After all these years of being a Twin Peaks fan, there are certain images stick out in my mind. In particular, I remember many scenes with James Marshall as Laura Palmer’s secret boyfriend, James Hurley. While some have joked about his role, he really does give an emotionally-charged and powerful performance in all three seasons plus Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me. He has a “look” and the crew loved capturing it on camera as you’ll see in this All in the Details article.

I think James Marshall is one of the nicest and most genuine actors I’ve ever met. He’s pretty funny too (just listen to him explain how “Just You and I” was created in this YouTube video from the Fayetteville Comic Show 2020). In the 1990s, I was a member of his fan club so I honestly think James is cool.
For this article I was curious how many time James appears by himself on camera while giving what I call “The Look of James” (I had the Bacharach/David song with a similar title in my head while writing this).

We are first introduced to the James Hurley look during the Pilot Episode when his classmates and he realize that Laura Palmer is dead.

I swear that the power of his look snapped the pencil.

This is one of two images the really stand out in my head when defining the look of James – jaw clenched, eyes focused. It’s so good.

James doesn’t need to say a word in the scene when he’s holding Laura’s necklace. So much emotion.

The same could be said for when he is in the jail cell toward the end of the episode. The eyes may be in shadows, but you can feel them piercing the bars.

More emotion when he is being questioned by Special Agent Dale Cooper in Episode 1001.

You can tell he is struggling with the fact that Laura is dead.

Contrast the scenes at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department with his appearance at the Hayward House. “It’s good to see you,” he remarks with that innocent, new-found-love look.

In Episode 1003, his face screams that he doesn’t want to go to Laura’s funeral, or at least he is struggling with the idea of attending.

But he goes anyway.

Another quintessential look of James.

A rare side look of James is found in Episode 1004 when he enters the Double R Diner.

This shot slightly bends my ground rules as there are some out-of-focus extras in the background. But he’s screaming cool while talking on the payphone. Crazy to think that if this episode had been shot today, he would have sent a text message on his mobile phone (as teens don’t like talking on the phone – Ha!).

It’s like James has seen a ghost.

He’s in a state of disbelief after meeting Maddy Ferguson.

More disbelief when Donna and him realized the buried necklace is missing.

Another side view of James while he listens to a cassette tape made for Dr. Jacoby.

A lot of rolled sleeves are seen with James’ outfits (stay tuned for a Costuming Peaks article about his outfits).

More seeing ghosts look as Maddy emerges from the darkness dressed like her cousin Laura Palmer.

More listening to Laura’s tape looks are found in Episode 1007.

Followed by more James Hurley back at the sheriff’s department looks.

I always liked the lighting in this scene between James and Sheriff Truman in Episode 2001.

That great lighting continues when James lands back in jail and is visited by Donna Hayward.

This is the other essential “look” I think of when I think of James Hurley.

He’s caught between two lovers. I just can’t get enough of it.

Another side view of James. This is the third time the camera has shown the right side of his face.

Realizing something is up with Donna after she receives an odd phone call.

I know Maddy is at the entrance door to the Double R Diner but what is James looking at while enjoying dinner with an entire carafe of coffee?

James broods on the dock after Maddy says “goodbye” in Episode 2006.

Another out-of-focus extra in the background but this is a great scene when he tries comforting Donna at the Roadhouse in Episode 2007.

It’s always good to see James happy like this scene with Donna in Episode 2009.

Or when he smiles at Deputy Andy Brennan to diffuse Donna’s strange line of questioning.

Rare left side of James’ head after learning of Maddy’s death from Donna.

This is the third image I use to describe James’ look. It’s so perfect. He is hurt bad.

The first of many looks while working at the Marsh Mansion.

The “Meeting Malcolm Sloan” look in Episode 2012.

He has a look for both the passenger’s side…

and the driver’s side of Mr. Marsh’s jagw… car.

Two sides to James Hurley…

Love the hands on the hips look in Episode 2012.

In Episode 2013, we see James in the Marsh’s garage covered in dirt and oil.

He later pops a bottle to celebrate Jeffrey Marsh’s Jaguar being fixed.

Even when he’s turned away from the camera, I already know what kind of expression he’ll have.

Yep, it’s this one.

I’ve always liked this silhouette shot of James while his heartfelt “Just You” plays. There really isn’t another shot like it in the series.

James Hurley giving the side-eye in Episode 2014.

And the realization that he’s been used.

Poor James. You can tell he didn’t have a clue about how he was used by Malcolm.

The last look from James in Season 2 is in Episode 2016. While there are more out-of-focus extras in the background, it’s still a great shot of him at Wallie’s Hide-Out.

There are a handful of looks from James in David Lynch’s 1992 film, Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me. We’ll begin with this one as he waits for a scantily-clad Laura Palmer to meet him.

Even with sunglasses on, you can tell he’s giving the look.

Laura’s barely in this shot but it’s a great image of James confronting her about her behavior.

The entire exchange with Laura in the woods is filled with great imagery. Like this one with James smiling … but he’s not really smiling. It’s more of a deflection tool.

One thing is for certain … they really prefer to shoot James’ right side of his face for many of his shots.

Can we get closer?

Yes, we can!

This is the four shot I love of James’ look, captured while at the stoplight at Sparkwood and 21.

James returns to the small screen 25 years later in Season 3. His introduction at the end of Season 2 (actually that entire scene) is one of my favorites from the 2017 series.

James is back!

I was one of the few who probably liked James singing “Just You” in Part 13. His performance is just as memorable as it was 25 years ago.

In fact, I’d argue that his performance (and accompanying looks) are even more powerful and emotional in Season 3 versus Season 2.

The “something is not quite right” looks in Part 14 are great too. James Marshall really knows how to say something without saying a word.

Another great smile after Freddie knocks out Deputy Chad in Part 17.

The episode recycles some of my favorite shots of James with Laura in the woods from Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me. This time they are in black and white.
Which brings me to the end of our adventure. One thing is for certain…