By far, one of the best dressed characters in Twin Peaks is Richard “Dick” Tremayne, who is played by Scottish actor Ian Buchanan. Tremayne appears in eleven episodes throughout Season 2, beginning with Episode 2.003 and ending with Episode 2.021. Ian celebrates his birthday on June 16, so I thought today is a perfect time to shine the spotlight on him for a new Costuming Peaks article.

Costume Designer Sara Markowitz and Costume Supervisor Laurie L. Hudson took over costuming duties from Patricia Norris in Seasons 1 and 2. By Episode 2.003, Ian’s first episode, Sara received top billing with her name appearing larger than others.

Markowitz, whose other credits include Coyote Ugly, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, and The Big Bang Theory, shared her thoughts about costume design in Brad Dukes’ “Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks.”
“Costume design is not what is in ‘Vogue’ magazine. It is about the psychology of the character, not unlike someone’s home or office environment which is a reflection of who they are and I believe clothing is no different.”

In a 2017 interview with Ian Buchanan by fellow Bookhouse Boy Andrew Grevas from, he discussed his first wardrobe fitting:
“By the time I had my first wardrobe fitting, I knew it would be exactly how they described it. It was absolutely perfect. There’s nothing else to do except swell around in the plethora of plaid. There was a lot of plaid. It’s funny because I grew up in Scotland and I have to be honest, I saw more plaid in this country than I ever saw growing up. Here it really is a plethora of plaid. It’s unbelievable. You go to buy wrapping paper, and you have a choice of one hundred plaid wrapping papers or plaid shopping bags. Plaid is definitely a big part of American life.”
The “Twin Peaks Access Guide to the Town” said Richard Tremayne’s character “raised the consciousness of the town as well as the entire county about the varieties of ensembles possible in the area of Woodsy wear.” So let’s take a look how he did it.

Dick Tremayne saunters into the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department to meet Lucy Moran for lunch in Episode 2.003.
From the moment I saw this dashing smile, I became an instant Dick Tremayne fan.

Dick takes Lucy for lunch at the Double R Diner. It’s because of this scene that I’ve ate the “European way” (what Lucy’s mother calls “piling”) for more than 20 years.

The brand of cigarette’s that Dick smokes is Valiant, which could be from the Earl Hays Press prop house.

This publicity shot (supposedly taken on August 9, 1990 according to Getty Images) gives an even better look at the first of many plaid outfits for Tremayne.

Dick shows up at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department in Episode 2.004 wearing a tan overcoat. He loves this particular coat as we’ll see it again.

When they have a heart-to-heart conversation about the “little problem,” we get a better look at Dick’s plaid shirt, complete with complimenting ascot.

In Episode 2.009, Dick returns to the Sheriff’s Department sporting his tan trench coat from the previous episode.

We get a better look at the back of the coat as Lucy escorts Dick to a nearby conference room.

“Gotta light?”, Dick asks Deputy Andy Brennan. Wait, is he the original Woodsman? We get a fantastic look at his ensemble complete with maroon turtle neck, paisley button-down shirt and jacket.

When Dick arrives at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department in Episode 2.010, he is carrying the overcoat first seen in Episode 2.003.

We get a great look at his terra cotta-colored pants as he climbs the ladder to speak with Lucy.

This is the fist time Dick rocks a bow tie, which is probably a vintage late 1950s design. It’s perfect!

A new overcoat and outfit for Mr. Tremayne appears in Episode 2011 when he brings Little Nicky to the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department.

This outfit is seen on Richard Tremayne’s StarPics collectible card released in 1991. It provides an even better look at the gray turtle neck, button down shirt and cardigan sweater.

The back of the card lists some interesting details such as his likes (“Ascots and English Tea” and his accomplishments – “As the head buyer of Men’s Fashions at Horne’s Department Store, I bring the latest European vogue to an otherwise drab and dull northwest fashion scene.”
His strengths include being an “impeccable dresser, superb dancer, a qualified clothier and a smoker.” He doesn’t provide much detail about his weaknesses, only to say, “It is so hard to express negative thoughts about oneself.”

The trio head to the Double R Diner for malted where Little Nicky plays tricks on both Andy and Dick.

This would make Dick Tremayne second appearance at the Double R. Another great look at the cardigan, turtleneck and button-down combo.

I think my favorite Dick Tremayne outfit is seen throughout all of Episode 2.012.

Judy Swain from the Happy Helping Hands adoption agency meets with Deputy Andy, Lucy and Dick to discuss Little Nicky. We get a great shot of Mr. Tremayne’s corduroy shorts.

There’s that debonair smile again surrounded by a sherpa-line jean jacket. The dream of the 1990s is alive in Twin Peaks!

Dick wears his stylish outfit while changing a tire on his BMW.

I love the fact that Dick has a paisley pocket handkerchief and that Little Nicky sports a nearly identical outfit.

Ian reminisced in Brad Dukes’ book about Little Nicky.
“Little Nicky was great; he was a great actor and I think he has a very good career as a producer now. I love that whole idea of the mini-me: Dick in his ignorance, deciding it would be very appealing to have a little brother dressed just like him. I had a lot of fun with that.”

He is still wearing that outfit when he later returns to the Sheriff’s Department to speak with Andy about Little Nicky being the devil.

The raincoat from Episode 2004 and 2009 returns when Dick goes undercover in Episode 2013.

There is a fantastic behind-the-scenes shot with Ian, Kimmy Robertson and director Todd Holland.

I’m pretty sure breaking and entering is illegal, but Dick does at the Happy Helping Hands adoption agency.

I’m guessing Deputy Andy had reasonable suspicion that Little Nicky was actually the devil. Ian’s dialog in this scene still makes me laugh all these years later.

The tan overcoat first seen in Episode 2.004 makes one final appearance in Episode 2.014.

For the scene where Doc Hayward admonishes Dick and Andy for their shenanigans, Mr. Tremayne is wearing a rust colored turtle neck under a cornflower blue cotton shirt with a rust and avocado pattern. The terra cotta pants from Episode 2.010 return but the suit jacket is new.

As preparations continue for the fashion show in the Great Northern Hotel dining room, Dick is seen wearing a dusty dark green turtle neck under a rose-gold paisley button-down shirt. It’s the jacket, with its royal blue yoke, that make this outfit so amazing. Another muffler with a larger paisley print is draped around his neck.

When Dick walks with Mr. Pinkle through the dining room, we see he is sporting royal blue pleated pants with black slip-on shoes.

A hint of red plaid is found on Dick’s bow tie and matching cummerbund for his formal wear at the Stop Ghostwood Fashion Show.

Here’s another look at Dick’s formal attire. One thing that isn’t seen are his navy suspenders with clock faces.

Following the pine weasel incident during the fashion show, Dick wears a nose bandage. This close up shot reveals his wine-colored turtleneck under a gray with red leaf paisley dress shirt. It’s the same shirt and turtleneck combo from Episode 2.009.

While speaking with Ben Horne, we get a better look at his striped cardigan sweater and black pleated pant. His gold pinky ring comes into view.

Dick hosts conducts a wine tasting benefit for the Stop Ghostwood project. During the event, he sports a two-piece greeny-gold suit with a plum-colored ascot under a grey silk shirt with large, bronze-colored leaf patterns.

The maroon-colored wingtip shoes complete the ensemble.

I still crack up at this scene despite seeing it hundreds of times. Ian’s performance is over the top.

Episode 2.021 is Richard Tremayne’s final episode. When he’s approached by Lana during rehearsals for the Miss Twin Peaks Contest, Dick is wearing a painted mock turtleneck with striped button-down shirt. The cardigan contains a diamond pattern with purple, black, cherry and vermilion colors. The pleated pants are a gold-brown color and he’s wearing oxblood wingtips.

Here’s a better look at the cardigan / mock turtle neck combo. I love the makeup team added two little bite marks from the pine weasel to his nose.

His final scene in the series is judging the Miss Twin Peaks Contest. He’s moved by Annie’s speech where we get a good look at his gold pinky ring.

Dick wears a pinstripe tuxedo with tails and a satin lapel. His multi-color, striped bow tie matches his cummerbund.
While we didn’t see Richard Tremayne return to Twin Peaks in Season 3, his outstanding performance left a lasting memory for many. If you love Ian Buchanan’s work, check out the short-lived follow up series On The Air. He knocks it out of the park in that sitcom.