Being a completist, I loved the much anticipated Twin Peaks – Definitive Gold Box Edition DVD set, Released on October 30, 2007 in the United States, this set contained a wealth of never-before-scene treasures from my favorite television show including the broadcast version of the Pilot episode. If all the gold nuggets weren’t enough for fans, the sets contained collectible cards from the Greetings from Twin Peaks DVD Postcardscollection. A seemingly impossible thing for me (or really anyone else) to collect, let’s take a closer look at all the cards from this set.
After years of wishing for a complete collection of all things Twin Peaks, the Definitive Gold Box Edition DVD set was a dream come true. From incredible interviews to amazing features, I’ll be digging deeper into this set in different article. For now, I’m focusing only on the postcards which infused so much delight, frustration and excitement from some of the most passionate fans of Twin Peaks.
Front of Envelope
Long before there was a Season 3 and endless amounts of official merchandise, the Greetings from Twin Peaks DVD Postcards infused a breath of fresh air and excitement into the wonderful and strange world. The definitive DVD set, these collectible postcards and outstanding “Season 2 and More” soundtrack release all happening around the same time really made me believe that Twin Peaks was back in a big way.
Back of Envelope
CBS/Paramount even created a website – – featuring the cards and details about the new release. The site is no longer accessible and, because it was created using Flash, I’m unable to view it via the Wayback Machine. Luckily, I saved some images and items from the site in a folder that has been on my hard drive since November 2007.
The inside of the DVD case contained a sleeve which held a golden envelope with 12 randomly selected postcards.
Back of Greetings from Twin Peaks DVD Postcard
The front of each card contained an image from Season 1 or 2 while the back resembled an actual postcard one could use (though I could never imagine sending one via the mail).
In total, there were 61 postcards, each with a golden “Greetings From Twin Peaks / Definitive Gold Box DVD” logo found somewhere on image. The images were a random collection of images from the first two seasons of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s masterpiece.
Additionally, there were special and rare cards created for this collection including:
Gold Foil Parallel Cards – 160 of each exist worldwide
Gold Foil Parallel Cards Autographed by David Lynch – 16 of each exist worldwide
Wildcards – Three different wildcards with an image of David Lynch:
160 of a Lynch card; 70 of the Lynch card with gold foil; and 7 of the same card with gold foil and Lynch’s autograph.
This means there were 78 post cards in the entire collection.
Years later, I still dream about having all of them. I purchased only one DVD set in 2007, so I have the original 12 cards from that set. In May 2022, I purchased a complete collection of the 61 original cards which I scanned and cleaned up for this article.
I have yet to meet a person who has the entire 78 card collection, though I recently saw an online auction for $1,500 that claims to be the entire set. If you or anyone you know does, please send me an email – – or comment below.
The former website contained a downloadable checklist of all 78 cards. Click on the image below to enlarge.
Images below are from that former website and the actual cards I scanned. I also identified which episodes the images first appear.
You can find high-resolution images on my Flickr account for all 61 cards. I also removed the gold logo and card number identifier for each card.
Card 1 – Pilot EpisodeCard 1 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 2 – Pilot EpisodeCard 2 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 3 – Pilot EpisodeCard 3 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 4 – Pilot EpisodeCard 4 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 5 – Pilot EpisodeCard 5 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 6 – Pilot EpisodeCard 6 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 7 – Pilot EpisodeCard 7 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 7G (Gold Foil) – Pilot EpisodeCard 7GS (Gold Foil with Signature) – Pilot EpisodeCard 8 – Pilot EpisodeCard 8 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 9 – Pilot EpisodeCard 9 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)Card 10 – Pilot EpisodeCard 10 – Pilot Episode (Actual Card)
A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.
@Jeff – I’m not sure about reprints of the Gold Postcards. I did, however, recently obtain the entire collection. I will be scanning and updating images in this article. The only cards I’m missing now are some of the autographed ones.
Are there any known Twin Peaks gold postcards reprints? Or a book that controlled of the postcards? Sincerely, Jeff
(excellent website)
@Jeff – I’m not sure about reprints of the Gold Postcards. I did, however, recently obtain the entire collection. I will be scanning and updating images in this article. The only cards I’m missing now are some of the autographed ones.
Were you finally able to scan the postcards?
@Victini378 – Yes! I finally scanned all 61 cards and have updated this article on January 21, 2024
I need only 2 postcards to complete my Collection! The bridge and Giant with Cooper. Thanks for sharing!