For the opening scene of Twin Peaks – Part 7 on Showtime, Jerry Horne is seen looking dazed and confused while sitting in the woods. This scene, like his appearance watching Dr. Amp in the woods from Part 5, was shot in Olallie State Park outside North Bend, Washington. It took five visits to Weeks Falls Trail to eventually find the two locations from this episode.

Thanks to the newly release Behind the Curtain videos on the Twin Peaks – From Z to A Collection, we learn that this scene was shot on October 5, 2015. This footage also helped me locate the first part of this scene with Jerry sitting in the woods.

Shortly after the opening credits from Twin Peaks – Part 7, we see Jerry looking confused sitting in the woods.

This spot is found at the following coordinates along Weeks Falls Trail – 47°26’06.3″N 121°39’07.6″W – in Olallie State Park outside North Bend, Washington.

The easiest way to find this spot is to look for the green metal thing imbedded along the trail. Then take the trail back just a few steps.

The Behind the Curtain footage show Cinematographer Peter Deming, First Assistant Director Scott Cameron and Director David Lynch standing in the woods.

This image helped me identify the tree stump that I knew I had seen before during previous trips to Olallie State Park in fall 2019.

This is the approximate location where Jerry is sitting.

The moss covered tree toward the right side of the image also appears to the right of Jerry. I stood in the spot where Jerry most likely was during filming.

You can see where David Patrick Kelly stands in this additional Behind the Curtain footage.

Can we discuss for a moment the clapboard for this scene? A420!!! Priceless.

Here’s the same view of the Behind the Curtain footage. Notice the moss covered branches protruding from the tree.
Now that we’ve established Jerry’s position in the woods, let’s look at his point-of-view.

The scene cuts to a forest with plenty of green vegetation. Notice the tree on the far left side of the episode image. Now compared that tree with the tree to on the far left of the bottom image. Looks like a match to me.

The forest scene was shot near the following coordinates 47° 26′ 5.982″ N 121° 39′ 5.58″ W. I happened to stumble upon it while visiting Olallie State Park for the third time during my September 2019 trip.

The scene cuts back to Jerry looking even more lost. I love seeing the behind-the-scenes footage of Jerry on the monitor.

The camera then pans the woods from right to left.

Here are two similar images from Olallie State Park on September 18, 2019.

Jerry is now extremely confused as he doesn’t recognize his surroundings.

The camera pans yet again.

The clump of trees is an easy way to find the spot where the camera pans.

Jerry takes out his iPhone (clearly it’s not the 1990s anymore).

He calls his brother Benjamin Horne. He tells brother Ben that someone stole his car, and is surprised when Ben repeats what Jerry said.

“I think I’m high,” exclaims Jerry. I attempted to recreate the shot (not an easy thing to do when making a solo trip).

Here’s a Behind the Curtain image of Jerry yelling into the phone.

Here’s my behind-the-scenes photo of my makeshift tripod. My Canon 5D lens broke during this trip so I had to use my Sony RX-100. I didn’t bring my normal tripod so I created a makeshift one using a fallen branch (guess being an Eagle Scout finally paid off).
The scene ends with Ben realizing on the phone what is happening to his brother. Jerry responds, “I don’t know where I am !” Poor Jerry.