Twin Peaks X Society6 – Twin Peaks by SuzanneLepied

As the month-long celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Twin Peaks winds down on Society6, we return to some of the most recognizable icons from the show. The new piece today by SuzanneLepied includes nine things you will immediately recognize from David Lynch and Mark Frost’s wonderful and strange masterpiece.

The Twin Peaks X Society6 collection is no longer available as of 2024. This article is an archive of the artwork featured in this collection released in 2020 for the 30th anniversary of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s wonderful and strange series.


Every day in June 2020, Showtime and Society6 are releasing new Twin Peaks-inspired artwork by artists from around the world. A new design is released each day.

Artwork by SuzanneLepied
Artwork by SuzanneLepied

SuzanneLepied’s blue-line sketch features numerous icons, from the female Varied Thrush seen in the opening credits to Shelly Johnson’s Double R Diner waitress uniform to images from The Red Room.

Icons from Twin Peaks

I created this collage based on her sketch using images from the show.


Twin Peaks X Society6 Collection

Her design was found on numerous products, similar to other sketches from this collection.

Twin Peaks X Society6 Collection

Some unique items included a bath mat, a notebook and a wall clock.

Twin Peaks X Society6 Collection

Short and long-sleeved apparel and even a shower curtain are included in the mix.

Twin Peaks X Society6 Collection

A carry all pouch, rectangular pillow and travel mug round out the assortment.


Artist SuzanneLepied

SuzanneLepied is an illustrator based in Rennes, France.

Dougie Sticker

On her shop, you’ll find a cool sticker of Dougie Jones.


All of the artwork released during this month-long celebration on Society6 is still available. SuzanneLepied’s design joins a stellar line of up Twin Peaks fans from around the world.

Twin Peaks X Society6 Collection


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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