“When this kind of fire starts, it is very hard to put out. The tender boughs of innocence burn first, and the wind rises, and then all goodness is in jeopardy.” – The Log Lady, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Fire plays a critical role in Twin Peaks. Originally, I planned on writing about all the instances of fire in the series, from candles to campfires to lighters. I quickly realized there too many examples for just one article. So, I’m focusing on one of the first things seen in the Pilot Episode – a fireplace into which Benjamin Horne so elegantly spits. This Setting the Stage story will highlight fireplaces in Twin Peaks with fire. There are plenty examples of fireplaces without fire but that’s another story for another time. Let’s burn!

The first fireplace we see with fire is at the Great Northern Hotel when Ben Horne and Leland Palmer are discussing their upcoming deal. Ben spits into the fireplace before continuing his conversation.
I call attention to the close-up image of the fire as that particular image will appear three additional times.

The fire is roaring in the dining room at the Great Northern Hotel when Mr. Horne makes a presentation to Norwegian investors.

The same fire place is used when Sven Jorgenson (played by the late Arnie Stenseth) speaks with “young, pretty” Audrey Horne.

The final fireplace from the Pilot Episode is seen at the Hayward house. Remember those tile squares as the production team will attempt to recreate them.

The Horne family is gathered around a dining room table in front of a fireplace in Episode 1.002. It appears this is the same fireplace that will be used in Ben Horne’s office. It’s the only time we’ll see this particular set.

Brother Jerry arrives and chomps down on his Brie and butter baguettes in front of the fireplace.

Here’s the Hayward House fireplace with slightly different colored tile. A similar shot will be used in late Season 2.

Blink and you may miss it but there is a fireplace at One Eyed Jack’s (which is really a private residence in southern California).

Audrey Horne greets “Colonel Cooper” by the fireplace in the dining room at The Great Northern Hotel in Episode 1003.

Add a fish and the set looks completely different in Episode 1.004. This is Ben Horne on his exercise bike in his office. It’s same fireplace seen in Episode 1.002 where the Horne family dining room was placed.

Audrey Horne asks her father how she can help with the business.

Surrounded by Icelanders, Leland begins to dance in Episode 1005. The fireplace is the same one used in Episode 1.003 when Audrey greets Cooper. Notice the totem pole in the corner and the round tables are now gone.

The tables are back in Episode 1.006 when Cooper meets Big Ed and Sheriff Truman at the Great Northern Hotel. You can also see the wooden fish that was previously covered with the Icelandic flag. This is the final fireplace we’ll see in Season 1.

This is the same fireplace establishing shot from the Pilot Episode.

Hank Jennings waits in front of the fireplace in Ben’s office for the Brothers Horne to arrive.

Once they arrive, they discuss chopping wood … inside.

The fireplace in Ben Horne’s office becomes a popular meeting spot in Season 2. In Episode 2.002, Jerry and he discuss cheese pigs and ledgers.

Meanwhile in Episode 2.004, Jean Renault confronts Ben Horne by the fireplace.

Episode 2.004 is also the only time we see the fireplace at the Blue Pine Lodge in use. Unlike the fireplaces at the Great Northern or the Hayward’s house, I don’t believe this is an actual working fireplace. Instead, the crew may have used a flickering light to give the illusion the fireplace was burning wood.

More conversations by Ben’s fireplace in Episode 2.006. This time, it’s Josie Packard.

Ben likes to discuss things by fireplaces. He also has a conversation with Mr. Tojamura in Episode 2.006, but this time it’s in the dining room at the Great Northern Hotel. Have you noticed Ben’s monogramed dress shirts? Nice!

In the David Lynch-directed Episode 2.007, this is the second time we see the recycled fireplace shot from the Pilot Episode.

The fireplace in the Great Northern Hotel’s dining room is seen again in Episode 2.008 when Hank and Norma Jennings have dinner with Vivian and Ernie Niles. Hank’s domino bolo tie with corduroy jacket is perfect!

Mr. and Mrs. Milford dance by the fireplace in the dining room at the Great Northern Hotel in Episode 2011. Similar to Episode 1005, they cleared the dining room tables in order to shoot this scene.

I love Bobby Briggs’ expression in Episode 2013 when Ben stands on his desk now positioned by the fireplace.

The fireplace burns brightly in Episode 2.014 just before we see Audrey Horne and Bobby Briggs talking in a candle-filled lobby at the Great Northern Hotel.

A close-up of the fireplace in Ben Horne’s office is also seen in Episode 2.014.

Say what you will about the Civil War storyline, I think Richard Beymer does a fantastic job in these scenes. His expressions are priceless.

A few more scenes of Ben Horne from Episode 2.014 by his office fireplace.

Back to the lobby we go at the end of Episode 2.014 as Jones and Thomas Eckhardt check in at The Great Northern Hotel.

Oh I love these shots of David Warner playing Thomas Eckhardt in Episode 2.014. The reflection of the fireplace in his sunglasses is iconic!

More Civil War storyline shenanigans in Episode 2.015. They cleared the couches and tables in the hotel lobby set to film these scenes by the fireplace.

Ben Horne’s office fireplace makes another appearance in Episode 2016 when Bobby Briggs and Audrey and Jerry Horne are introduced to John Justice Wheeler.

Dinner is served by the dining room fireplace at the Great Northern Hotel later in Episode 2.016.

The final time we see the fireplace close-up from the Pilot Episode is in Episode 2.018. You may recall it was also used in Episodes 2.001 and 2.007. This time, the color is darker but it’s the same shot as before.

Eileen Hayward and Ben Horne meet by the fireplace in his office in Episode 2.018.

We even get a look at the fireplace as seen by Audrey Horne and Donna Hayward through the secret hole. How does Ben not know that hole is there?

Toward the end of Episode 2018, we see Annie Blackburn at the bar in the Great Northern Hotel dining room. An out-of-focus fireplace is seen behind her while she chats with Agent Cooper.

In Episode 2.019, we see the inside of Windom Earle’s cabin where he’s made a makeshift fireplace using a metal container.

We get a better look at the homemade fireplace when Leo gives the Heavy Metal roadie some beer.

We also get a closer shot of the dining room fireplace in the Great Northern Hotel in Episode 2.019. This shot seems similar to the one in Episode 2014 before we see the candle-lit lobby.

Once again, the crew removed the dining room tables and placed two chairs and a side table for Agent Cooper and John Justice Wheeler’s “Love is Hell” scene. You can see the same carved fish and totem pole found in previous episodes with the dining room. Creative use of space.

The fireplace in the Great Northern Hotel lobby returns in Episode 2.020. We see a bellhop carrying wood to keep the fire going.

Later in Episode 2.020, we see Pete Martell speaking to Josie’s spirit as Audrey Horne approaches him about getting a ride to the airport.

Windom Earle’s trashcan fire is briefly seen toward the end of Episode 2020.

Audrey Horne patiently waits by the fireplace in her father’s office in Episode 2.021.

The scene cuts to a wide shot of Ben Horn’s office where we get a look at the entire fireplace.

Been proudly discusses his books of knowledge with Audrey while sitting in front of his fireplace.

A recycled shot of the Hayward’s living room fireplace is used in Episode 2.022. It first appeared in the David Lynch-directed Episode 1.002.

Ben only wanted to do good when standing in front of the Hayward’s fireplace. That was until Dr. Hayward strikes him down. Ben, Damnit!

Poor Dr. Hayward. The anguish he felt after striking Ben Horne. This brings us to the final fireplace scene in Season 2.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me doesn’t have many fireplaces to see. The first one, however is in the Hayward House. How fitting that the last fireplace in Episode 2.022 was at the Hayward house and the first one we see is at the Hayward house.

We then see the only time the fireplace is lit in the Palmer House. This is when Leland is having a flashback about Teresa Banks.

The fireplace we see the most is found in Jacques Renault’s cabin. There is one shot of Laura Palmer dancing in front of the fireplace but I opted not to include it in this story.

The fireplace in Jacques’ cabin is seen in the background when Leo Johnson grabs Ronette Pulaski and Jacques Renault ties up Laura Palmer.

The camera zooms in toward the fireplace inside the cabin.

As Jacques and Leo get dressed before going outside the cabin, the fireplace is seen in the background.

The final appearance of the fireplace is seen as Laura and Ronette are left tied up inside Jacques’ cabin.

The only lit fireplace seen in Season 3 on Showtime is found in Part 3. When Cooper enters the Mauve Zone, he sees Naido and a glowing fireplace.

A wide shot shows the entire room with the fireplace at the center.

After Naido disappears, Cooper returns to the room with the fireplace. The American Girl sits on a couch looking at the fireplace.

Cooper attracts the attention of the American Girl who turns to look at him.
This is the final time we see a fireplace with a fire. There are other fireplaces that appear in Season 3, such as the Jones’ house, but they do not have a fire burning.
Thank you very much for posting this.
I’ve been working on a theory that the tragedy of the Palmers never really happened to them but inside of the Horne family instead, the true meaning behind the clue “The owls are not what they seem”. The only owls we see in the series are Great HORNEd Owls. That the majority of the fires occur inside of the GREAT Northern gives the theory even more credence.
Two instances of fire in Season 3 that were missed here also involve the Horne family:
1. When Richard pays a visit to his grandmother and uncle.
2. When Audrey is first introduced she is standing in front of a fireplace at the “home” she shares with Charlie.
Thanks again. I just finished The Return, but had no time to rewatch the first two seasons or FWWM to see if the appearances of fire helped back my theory up. It is much appreciated!