around Japan,’ says Taku Ushiyama of Nippon Herald Films Inc., the movie’s Japanese distributor. ‘That’s the equivalent of a 2,000-theater release in the U.S. This is going to be one of the top 10 films of the year.'”


Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me - Japanese Poster

The first flyer resembles the Japanese movie poster which includes an image of Laura Palmer’s head wrapped in plastic and what appears to be Special Agent Dale Cooper examining Laura’s finger nails at the Twin Peaks county morgue.

Laura Palmer wrapped in Plastic
Japanese Souvenir Booklet

The image of Laura appears to be similar to the one used for the Japanese souvenir booklet.

The Mauve Zone - Pilot Episode - Dale Cooper and Laura Palmer
The Mauve Zone – Pilot Episode

The image of Cooper’s hand holding Laura’s fingers is from the Pilot, only it’s reversed on the front cover.

Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me - Movie Poster Flyer Back

I used Google Translate’s scan function to translate some of the back of the flyer. It’s not a 100% accurate translation but it gives you a good idea of what the flyer states.

[Top box in purple]
Twin Peaks Director / Screenplay = David Lynch
Screenplay = Robert Engles
Music = Angelo Badalamenti
Insert Song = Julie [sic] Cruise
Roller Palmer Last 7 Days

[Text Under Purple Box]
Investigator Cooper “Diane, now at 4:20. Standing on the Wid River where Teresa Banks’ corpse was found. Diane, this incident makes me feel strange. The letters under my nails.  I don’t feel like the criminal will reappear, but no one knows when and where …

“Laura:” He really is. Aiming at me since I was 12 years old.  (Whispering) He wants to be me ……… If he can’t do that, he’ll kill me.”

Bobby Briggs and Laura Palmer
The Mauve Zone

The movie “Twin Peaks”, which covers the whole of Japan where that Twin Peaks becomes a movie, will finally be released ahead of the rest of the world. Twin Peaks, a city in the northwestern United States.  The corpse of a high school Queen’Laura Palmer, wrapped in vinyl like a bouquet in the city, is found on the banks of the river.  The incident exposes human desires, the shadows of crime, and confused relationships that move inside seemingly peaceful local cities.  For the first time, this film clearly depicts the seven days of events and incidents leading up to Laura’s terrible murder, and the tragedy and FBI investigation process on her, shocking scenes and implied incidents.  This is the long-awaited latest work of the world, directed by David Lynch, who won the Grand Prix of the Cannes Film Festival for “Wild at Heart”, which is a remarkable work drawn by the accumulation of.  Who really killed Laura?  Why did Laura have to be killed?  The movie “Twin Peaks” derives the answer of Tsubasa that Lynch set up for the audience.  It gives the audience an unimaginable shock and overturns everything that was previously true.

Cooper holding a tape recorder
The Mauve Zone

The image of Cooper holding the tape recorder is reversed on the flyer. The original image was taken during the series’ original run.

In addition to Kyle MacLachlan, a gorgeous cast full of cinematic charm such as David Bowie, Kiefer Sutherland!  In making this movie, actors from the original series, such as Investigator Kyle MacLachlan, Investigator Gordon Lynch, and Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer, are demonstrating their respective roles.  In addition, superstar David is currently attracting worldwide attention because it is the latest movie directed by Lynch.  Young acting sect Kiefer Sutherland such as Bowie and “Flatliners”, Harry Dean Stanton’of “Paris Texas”, and rock musician Chris Isaak are as strong as their impressive roles. Playing with individuality.  Books, CDs, and other related goods Twin Peaks-related goods currently on sale in Japan, such as the popular “Laura’s Diary”, “Cooper Talks”, “How to Walk in Fusosha Publishing” (all published by Fusosha Publishing), and the soundtrack CD (Warner Music)  It is a big hit with explosive popularity.  New products will be released one after another.

The final column to the far right of the flyer includes a plot synopsis and cast details:

Story Ku Washington: Laura killed 1 year and 7 days>
1988, Teresa, Wid River, Washington.  The corpse of a girl named Banks flows.  Upon learning of the incident, FBI Gordon dispatches two investigations to Desmond and Stanley.  And from this time, the mysterious assault that continues to Laura begins. Two investigators autopsy Teresa, but she has been beaten to death on her head many times, and her left ring has been pulled out by someone.  She also discovers a mysterious dying message from her criminal under her nails.  The letter T> was typed and sandwiched.  Desmont suspects that Teresa’s death is a mystery that goes beyond mere criminal sacrifice. And Desmond breaks up with Stanley and goes to investigate the trailer where Teresa lived, but he loses.  Investigator Cooper joins here to investigate two cases, murder and loss.  However, there are no clues and the investigation is stalled, and Cooper instinctively believes that the criminal will reappear and commit the assault.

<Twin Peaks: 7 days before Laura is killed>
Laura is about to be the victim of another crime.  She lost sight of her normal self and escaped to sex and drugs.  Investigator Jeffreys, who had been missing for a few years, appears in front of Cooper and Gordon.  Jeffreys then begins to talk about a number of mysteries.  Meanwhile, poisonous fangs sneak up on Laura.  It becomes a reality when someone breaks a part of her secret diary.  Who really killed Laura?  Why did Laura have to be killed?  * The movie will then unveil Laura’s shocking final day and the full story of her crimes.

Cooper FBI Investigator – Kyle MacLachlan

Gordon Cole FBI Regional Investigator – David Lynch
Philip Jeffries FBI Investigator – David Bowie
Sam Stanley FBI Investigator – Kiefer Sutherland
Chester Desmond FBI Investigator – Chris Isaac
Carl Rodd  (Trailer Manager) – Harry Dean Stanton
Laura Palmer (Victim) – Sheryl Lee
Donna Hayward (Laura’s Best Friend – Moira Kelly
Josie Packard (Mysterious Widow) – Joan Chen
Harry S. Truman (Security Officer)- Michael Ontkean
Bobby Briggs (Bad Boy) – Dana Ashbrook
James Harley (Bike Boy) – James Marshall
Leland Palmer (Laura’s Father) – Ray Wise
Teresa Banks (First Victim) – Pamela Gidley

Along the bottom in red, the flyer states:

Simultaneous screening released in mid-May. Island of Fire

[Red box in Center]
Sapporo Piccadilly
1 South 3 West 4 Urban
Sapporo Building 7th Floor 2231-9082

Advance tickets are on sale!
General / University (¥1,700 on the day) ¥1,400
High school / Junior high school (¥1,300 on the day) ¥1,200
Pair tickets ¥2,500


Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me - Flyer

The second flyer I obtained is a horizontal poster that includes the previous image of Laura Palmer wrapped in plastic.

FBI Agents from Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me

Along the bottom, you’ll see an image of four FBI agents. The background image of Dwight D. Eisenhower was removed but they kept the American flag.

The black box image says “Twin Peaks – The Last Seven Days of Laura Palmer.”

The text along the bottom reads: “Who really killed Laura? Why was Laura killed? The mystery of the most beautiful corpse in the world and the whole picture of the crime are revealed for the first time here!!”

Back of Flyer for Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me

The back of the flyer contains basically the same information as the other flyer (film synopsis, cast, details about tickets).

Laura Palmer at the Red Diamond City Motel
The Mauve Zone

The image of Laura Palmer is a publicity shot from the Red Diamond City Motel (a.k.a. Mt. Si Motel in North Bend, Washington).

The smaller three headshots are also taken from the film’s publicity shots.

Carl Rodd and Agent Dale Cooper at the Fat Trout Trailer Park
The Mauve Zone
David Bowie as Special Agent Phillip Jeffries
The Mauve Zone
Agents Sam Stanley and Chet Desmond in Teresa Banks' trailer
The Mauve Zone


The final item from this auction I won is a ticket stub from the film’s screening in May 1992. Sadly, the bottom part of the stub is missing but I still love the artwork.

The image of Cooper is the same reversed shot from the aforementioned flyer.

Laura Palmer at the Red Diamond City Motel
The Mauve Zone

The image of Laura is from the same sequence at the Red Diamond City Motel, but it’s a different shot from the previous flyer. You can see part of Ronette’s knee and Teresa Bank’s sweater in this shot.

The text next to the image of Laura reads, “Who really killed Laura? Why Laura was killed? The mystery of the most beautiful corpse in the world is unraveled for the first time.”

The bottom of the stub reads:

Director / Screenplay / David Lynch
Kyle MacLachlan / David Bowie Kiefer Sutherland / Sheryl Lee
Provided by: Japan Herald Movie / Amuse / Pioneer LDC
Distribution: Japan Herald Movie  ..  1992 / American movie


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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