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Setting the Stage – Sarah Palmer Smokes in Twin Peaks

Setting the Stage - Sarah Palmer Smokes in Twin Peaks

If I had a nickel for every cigarette your mom smoked, I’d be dead.”
– Donna Hayward in Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me

Donna Hayward utters one of my favorite lines from David Lynch’s Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me during a visit to the Palmer house. The line got me thinking about just how many cigarettes did Sarah Palmer smoke throughout the series. The easiest way for me to discuss was to examine every scene where Sarah is seen either holding, taking a drag or extinguishing a cigarette.


Sarah Palmer in the Kitchen

The first time we see Sarah Palmer in the Pilot Episode, she is taking a drag from a cigarette in between calling for her daughter Laura. There is an extinguished cigarette in the ashtray.

Sarah Palmer making phone calls
Sarah Palmer making phone calls

When Laura is nowhere to be found, Sarah frantically places phone calls to the Briggs family, Twin Peaks High School and the Great Northern Hotel. During the calls, she is seen taking a few extra puffs.

Pilot Episode - side table at the Palmer house

Later in the Pilot, we see a side table in the Palmer’s living room complete with an 8×10 photo of Laura and an empty ashtray.

Sarah Palmer surrounded by people who care

Sarah is then seen being comforted on the couch. You can spot an ashtray with what appears to be approximately six extinguished cigarettes.

Sarah resting on her couch
Sarah resting on her couch

At the end of the Pilot, Sarah is seen resting on her couch while holding a lit cigarette. The ashtray behind her is still empty.

Sarah Smoking a Cigarette
International Pilot Ending
Sarah smoking a cigarette
International Pilot Ending

For the ending to the International Version of the Pilot, Sarah is seen taking a drag from the cigarette. This is the same footage as the broadcast version; they just didn’t show her smoking.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 9


Palmer Living Room

In the David Lynch directed episode 1002, we catch a glimpse of the Palmer living room side table. Photos have been replaced, a lamp was added and there appears to be a possible ashtray with lid.

Leland Palmer holding a smashed photo frame

After Leland Palmer smashes his daughter’s photo frame, we spot an ashtray with nine extinguished cigarettes on the coffee table.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 9


Leland Palmer on the Phone

Interestingly, we hardly ever see Sarah with a cigarette for the rest of Season 1 or 2. In Episode 2009, the living room side table has a new lamp and the possible ashtray with lid is still present.


When we get to Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me, Sarah Palmer’s smoking kicks into overdrive. I’ve combined both the theatrical release and the glorious Missing Pieces in this section.

Arriving Home with Groceries

Sarah arrives home with groceries
The Missing Pieces
Laura Palmer helps her mother Sarah with her cigarette
The Missing Pieces

The first time we see Sarah smoking is found in The Missing Pieces. Sarah arrives home carrying grocery sacks while smoking a cigarette. Laura removes the cigarette that almost falls from her mother’s lips.

Sarah smoking a cigarette
The Missing Pieces

Laura tries to walk away with it but Sarah calls her back and continues smoking while trying to carry the grocery bags.

Number of Cigarettes: 1

Questions in the Dining Room

Sarah in the dining room
The Missing Pieces

Another scene from The Missing Pieces has Sarah confronting Laura while standing in the dining room. She is seen holding a cigarette in her right hand.

Sarah in the dining room
The Missing Pieces
Sarah in the dining room
The Missing Pieces

As their dialogue continues, Sarah switches the cigarette to her left hand.

Number of Cigarettes: 1 ( but probably more in the ashtray on the table)

Where’s My Axe?

Dinner at the Palmer House
The Missing Pieces

Laura and Sarah wait for Leland to join them at the dinner table. Sarah smokes away to pass the time. There could be three cigarettes in the ashtray (which could mean three were there in the aforementioned scene).

Dinner at the Palmer's House
The Missing Pieces
Dinner at the Palmer House
The Missing Pieces

Leland arrives and grabs his axe. He then proceeds to teach his wife and daughter some Norwegian phrases. Sarah takes a few drags and extinguishes the cigarette.

Number of Cigarettes: 4

Wash Your Hands!

Wash your hands!
Fire Walk With Me

In one of the more memorable (and timely) scenes, Leland yells at Laura for not washing her hands before sitting down to dinner. The ashtray on the table appears to have three cigarettes. Most likely, it’s the same one as previous scenes. In fact, they probably changed outfits and left the set pieces, like the ashtray, mostly in place.

Number of Cigarettes: 3

Wash Your Hands!

Sarah Palmer Smoking at Bedtime
Fire Walk With Me
Sarah Palmer Smoking at Bedtime
Fire Walk With Me

While preparing for bed, Sarah is seen smoking and extinguishing a cigarette while sitting at her vanity. I count approximately 11 cigarettes in the ashtray plus the one she is smoking.

Number of Cigarettes: 12

If I Had a 

Donna Hayward visiting Laura Palmer
Fire Walk With Me

I know Sarah is not in the scene where Donna Hayward delivers her now famous line, but there are PLENTY of cigarettes to be found.

Side table in the Palmer Living Room
Fire Walk With Me

Donna glances at the side table just before saying her line.

Ashtrays at the Palmer House
Fire Walk With Me

A closer look reveals approximately 49 cigarettes.

Palmer living room
Fire Walk With Me

On the coffee table in the distance, we see two additional ashtrays with maybe 18 additional extinguished cigarettes. No wonder Donna made her remark.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 67 (plus one Laura smokes)

Breakfast at the Palmer's
The Missing Pieces
Breakfast at the Palmer's
The Missing Pieces

In another scene from The Missing Pieces, we see Sarah smoking while Laura eats a muffin (!!) during breakfast. There is an ashtray in front of Sarah but we can’t see how many cigarettes are in it.

Number of Cigarettes: 1

More Bedtime Smokes

Sarah Palmer at her vanity
Fire Walk With Me

We return to Sarah Palmer at her vanity where we can see approximately eight cigarettes in the ashtray.

Number of Cigarettes: 8

Morning After

Awkward breakfast time
Fire Walk With Me
Awkward breakfast time
Fire Walk With Me

During the most awkward breakfast ever, Sarah is seen smoking while Leland makes attempts to speak with Laura. She extinguishes the cigarette as Laura storms out of the room.

Sarah lights up at the dining room table
Fire Walk With Me
Sarah lights up at the dining room table
Fire Walk With Me

After Leland leaves the room, Sarah lights up again. It appears she smokes Salem cigarettes.

Sarah lights up at the dining room table
Fire Walk With Me
Sarah lights up at the dining room table
Fire Walk With Me

The camera slowly moves toward Sarah who smokes away at the table.

Number of Cigarettes: 2 (but probably more in the ashtray)

Dinner Time Again

Laura and Sarah at the dinner table
The Missing Pieces

In yet another scene from The Missing Pieces, we confirm which brand of cigarettes that Sarah smokes. You can see maybe six cigarettes in the ashtray.

Sarah alone at the dinner table
The Missing Pieces

Laura leaves so Sarah grabs her pack of Salem cigarettes and proceeds to light up … again.

Sarah Palmer Smoking
The Missing Pieces
Sarah Palmer Smoking
The Missing Pieces

As she lights up, you may notice a cover over the front of the China cabinet. I’m guessing that was to prevent seeing the reflection of the crew.

Sarah Smokes
The Missing Pieces
Sarah smokes
The Missing Pieces
Sarah Smokes
The Missing Pieces

Sarah sits in lonely isolation … smoking.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 7

Goodnight, Sweetheart

Sarah and Laura in the living room
Fire Walk With Me

When Sarah says “Goodnight, sweetheart” to Laura in the living room, we see her holding a cigarette. There is an ashtray on the side table next to her which may have at least two cigarettes.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 3



Sarah Palmer smoking while watching television
Part 2

Twenty-five years later, Sarah Palmer is still smoking in the living room. I never noticed how similar the two shots were when comparing her final scene in Fire Walk With Me and her first scene in Part 2. There appears to be an ashtray on the coffee table but it’s nearly impossible to count how many cigarettes are in it.

Sarah Smoking in Part 2
Part 2
Sarah Smoking in Part 2
Part 2

The camera cuts to closer shots of Sarah taking drags on the cigarette.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 1 (but many more in the ashtray)


Sarah buying Salem cigarettes
Part 12

When Sarah visits Keri’s Handi-Mart, she purchases a pack of Salem cigarettes. What an awesome little detail they kept between the film and Season 3.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 100


Sarah Smoking on the couch in Part 13
Part 13
Sarah Smoking on the couch in Part 13
Part 13

We get a better look at cigarette-filled ashtrays in Part 13 as Sarah smokes and extinguishes a cigarette. It’s still slightly challenging to count but I’m guessing there are at least 65 cigarettes in the trays.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 65


Sarah outside Elk Point Bar #9
Part 14

In Part 14, Sarah takes a drag from her cigarette as she approaches Elk’s Point Bar #9

Sarah smokes at the bar
Part 14

Once seated at the bar, Sarah lights up.

Sarah at the bar
Part 14
Sarah being bothered by the trucker
Part 14

She continues smoking even while being bothered by the trucker.

 Number of Cigarettes: 2


Palmer Living Room in Part 17
Part 17

The last time we see Sarah Palmer is in Part 17. Just before she enters the living room to destroy Laura’s framed photo, we bet a look at the ashtrays. There could be approximately 42 cigarettes between the two trays.

Approximate Number of Cigarettes: 42

So for those playing along at home, I counted approximately 337 cigarettes … maybe a little more, maybe a little less.

Either way, I’d be dead too if I had a nickel for every cigarette I counted.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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4 thoughts on “Setting the Stage – Sarah Palmer Smokes in Twin Peaks

  1. If you watch the Jason S. behind-the-scenes documentary “The Man with the Gray Elevated Hair,” you get some nice closeups on those ashtrays if you want to count the cigarettes!

    1. @Mr. Reindeer – Oh!!! Thank you for the tip. I’ve been periodically screen capping those and will have to go back and review.

  2. If “Electiricity” is combusted garmonbozia, Sarah Palmer’s staunch addiction to smoking is the closet thing I can grab onto to recontextualize the notion that some version of Judy is laying dormant in Sarah to Season 1 and Season 2 of the series. All the woodsman smoke too, so I think it’s thematically close to the idea of “Black Fire”.

  3. The devil is in the details,isn’t it?fire,cigeratte,bob,this is a kind of metaphor

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