This past week, Twin Peaks Blog celebrated its second anniversary. On February 26, 2018, I started this adventure documenting my obsession a look at Agent Cooper’s drive into the town of Twin Peaks. Nearly two years later, I visited the film location to record this video. Wild! Needless to say, it’s been another fantastic year. Here are a few highlights from year two.

While enjoying a cappuccino at Puritan Coffee in Fayetteville, Arkansas, I counted 167 stories published within the past year. This brings the total to 380 stories on the blog. You also get a rare look at the drive with all the data.
One section I loved updating this past year is the Complete Guide to Twin Peaks Film Locations. I should probably call it the “Almost Complete Guide” since it’s a work in progress.
Nevertheless, there are more than 210 locations available on this page. During the upcoming year, I’ll be adding more and adding a simplified page with addresses / coordinates along with links to each story.

I made three trips to the Pacific Northwest between September 2019 and January 2020. You can read more about my adventure in an upcoming article for Blue Rose Magazine – Issue #13 about the film locations 30 years later. It’s the first in a two part series for Scott Ryan’s awesome publication.

I had not visited the Snoqualmie Valley area since my first visit in August 1996. Fellow Bookhouse Boy Travis Blue shared this candid photo of my first visit to the Mount Si Motel (I’m wearing green pants and a fishing vest while carrying a tripod). I revisited the location in September 2019 which I’ll share an upcoming article.
Following the location visits, I expanded the number of videos on the Twin Peaks Blog YouTube channel.
I’ve also been steadily adding photos to the Twin Peaks Blog Instagram account.
For Twin Peaks Day on February 24, 2020, Bryon and Ben from Twin Peaks Unwrapped podcast shared an interview with me. It was humbling giving a behind-the-scenes look at how I create the articles for this blog. Their podcast has been an important part of the Twin Peaks community for years. Now they have a book which you can ORDER HERE.
It’s difficult to select favorite stories as all of them are my favorite. I learn something new with each one I write. But if forced to chose, here are six that caught my eye.
Twin Peaks Film Location – Teresa Banks in Wind River – I visited the Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me film location in Olallie State Park outside North Bend, Washington where Teresa Banks’ body was seen floating down Wind River.
Setting the Stage – The Menus of the Double R Diner – Here’s an in-depth look at the menus created for the Double R Diner, which also identifies the outside graphics.
Prop Identification – Dale Cooper’s Book about Tibet – This was a fun story that finally identifies the book Deputy Dale reads in Episode 2017. I always thought it was created by the Art Department but it’s an actual travel book.
Deconstructing the Rancho Rosa Estates Sign from Season 3 – A pure delight finding the original stock images and house that were used to create the Rancho Rosa Estates sign from Season 3.
Removing Dark Frames from the Miss Twin Peaks Contest – When the dark frames were removed and the strobe effect minimized, it was like viewing a whole new scene.

This weekend I’m attending the Fayetteville Comic Show in Fayetteville, Arkansas. During a walk around town this morning, I spotted the giant owl mural create by Alexis Diaz. I interpreted it as a sign that this next year, one which includes the 30th Anniversary of Twin Peaks, will be another one both wonderful and strange. If you are at the event, please say hello!
I also hope to see you at Graceland for the official fan 30th Anniversary event in April 2020. Tickets are available here.
Thank you for reading these stores and sharing your feedback. Your positive energy keeps me going. I can’t wait to see what mysteries we’ll uncover this year.
Congrats on your two year blogiversary! I’ve only recently discovered your blog and always look forward to seeing new posts in my inbox.