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Costuming Peaks – Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

In honor of Harry Goaz’s birthday on December 27, I’m examining Deputy Andy Brennan’s outfits from Season 1 of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks. This Costuming Peaks article covers the Pilot Episode through Episode 1007.


Costuming Team

The late Patricia Norris served as the Costume Designer for the Pilot Episode. She was was joined by Earl Lewis as Key Costumer and Ron Leamon as Wardrobe Supervisor.  Sarah Markowitz took over costuming duties for Seasons 1 and 2 with Laurie L Hudson as the Costume Supervisor.



Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

We’re first introduced to Deputy Brennan on the shore of Blue Pine Lodge in the Pilot Episode. His boss Sheriff Truman asks him to take photographs of the body wrapped in plastic.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

Andy is sporting his traditional Sheriff Deputy’s outfit which will be seen throughout most of the series.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

He sports his jacket while questioning Bobby Briggs in the library at Twin Peaks High School.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

As the conversation becomes heated, the Deputy attempts to restrain Bobby. Notice Deputy Brennan’s brown tie.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

While researching this article, I realized that during the scuffle between Bobby and the deputies, Andy’s tie is knocked off.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

This means he was wearing a clip-on tie and this seems to be the only time in the series where it is knocked off.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

We then travel to the Palmer House where Sheriff Truman questions Sarah Palmer while Deputy Andy looks on.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

After taking a call, he reports that Ronette Pulaski is missing. We also catch a glimpse of Andy’s Sheriff’s Badge. For the Pilot Episode, the officer’s badges read “Diamond County Deputy.”

In the original “Northwest Passage” script, the town of Twin Peaks was set in Diamond County as described when Sheriff Steadman (later named Truman) drives away in his vehicle.

Steadman hops into his souped-up Diamond County Sheriff’s Department cruiser, fires up the big V-8 and rooster-tails it towards the highway, as his red and blue toplights start spinning. 

By Episode 1001, the badges will change. More on that later.

The Mauve Zone - Deputy Andy Brennan
The Mauve Zone

We get a better look at his badge – Number 684 – in this publicity photo on The Mauve Zone. It was taking

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

Speaking of the train yard, we see Andy telephone Lucy.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

He is upset after witnessing the crime scene in the train car. Notice how he is holding the phone.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1
The Mauve Zone

Another publicity shot has Andy holding the phone to the opposite side of his face.

The Mauve Zone - Deputy Andy wearing a hat
The Mauve Zone

There is also a shot of him wearing his houndstooth Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department hat. With the exception of a deleted scene in Season 1, we won’t see him wearing the hat until Episode 1005.

The Mauve Zone - Deputy Andy
The Mauve Zone

The same shot without the hat.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1
Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

Back at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department, Deputy Andy assists Deputy Hawk with locking up James Hurley.


1000 - International Pilot - Andy and Lucy
1000 – International Pilot

During the ending of the International Pilot, we catch a rare look at Deputy Andy wearing something else besides his uniform. We won’t see him dressed differently until mid-Season 2.

Deputy Andy in the International Pilot
1000 – International Pilot

I love his jacket which his most likely made by Pendleton in the 1950s.

Deputy Andy, Sheriff Truman and Agent Cooper
1000 – International Pilot

We also see Deputy Andy (houndstooth hat in hand) debriefing Sheriff Truman and Agent Cooper outside the county morgue.


Deputy Andy in the Sheriff's Department lobby

For Episode 1001, we see Andy watching a glass wall being removed in the lobby of the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department while eating a doughnut and holding a CCX Trucking mug.

Lucy and Andy at Wagon-Wheel Do-Nuts
1001 – Deleted Scene

We would have seen Andy wearing his beloved cap if the Deleted Scene with Lucy Moran and him was kept in this first episode. Andy wears the hat while picking up food at Wagon-Wheel Do-Nuts in Twin Peaks.


Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy in Episode 1002

Andy’s leather gloves return for Episode 1002. He hasn’t worn them since visiting the train yard in the Pilot Episode.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy in Episode 1002

A great close-up shot of Deputy Brennan listening to Agent Cooper discuss Tibet.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy in Episode 1002

Lucy and Andy listening to Agent Cooper in Episode 1002.

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Episode 1002

Harry Goaz is such a great performer. When he appears to be hit by Cooper’s stray rock, Harry was holding a rock against his forehead and let it go thus giving the illusion it struck him. Creative!

Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Episode 1002

Where there’s no sense, there’s no feeling … but there is a houndstooth hat.


Costuming Peaks - Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

Watch Andy’s hand gestures during the confrontation between Doctor Hayward and Special Agent Rosenfield. He wants to jump in but just doesn’t.

The Mauve Zone - Episode 1003
The Mauve Zone

An alternate shot from this scene courtesy of The Mauve Zone.

Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department - Andy and Agent Rosenfield

Still wearing his uniform when he tells Sheriff Truman that it’s time for the funeral.

Deputy Andy Brennan at Laura Palmer's Funeral

As Bobby Briggs moves to attack James Hurley during Laura Palmer’s funeral, we see Andy watching the action while hold that hat. He really, really loved his hat.


The Palmer House in Episode 1004

Andy is seen sketching at the Palmer House in Episode 1004.

Costuming Peaks - Andy Brennan in Episode 1004

When Andy returns to the Sheriff’s Station he stops to speak with Lucy. He’s now sporting his Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Deputy badge which has a different badge number than the Pilot.

Deputy Andy Brennan's Badge

The badge number could be 3667 or 3687 but it was extremely difficult to get a good look during Season 1. If you can identify the number, please share in the comments below. This is Andy’s second badge which will change again later in the season.

Deputy Andy holding Bob's Sketch

He’s seen holding his sketch of Killer BOB at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department before the team visits the Timber Falls Motel.

At the Timber Falls Motel

At the Timber Falls Motel, Andy accidentally drops and fires his weapon.

Deputy Andy at the Timber Falls Motel
Deputy Andy at the Timber Falls Motel

Inside Phillip Gerard’s motel room, Andy also accidentally opens a suitcase full of samples shoes. Oh look, there is Andy’s hat!

At the Lydecker Animal Clinic

Andy fetched Finley’s Fine Twine for Agent Cooper while they visited Bob Lydecker’s animal clinic.

Close up of Deputy Andy Brennan

Another great close up of Deputy Brennan.

At the Shooting Range

I still couldn’t see the badge number during the shooting range scene in this episode.

Examining Files from Lydecker's
Deputy Andy and the Team

Some great reaction shots while Andy examines the files from Lydecker’s office. He’s so excited to have found Waldo, Jacques Renault’s Myna bird.


Andy delivering doughnuts and coffee

By request, Andy delivers a doughnut and hot coffee to Agent Cooper. But watch this scene carefully.

Deputy Andy

Cooper hands the coffee and doughnut back to Andy after spotting something in the light fixture. Andy subsequently takes a bite!

Deputy Andy drinking coffee

As Cooper is fetching the item, Andy drinks the coffee!

Discovering Flesh World

“Flesh World” magazine is revealed and Deputy Brennan celebrates by taking a second bite from Agent Cooper’s doughnut.

Andy speaking with Shelly at the Johnson House

Finally, we see Deputy Andy Brennan wearing his houndstooth hat as he speaks with Shelly Johnson at her home.

Andy speaking with Shelly at the Johnson House

Here is another look at his hat. It’s a rare thing to see in Twin Peaks.


Deputy Andy at the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department

Sheepishly, Andy enters the Sheriff’s Department at the beginning of Episode 1006.

Deputy Andy at the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department

He tries speaking with Lucy who just isn’t having it today. We almost get a clear look at his badge number; I still think the number is 3667.

Deputy Andy and Lucy Moran

The two of them share a moment after learning that Waldo was killed by a gun.


Deputy Andy after shooting Jacques Renault

The Deputy has become quite a marksman after three episodes. He saves Sheriff Truman’s life by shooting Jacques Renault.

Deputy Andy

Back at the Sheriff’s Department, Andy is celebrated by his teammates. He’s also sporting a new badge – Number 431. You can see a close up of this badge on this website from Twin Peaks Archive. I first identified the badge on Twitter on September 4, 2013 (has it really been more than seven years?). Andy will continue wearing badge 431 even into Season 3.

The Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department

Big Ed retells the story of how Andy saved the day.

Lucy and Andy

We get one last shot of Andy’s hat in his back pocket during this Season 1 finale.

The Mauve Zone - Harry Goaz and Kimmy Robertson
The Mauve Zone

I close this article with three publicity shots courtesy of The Mauve Zone. Based on Kimmy Robertson’s outfit, this amazing image may have been taken around the time they were shooting Episode 1007.

The Mauve Zone - Harry Goaz as Deputy Andy Brennan
The Mauve Zone

There is a close-up shot of Harry Goaz at Deputy Brennan.

The Mauve Zone - Harry Goaz as Deputy Andy Brennan
The Mauve Zone

Notice how the badge number is 431 which is the same one used in Episode 1007. He has badge 3667(?) in Episode 1006.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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One thought on “Costuming Peaks – Deputy Andy Brennan in Season 1

  1. I also noticed that Andy’s Jacket Id name tag changes as well. In the earlier episodes it looks like he is wearing a gold name tag and then in changes to a silver one. I never noticed that before and only did now because I recently purchased the silver name tag.

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