![The Miss Twin Peaks Contest from Episode 2021 in Season 2](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/01_TPB_Details_FEATURE-1024x513.jpg)
If there is one thing Twin Peaks is famous for it’s the use of strobe lights. The earliest use was found in the ending to the International Pilot. That footage from the Red Room was later recycled for Episode 1002. Strobes were also used in Episode 2021 after Windom Earle wreaks havoc at the Miss Twin Peaks Contest. As an experiment, I removed all of the dark frames from this scene. By doing so, we get a few extra surprises lost in all the flashing.
To remove most of the dark frames, I extracted each frame from this scene. I then deleted each frame that was either completely dark or mostly dark. Then I added the remaining images to iMovie with the photo duration and transition time set to 0.1. The result is the YouTube video above.
I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve seen this episode since 1993. I’m still amazed that after all these years I spot things I’ve never noticed before. Here are a handful of my favorite stills I discovered while creating the video.
![Cooper and the Crowd](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/02_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_CooperCrowd-1024x769.jpg)
Shortly after the lights go out, Cooper is seen standing near the bar. Check out the woman on the far right side of the image getting ready to clap.
![Pie Lady](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/02A_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_2020PieLady-1024x768.jpg)
She looks like the lady whose hands shake at the Double R Diner in Episode 2020. I wish I knew who she was. I need to write an article about her appearances as Episode 2020 isn’t the first time we see her in the series. More on that later.
![Miss Twin Peaks Contestants](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/03_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Court-1024x769.jpg)
At first, the lights going out don’t seem to bother the Miss Twin Peaks contestants. There are several frames of them just chatting and laughing.
![Shelly Johnson](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/05_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Shelly-1024x769.jpg)
As panic ensues, we catch a glimpse of Shelly Johnson.
![Backstage at the Contest](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/06_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Backstage-1024x769.jpg)
I love seeing these “backstage” areas from the set at City Studios (now Occidental Studios) Â in Van Nuys, California.
![Nadine backstage](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/07_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Nadine1-1024x769.jpg)
Nadine Butler Hurley wanders into the frame. I wish that I could see what’s hanging on the bulletin board. I spot “TP” Varsity Letters but I’m sure there are other treasures the crew added.
![Bag to the face](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/08_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Bag-1024x769.jpg)
![Bag tot the Face](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/09_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Nadine2-1024x769.jpg)
Bag to the face, anyone? Poor Nadine.
![Bulletin Board](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/10_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Backstage2-1024x769.jpg)
Is that a black doily on the board? I wonder if it was placed there to help the camera operator find the shot.
![Dr. Hayward and Annie Blackburn](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/11_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_OnStage-1024x769.jpg)
![Dr. Hayward and Annie Blackburn fog](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/12_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Smoke-1024x769.jpg)
Such great shots of Dr. Hayward trying to save Annie.
![Windom Earle as the Log Lady](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/13_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Earle1-1024x769.jpg)
Agent Earle as the Log Lady. Why haven’t the contestants cleared the stage? Notice the non-lit neon beer signs on the far right side.
![Windom Earle](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/14_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_EarleBackward-1024x769.jpg)
When Windom Earle detonates the smoke and fire bombs, the image is reversed. Compare the placement of the brooch in both images above.
![Shades of Mr. C](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/15_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Fire-1024x769.jpg)
Do I spy shades of Mr. C from Season 3? Just look at Cooper’s expression as the fire bomb explodes in front of him.
Oh those poor townsfolk from Twin Peaks. They clearly have no idea how to evacuate rooms. First the pine weasel incident, now this. Perhaps emergency preparedness courses should be required. I’d still love to know more about these extras.
![Windom Earle and Annie Blackburn](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/18_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_AnnieEarle-1024x769.jpg)
It looks like Earle may have used a towel with chloroform to subdue Annie. It was something mentioned in the original script for Episode 2022 when they arrive at Glastonbury Grove.
![Truman at the door](https://www.twinpeaksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/19_TPB_Details_MTPFrames_Truman-1024x769.jpg)
One last shot of Sheriff Truman standing near the entrance to the Roadhouse. I love the little handmade star hanging behind him.
I never noticed that …. er … androgynous woman before, I wonder if there’s any tie in to the figure in the parking lot in The Return. The both are very angular looking.
Wouldn’t that be something? Maybe not a direct connection but the use of people with unique looks is certainly something that attracts Lynch’s attention.