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Costuming Peaks – Shelly Johnson in Season 1

It’s okay to have your mind on Shelly Johnson for a moment when reading this Costuming Peaks. I’m examining the outfits worn by the talented Mädchen Amick in Season 1 of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks.


Costuming Team

For starters, let’s give a shout out to the late Patricia Norris who served as the Costume Designer for the Pilot Episode. She was was joined by Earl Lewis as Key Costumer and Ron Leamon as Wardrobe Supervisor.  Sarah Markowitz took over costuming duties for Seasons 1 and 2 with Laurie L Hudson as the Costume Supervisor. They both helped establish as classic look for Shelly with a few pieces carrying over from the Pilot Episode to the remainder of the series.



Costuming Peaks - Shelly Johnson in the Pilot

We’re first introduced to Double R Diner waitress Shelly Johnson during the Pilot Episode. Secret lover Bobby Briggs offers to give her a ride home since he is on the way to football practice. Shelly grabs her vintage plaid jacket as she packs up to leave.

Costuming Peaks - Shelly Johnson in the Pilot

When the camera cuts to a wide angle shot in the diner, we see more of Shelly’s blue and white uniform. I wonder if this was a two camera set up as they way she is holding her jacket looks nearly the same as her closeup.

The Mauve Zone - Shelly Johnson in the Double R Diner
The Mauve Zone

One thing that is noticeably missing is her waitress uniform headband. A publicity shot shows her wearing it but we don’t see it in the broadcast version. I wonder if there was an alternate take with her wearing it. If you are a fan of this headband, just wait – it comes back often throughout the series.

Bobby Briggs and Shelly Johnson in the Pilot

She is wearing the plaid jacket as Bobby and her leave the diner.

Bobby and Shelly outside the diner

As Shelly walks to Bobby’s car, we get a good look at the back of the jacket.

The Mauve Zone - Shelly Johnson at Home
The Mauve Zone

While watching the news at home, we see Shelly sport a black and gray robe.

Shelly and Leo Johnson Discuss Cigarettes

As Leo “Creme de Menthe” Johnson berates Shelly about cigarettes, we see the robe is covering her blue waitress uniform.

Shelly Johnson at Home

This close up shot gives us a peek at the robe and details on the uniform.

The Mauve Zone - Shelly and Leo Johnson
The Mauve Zone

I love this outtake publicity shot from this scene as we get a better look at the outfit. This scene is the last we’ll see of Shelly until Episode 1001.


Shelly Johnson outside her house in Episode 1001

Toward the beginning of Episode 1001, Shelly crosses her front yard toward Leo’s truck wearing her blue waitress uniform covered by a bright turquoise jacket with red and black piping and details.

Costuming Peaks - Shelly Johnson in Season 1

The coat appears vintage and we can see even more details of the piping in this close up shot.

Costuming Peaks - Shelly Johnson in Season 1

A full look at her outfit is seen when she heads to the outside washing machine to do Leo’s laundry. A washing machine outside? Yeah, you know Leo.

Shelly Johnson Wearing Her Jacket

Another look at Shelly’s exquisite vintage jacket!

Special Agent Dale Cooper and Shelly Johnson at the Double R Diner

The headband makes its first appearance when Special Agent Dale Cooper is introduced to Shelly at the Double R Diner.

Costuming Peaks - Shelly Johnson in Season 1
Costuming Peaks - Shelly Johnson in Season 1

By the time she gets home with pie for her husband Leo, the headband is gone but the vintage jacket returns.


Costuming Peaks - Shelly Johnson in Season 1

I loved seeing the same robe from the Pilot Episode return for the series. Shelly is wearing it over leggings in Episode 1002 as she recovers from being violently beat by her husband.


Laura Palmer's Funeral in Episode 1003

During Laura Palmer’s funeral in Episode 1003, Shelly is wearing a completely different overcoat.

Reverend Brocklehurst in Episode 1003

As Reverend Clarence Brocklehurst offers comforting words about Laura, we catch a look at Shelly’s new jacket.

The Mauve Zone - Laura Palmer's Funeral
The Mauve Zone

This publicity shot from The Mauve Zone also gives a better look at the jacket. I wonder why it changed again.

Shelly Johnson in the Double R Diner

Later that night at the Double R Diner, Shelly retells her experience at Laura’ funeral while sporting that waitress uniform headband.

Shelly Johnson Returns Home in Episode 1003

The same jacket that Shelly wore to Laura’s funeral earlier in the episode is seen when she returns home from work.

The Mauve Zone - Shelly Johnson in Jacket
The Mauve Zone – Shelly Johnson in Jacket

Shelly’s funeral jacket also makes an appearance in this publicity shot from Season 1.


Shelly Johnson and Bobby Briggs in the kitchen

Shelly and Bobby are seen sharing an intimate moment in Episode 1004.

Shelly Johnson gets her gun
Shelly Johnson in Episode 1004

More details of her Double R Diner uniform are seen when she retrieves Leo’s blood-soaked shirt and her gun.

Shelly Johnson in episode 1004

Definitely a revealing look for Shelly as she asks Bobby to teach her how to use the handgun.

Shelly returns to the Double R Diner

As Shelly returns to the diner later in the episode, she is again wearing that amazing vintage jacket seen in Episode 1001.

Shelly Johnson at the Double R Diner

Notice no headband when Shelly tells Norma about Leo’s behavior.

Norma Jennings and Shelly Johnson

The headband returns later on when Norma Jennings learns that her husband Hank got parole.


Shelly Johnson cooking for Bobby Briggs

The robe returns in Episode 1005 as Shelly cooks breakfast for Bobby.

Bobby and Shelly in the Kitchen

As the lovers discuss, we get a half-body look at the Shelly’s robe. She will continue wearing the robe throughout the scene when Deputy Andy Brennan makes a house call looking for Leo.

Double R Diner Beauties

Following a day of beauty, Norma and Shelly return to the Double R Diner complete with stylish updos and freshly painted nails.

The Mauve Zone - Norma and Shelly
The Mauve Zone – Norma and Shelly

Based on their attire (particularly Norma’s scarf), this publicity shot from TThe Mauve Zone may have been taken around the time this episode was shot.

Shelly Johnson Watches Norma and Hank

Shelly looks on toward Norma and Hank.

Shelly grabbing her gun in Episode 1005

The blue leggings and robe from Episode 1002 return at the end of Episode 1005 as Shelly shoots Leo in their kitchen.


Bobby Briggs providing comfort to Shelly Johnson in Episode 1006
Bobby Briggs providing comfort to Shelly Johnson in Episode 1006

She is still wearing the same outfit from Episode 1005 during the first part of Episode 1006. It’s the morning after shooting Leo so this makes sense.

Shelly Johnson and Hank Jennings at the Double R Diner

When the paroled Hank Jennings tells stories to Shelly during her shift at the Double R Diner, we see she is wearing the iconic headband again.

Shelly Johnson in Episode 1006 at the Double R Diner

She’ll greet Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman during her shift in Episode 1006.

Back of Shelly's waitress uniform

We get a fantastic look at the back of Shelly’s waitress uniform as she fetches coffee for the law enforcement team.

Costuming Peaks - Shelly Johnson in Season 1

More details of the uniform as she returns to the counter with two cups of hot, black coffee.


Shelly Johnson preparing to wash her hair

In the season finale, Shelly prepares to wash her hair in the kitchen sink while sporting an oversized gray sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Leo and Shelly Johnson in Episode 1007

The sweatshirt has such a 1980s vibe.

Leo and Shelly Johnson at the drying shed in Episode 1007

If you are going to dress as Shelly Johnson from this episode, make sure you get a blue neckerchief to use as a gag.

Shelly Johnson tied up in the drying shed

Shelly is all tied up in the drying shed at the Packard Sawmill.

Shelly and Catherine Martell running away

The final appearance of Shelly in Season 1 shows the back of her gray sweatsuit as she is running through the flames with Catherine Martell.

Stay tuned for a look at Shelly’s costumes in Seasons 2 and 3, with a little nod to Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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One thought on “Costuming Peaks – Shelly Johnson in Season 1

  1. Just here to mention that the vintage plaid jacket Shelly wears in the pilot looks to be a Pendleton 49er. Loving all your costume and prop content, it’s great!

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