Roadhouse and Bookhouse under cloud-filled sky

Twin Peaks Location – Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior

In the never-ending quest to document all of the Twin Peaks film locations, I return to the Blue Pine Lodge, home of the Packard family. The actual film location is the Kiana Lodge in Poulsbo, Washington. This article examines the Kitchen Door Exterior that’s mostly seen in the first episode but has a few cameos later in Season 2.


Google Maps - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
Google Maps

Located at 14976 Sandy Hook Rd NE in Poulsbo, Kiana Lodge is a private meeting and wedding facility that originally opened in 1937. The Suquamish Tribe purchased the lodge from Bob Riebe in 2004. They welcome visitors but ask that you please call ahead to check their schedule – (360) 598-4311. They prefer visitors give paying clients privacy and to plan a visit when no events are happening.

The location in this article is found on the backside of the original 1937 building, facing the spot where giant log was once located. The approximate coordinates are 47°41’59.4″N 122°34’56.3″W.


Blue Pine Lodge - Kitchen Door

In the Pilot Episode and later again in Part 17 on Showtime, we see Pete Martell leave the Blue Pine Lodge via the kitchen door. This door is located on the side of the Kiana Lodge (and will be another article soon).

In the Pilot, the scene cuts to Josie turning toward the camera and then to Pete halfway down the gravel path outside the building.

Blue Pine Lodge - Part 17 on Showtime
Part 17

However, in Part 17, the scene cuts from Pete leaving the kitchen door to a shot of him stepping outside. One assumes then that this was supposed to represent the spot where the kitchen door was located. We’ll confirm this later thanks to the original “Northwest Passage” script.


Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior

The first time we see the kitchen door exterior is when Pete puts down his fishing pole, Stanley thermos and tackle box after seeing Laura’s body next to the log. The scene was shot on March 17, 1989.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
August 9, 1996

This is how the Lodge looked on August 9, 1996 during my first visit to a Twin Peaks film location.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
January 22, 2020

Here’s a similar shot from my January 2020 visit. The Suquamish Tribe renovated the Lodge in the late 2000s which included replacing the roof and updating the porch.


Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
January, 22, 2020

We get a closer look at the kitchen door as Josie Packard and Catherine Martell stand outside. The door has suddenly changed from one to two. Most likely this scene was shot on March 17, 1989 as it’s the same day that Josie’s scene at the vanity table was shot.

Twin Peaks Opening Credits

The script, however, offers different action as Laura’s body was found near the Packard Mill Dock. The script also contains different names for the lead characters such as Steadman (later Truman), Giovanna Packard (a time when she was Italian and possibly played by Isabella Rossellini) and Catherine is spelled with a “K” (something that wasn’t changed, however, in the Pilot’s opening credits).

Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
The Mauve Zone

[Steadman and Doc Hayward] make their way down the wooden steps to the log raft. Waiting there are Pete, his wife Katherine and Giovanna Packard, wearing a coat over a brocade bathrobe, her beautiful hair and make-up in stark contrast to the harsh surroundings.

We haven’t touched anything.

Thanks, Pete.

(tips his hat)

Mrs. Packard … Katherine… 

Our security guard didn’t see anything.

That dialog and action doesn’t appear in the broadcast episode.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
The Mauve Zone

There is a great publicity shot on The Mauve Zone from this scene where Josie has stepped forward.

Kiana Lodge in Poulsbo, Washington
January 22, 2020

I captured a similar shot during my visit on January 22, 2020.

Kiana Lodge on August 9, 1996
August 9, 1996

Here’s how the Lodge looked on August 9, 1996. How I wish I had a taken more photos then.

Joe Neff and Steven at Kiana Lodge
August 9, 1996

My best friend Joe Neff and I couldn’t help recreate the scene during that visit.


Sheriff Truman visit Josie Packard

Toward the end of the Pilot episode, we return to this spot when Sheriff Truman visits Josie. He’s seen walking beside the Kiana Lodge. The scene was shot on March 17, 1989 at night, and the script describes the action.

Steadman’s cruiser turns off the steep road and into the driveway of Blue Pine Lodge, the large, log-cabin Packard homestead. He parks near the rear of the house, exits the car and moves towards the house.

Kiana Lodge on January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020

It’s an impossible shot today as the Lodge expanded their dining room and added stairs to the second floor balcony.


Truman Passes Totem Pole

As Truman approaches the house, he passes the base of a totem pole that was carved by Don Keys.

Kiana Lodge on January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020

The totem pole is no longer in that spot today, moved due to the addition of those stairs.

Kiana Lodge Totem Pole on August 9, 1996
August 9, 1996

It was still present at the corner of the Lodge in August 1996.

Totem Pole at Kiana Lodge
January 22, 2020

Today, the freshly painted totem pole is proudly displayed just a few feet away from the original location.


Sheriff Truman at Blue Pine Lodge
Kiana Lodge on January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020

Truman continues walking toward the back of the Lodge.

Sheriff Truman and Josie Packard
Kiana Lodge on January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020

This is the part of the scene, according to the original script, that identifies this spot as the Kitchen Door.

As Steadman nears the kitchen door, Giovanna opens it.

Hello Sheriff.

Hey, Jo … understand there’s a prowler up here.

(as he enters)
Yes there is. Right over here

Sheriff Truman and Josie Packard Kiss
Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
January 22, 2020

They don’t go inside the Lodge in the broadcast version. Instead, they share a kiss on the porch. The script describes different action and dialogue:

She pulls him the rest of the way in, turns off the lights and in the dark, they kiss passionately.

I’ve been wanting to do that all day. I felt so sad. So alone. 

(strokes her hair)
Well, the sheriff’s here now.

Sheriff Truman and Josie Packard from The Mauve Zone
The Mauve Zone

The Mauve Zone has another great outtake shot from this scene between Michael Ontkean and Joan Chen.


Sheriff Truman and Josie Packard
Twin Peaks Film Location - Blue Pine Lodge Kitchen Door Exterior
January 22, 2020

The couple stands on the back porch looking out at the giant log where Laura Palmer’s body was found. Truman contemplates the grisly murder happening about 24 hours ago while Josie expresses that she’s “afraid.” Josie (Giovanna) had additional dialogue in the script that was cut. I’m assuming it may have been shot.

They kiss again. He holds her. They are standing in front of a large picture window, with a panoramic view looking down over the Saw Mill on Black Lake. 

I used to think it was so peaceful here. Everything’s changed. Do you feel it?(looks out the window)
Can anything ever be the same again?

We see a closer angle of the log jam where Laura’s body was found

It must’ve happened about this time. Twenty- four hours ago …

I’m afraid.


Blue Pine Lodge Window in Episode 2001
Episode 2.001
Kiana Lodge on January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020

The “large picture window” at the Blue Pine Lodge makes a brief appearance in Episode 2.001. I assume this footage was captured on either March 16 or March 17, 1989.


Blue Pine Lodge at Night in Episode 2004
Episode 2.004
Kiana Lodge Exterior on January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020

We get one last look at the Blue Pine Lodge exterior where these scenes were shot in Episode 2.004.

Painting at Kiana Lodge
Painting at Kiana Lodge

There’s even a painting inside the Lodge near the bar that looks very similar to this shot.

I love decoding and deconstructing these scenes as it gives additional insight into how everything evolved during shooting.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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