Mount Si with trees in foreground

Twin Peaks X Society6 – Damn Good Cup of Coffee

We’ve made it to the half way mark for the Twin Peaks 30th Anniversary Collection collaboration with Society6. Today’s artwork is reason to celebrate as it’s my most favorite beverage to consume while writing these stories. We all know that coffee plays an important role in David Lynch and Mark Frost’s masterpiece. Do you know which character was the first to say the word “coffee” in the series? The answer after details about this new art.

The Twin Peaks X Society6 collection is no longer available as of 2024. This article is an archive of the artwork featured in this collection released in 2020 for the 30th anniversary of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s wonderful and strange series.


New Jersey-based illustrator and designer Abbie Morton created this damn, fine design featuring coffee, doughnuts and cigarettes. Three common things you’ll see in the wonderful and strange world of Twin Peaks.

Instagram - Abbie Morton
Artwork by Abbie Morton

Abbie first previewed her design via her Instagram account on August 4, 2017.

Instagram - Abbie Morton
Artwork by Abbie Morton

She shared the entire design on August 6, 2017. This was a few days after Part 12 (“Let’s Rock”) from Season 3 aired on Showtime.


Artwork by Abbie Morton
Artwork by Abbie Morton

Her artwork was available as a print on Society6 in sizes X-Small to X-Large. She is one of the only artists part of this collection to release her work only as a print.


Abbie’s artwork got me thinking about the first time we hear the word “coffee” in Twin Peaks.

1000 - Pete Martell

We see Pete Martell carrying a Stanley Thermos while on his way to go fishing. I’m assuming coffee is in it but he doesn’t mention it by name.

1000 - Sheriff Truman pouring coffee

Sheriff Truman pours coffee into green Anchor Hocking Fire King mug from a Inland Glass “Golden Triangle” carafe warmer at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department. Again, he doesn’t say the word “coffee.”

The Mauve Zone - Norma Pouring Coffee for Bobby
The Mauve Zone

Norma Jennings fills up Bobby Briggs’ coffee mug in this publicity shot from the first day of shooting on February 21, 1989. This outtake isn’t seen in the Pilot.

Norma Jenning pouring coffee

In the broadcasted episode, we see Bobby finish his coffee and Norma appears to pour him a fresh cup. He places change on the counter and leaves with Shelly. “Coffee” isn’t mentioned here either.


1000 - Big Ed and James Hurley

Around the 35-minute mark in the Pilot Episode, we finally hear someone say “coffee.” In an attempt to comfort his nephew, Big Ed Hurley asks James, “Buy you a coffee?”

And the rest is history … decaffeinated coffee, coffee black as midnight on a moonless night, fish in the percolator, Agent Cooper likes his coffee black … coffee … coffee … coffee, and so on.

Coffee with the Chief
Twin Peaks – Season 3


Abbie Morton
Instagram – Abbie Morton

If you’d like to see more of Abbie’s work, follow her on Instagram (@AbbieHMorton) or check out her website –


Fifteen days left to go in this month long celebration.



  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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