Mount Si with trees in foreground

Trip Report – Fayetteville Comic Show 2020 – Day 2

Fayetteville Comic Show 2020 - Day 2

The inaugural Fayetteville Comic Show was held in Fayetteville, Arkansas on February 29 – March 1, 2020. In a previous article, I recapped my first two days in northwestern Arkansas which included nature studies, pizza and good friends. It’s fitting the first official day of the show was on Leap Day as it was filled with extra special memories that I’ll never forget.

DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3


Fayetteville Comic Show 2020 - Donuts & Coffee Social

The morning began around 8:00 a.m. for the sold out Donuts & Coffee Social.

Graduate Hotel
February 29, 2020

This event was held at the Graduate hotel, which originally opened in 1981 as a Hilton. The hotel’s name changed from Hilton to Radisson in 2001. After John Nock and Richard Alexander purchased the business for about $16 million in 2006, the hotel was renamed the Cosmopolitan.  In 2012, the hotel received a $7 Million renovation and another new name – The Chancellor – which gave a nod to the nearby University of Arkansas.

Chicago’s AJ Capital Partners purchased the hotel in 2018 and converted it to one of its boutique Graduate hotels. Renovation of guest rooms, common areas,  the lobby-level restaurant and bar and the hotel’s 12,200-square feet of meeting and events space were completed in fall 2019.

Donuts and Coffee Social
February 29, 2020
Donuts and Coffee Social
February 29, 2020

We gathered in Spoofer’s Spoon Room, the same conference room where panel discussions would be held during the event.

February 29, 2020
February 29, 2020

A Policeman’s Dream assortment of donuts were stacked on long tables.

Coffee and Donuts
February 29, 2020

I think I had three or four cups of coffee which was perfect when paired with pretty delicious donuts. I wish I knew who provided the delicious treats as I’d highly recommend them.

Blue Rose
February 29, 2020

Thanks to Karen Addison Craig, several of us received Blue Roses.

Blue Rose
February 29, 2020
Eryn with a Blue Rose
February 29, 2020

I wish I could tell you more about them, but I can’t. James Marshall and Dana Ashbrook also stopped by the social that morning before we all headed over the the convention center.

Qualls Halls Cookies
Photo by Aaron Cohen

At this point, I need to give a nod to Evona Qualls and her incredible cookies she brought the the show. Wow! Check out her work on Facebook – Qualls Hauls Sweets and Treats.


Fayetteville Comic Show Banner
February 29, 2020
Fayettevilla Town Center
February 29, 2020

A small lined formed outside the Fayetteville Town Center in downtown Fayetteville which housed the show’s artists, exhibits and photo experiences.

Fayetteville Comic Show website
Fayetteville Comic Show website
Fayetteville Comic Show Program Schedule
Fayetteville Comic Show

A variety of panels would be held on both days between 10 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Fayetteville Comic Show 2020
February 29, 2020

Once inside the doors, staff greeted fans and distributed passes, wristbands and tickets.

Show floor at Fayetteville Comic Show 2020
February 29, 2020
Fayetteville Comic Show show layout
Fayetteville Comic Show website

The show floor had numerous booths with artists and vendors surrounded by the celebrity autograph tables.


Event T-Shirt
February 29, 2020

Just inside the show floor room, attendees to order the event tee.

Event Tee Press
February 29, 2020

Tees were offered in several colors and with a choice of different logos. Obviously I chose the Twin Peaks logo since I need one more tee from my favorite show. The coolest part is that the tee was created on site. It took about 20-30 minutes to make after I placed my order.

Event Tee Event Tee Logo

I selected a black tee (in retrospect, I should have selected purple as how many black tees can one own?).


VIP Badge
February 29, 2020
VIP Badge
Artwork by Josh Howard

The VIP Badge included unique Twin Peaks artwork by Josh Howard who has been writing and drawing comics professionally since 2003.

VIP Badge
VIP Badge

The front and back of the VIP Badge.

Steven and Josh
February 29, 2020

The best part was Josh was at the event! It was wonderful to see him as I’ve loved his Twin Peaks works for years. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Twin Peaks Unwrapped Cover
Twin Peaks Unwrapped

Josh also recently created the cover artwork for Ben Durant and Bryon Kozaczka’s “Twin Peaks Unwrapped – The Book.” It’s a must-have item for any Twin Peaks fan, so order a copy HERE.


One thing I enjoyed throughout the weekend was seeing long-time friends and making new acquaintances. The Twin Peaks community is one of the best and it was a wonderful being welcomed by so many people from around the world.

Steven and John Thorne
February 29, 2020

I was so happy to see author John Thorne and wife Laura. He spent years publishing “Wrapped in Plastic” magazine with the late Craig Miller (no relation) which was my lifeline in the early days of this obsession. The last time I saw John was at the 1996 Twin Peaks Fan Festival in Washington. His book – “The Essential Wrapped in Plastic: Pathways to Twin Peaks” – should be on every bookshelf. John was always so kind to me, publishing my letters in the 1990s about music, locations, props and, my 29 1/2 hour marathon (funny how some things don’t change).

Steven, Karl and John
February 29, 2020

Even the Mayor of Twin Peaks, Karl Reinsch, traveled from Washington state to attend the show.

Steven and Ashleigh
February 29, 2020

Ashleigh Raczkowski and I dressed up as favorite characters.

Cooper and Banks
Dale Cooper / Teresa Banks

I chose the more muted earth tones worn by Deputy Dale (complete with vintage Pendleton shirt), while Ashleigh was a dead ringer for Teresa Banks.

Aaron and Steven
February 29, 2020

Fellow Bookhouse Boy and super fan A-Aron Cohen was there sporting an awesome Twin Peaks-themed jacket.

Steven, Cheryl and Carl
February 29, 2020

Cheryl Lee Latter and Carl Hershberger made their first visit to the states! It was great catching up before they traveled to the Pacific Northwest to visit the real “Twin Peaks.”

David and Steven
February 29, 2020

So glad to see David Hirsch again. Our last event was Festival of Disruption 2018 in Brooklyn, New York. Just look at that jacket!


Fayetteville Comic Show 2020

When the Fayetteville Comic Show 2020 was announced, the line up of Twin Peaks stars was most impressive. With the 30th Anniversary of the show on the horizon, it seemed like a great time to celebrate with folks who appeared in the Pilot Episode.

Ray Wise and Mystery Person
Fayetteville Comic Show

Professional photography was offered by Wolf Studios Photography based in Texas.

Kimmy Robertson and Ray Wise
Fayetteville Comic Show

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Kimmy Robertson (Lucy Moran) and Ray Wise (Leland Palmer) were unable to attend the show.

Stars of Twin Peaks
Fayetteville Comic Show

The remaining stars included Sheryl Lee (Laura Palmer), Dana Ashbrook (Bobby Briggs), Charlotte Stewart (Betty Briggs), James Marshall (James Hurley), Gary Hershberger (Mike Nelson), Harry Goaz (Andy Brennan), Rebekah Del Rio (Singer in Part 10), Eric Da Re (Leo Johnson) and Sherilyn Fenn (Audrey Horne).

Fayetteville Comic Show Schedule

Here is the professional photography schedule on Saturday and Sunday.

Steven with Cast of Twin Peaks
February 29, 2020

I selected a group photo with all of the stars. Talk about a surreal experience being ushered into a room filled with folks whom I’ve watched on television for 27 years. As you can tell, I was happier than when Agent Cooper eats his first slice of pie at the Double R Diner.

James Marshall and Steven
February 29, 2020

I also stopped by the individual booths to get photos and autographs of several stars. James Marshall is an incredibly genuine, funny and all-around cool guy (I mean, he’s always been cool).

Steven and Eric Da Re
February 29, 2020

Leo Johnson! It was wonderful to see Eric Da Re, who is also the son of long-time casting director Johanna Ray. His portrayal of Leo was critical to the success of the entire series and he gave it his all.

Dana Ashbrook and Steven
February 29, 2020

Nice catching up with Dana Ashbrook who played Bobby Briggs. He even hung out with us at the Graduate hotel bar. I was impressed he remembered my name during the group photo.

Charlotte Stewart and Steven
February 29, 2020

Charlotte Stewart is a gem! She’s worked with David Lynch for years beginning with Mary X in Eraserhead. I had her (and other stars) autograph the DVD cover of Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me. She was also at the show to speak about her time with Little House on the Prairie.

Steven and Harry
February 29, 2020

Harry Goaz not only portrayed Deputy Andy Brennan in Twin Peaks but he is an accomplished photographer. He has a new photography book being released in April 2020 titled “Ballroom Harry – Volume II.” Being an avid photographer since his teens, this collection “pulls from his more recent travels as he returns to Los Angeles, visiting with a keen eye, like seeing long lost old friend.”


Fayetteville Comic Show

Theatre Squared
February 29, 2020

A screening of Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me was held on Saturday night at TheatreSquared in downtown Fayetteville.

Fayetteville Comic Show Ticket

Considering this is my favorite David Lynch film, I couldn’t wait to see it again on the big screen.

Bar at TheatreSquared
February 29, 2020
Drink Specials
February 29, 2020

The bar at TheatreSquared offered several drink specials. I had the damn fine coffee which was a perfect way to end the day.

Laura Palmer Drink
It’s a drink, wraaaaped in plastic.

The Laura Palmer drink was “wrapped in plastic.” Nice touch!

Full theatre
February 29, 2020

A mostly full theatre waited for the show to begin. Seeing this many folks gathered for a film that was originally panned by critics makes my heart so happy.

Welcome by Donna
February 29, 2020

Event organizer Donna welcomed folks to the show and explained there would be an autograph session prior to the film.

TheatreSquared Stage
February 29, 2020
TheatreSquared Stage
February 29, 2020

A crew set up tables for the stars to meet guests and sign autographs. A handful of people who only attended the film screening participated.

Twin Peaks Stars at TheatreSquared
February 29, 2020
Stars on the Stage
Photo by Karla Hellings

The autograph session lasted about 20 minutes before the show began.

Carl Rodd
February 29, 2020

TheatreSquared does not typically show movies so the film was projected on a temporary screen. It appeared to be a digital Blu-ray copy of the film versus 35mm print. Either way, I still can’t get enough of this masterpiece.


Cosplay Karaoke
Fayetteville Comic Show 2020

The day ended back at the Graduate Fayetteville with Cosplay Karaoke, hosted by MCubed Cosplay.

Fayetteville Comic Show Ticket

The $10 event was totally worth it as you’ll see below.

Steven and Ashleigh
February 29, 2020

Ashleigh traded her Teresa Banks outfit for one of the most creative Twin Peaks costumes I’ve ever seen. And it unknowingly complemented my Deputy Dale outfit. Any guesses?

Green Butt Skunk

“Now, when those steelhead are running upstream, they’re only thinking about one thing. Sex. A Green Butt Skunk breaks their concentration.”

A GREEN BUTT SKUNK!! Bravo, Ashleigh. Bravo!

Aaron Cohen on Stage
Photo by: Aaron Cohen / February 29, 2020

We then took turns performing some of our classic hits.

Steven on Stage
Photo by: Aaron Cohen / February 29, 2020

I chose “Groovy Situation” by Gene Chandler. Stay classy, Fayetteville.

Nina as Dorothy Valens
February 29, 2020

Nina Himes dressed as the blue lady, Dorothy Valens from David Lynch’s Blue Velvet.

Laura, Dorothy and Donna
February 29, 2020

Even Dorothy Valens couldn’t believe that Laura Palmer (Faye Murman) and Donna Hayward (Mallie Majarais) had their picnic at karaoke.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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