One-story house with a white fence

Twin Peaks Location – Becky and Steven Behind the Double R Diner

After Becky Burnett delivers bread to Toad at the Double R Diner inĀ Twin Peaks – Part 5 on Showtime, she meets up with her husband Steven where they share a moment behind the restaurant. This scene was filmed along the side and rear parking lot at Twede’s Cafe in Washington state on September 15, 2015.


Google Maps
Google Maps

Twede’s Cafe is located at 137 W North Bend Way in North Bend, Washington. This isn’t the first time the side parking lot was used for a scene. In the Pilot episode, Bobby Briggs and Shelly Johnson shared a similar moment.


Becky gets in Steven's car
Part 5
Twede's Cafe window
January 23, 2020

Becky passes in front of Steven’s car and gets in the passenger seat.

Becky and Steven
Part 5
Outside Twede's Cafe
January 25, 2020

She tells Steven that her mother gave her an additional $72. It’s the third time she’s asked Shelly for money in two weeks according to Norma Jennings.

Shelly and Bobby outside Double R

I love how this location is similar to one of the first scenes filmed for the Pilot episode on February 21, 1989. Notice the building across the street has changed very little on the outside. The second floor interior is where they shot the jail scene from the Pilot and, according to Dana Ashbrook, the scene with Donna and Doctor Hayward in the front of a car.

Side of building near a parking lot
August 26, 2023

By August 2023, the building across the street was repainted a grey-blue color.

Steven speaks with Becky
Part 5
Birches in North Bend
January 24, 2020
Buildings in the downtown North Bend, Washington
August 26, 2023

Steven tells Becky that he’ll pay her back. Notice the shop, Birches Habitat, in the background. This lifestyle boutique has a great collection of home decor, Pacific Northwest-themed gifts and women’s apparel.


Shelly and Norma standing behind the counter in the Double R Diner
Part 5
Inside Twede's Cafe
January 23, 2020

Norma and Shelly watch their interaction while standing behind the counter inside the Double R. I love how Twede’s Cafe today still appears very similar to the third season set. Even the “Charbroiled Burger” sign hangs on the wall in the same spot as the episode.

Becky and Steven in the car
Part 5
Side of building near train tracks
August 26, 2023
Steven backs up the car
Part 5

Noticing that they are being watched, Steven backs up his car.

“They’re watching us,” exclaims Steven. “I’m gonna roll.”

Background people in Part 5
Part 5

As the car backs up, check out the people in the upper left corner. At first, I thought they were walking backward. But it now appears as if they realized the shot was happening and they were trying to get out of the scene. I’d love to know who they were.


Steven's Pontiac Trans Am
Part 5

Steven drives a 1979 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am with the Washington state license plate – ER3Z7LL. It’s a Couple with T-Tops versus a convertible.

Firebird Trans Am

If there is one car that reminds me of my childhood, this would be it. Of course, you may be more familiar with theĀ 1977 Trans-Am Special Edition in black and gold version featured inĀ Smokey and The Bandit. The white one above was sold for $13,333 on December 28, 2016 on

Pontiac Firebird Trans Am

One of the most iconic items is the “Screaming Chicken” logo found on car hood. Designed by Norm Inouye, the graphic was offered as an add-on for only $53!

Mr. Inouye also designed many of the graphics and logos found at EPCOT Center,Ā Ā including, “the marquees for the Imagination Pavilionā€™s Magic Eye Theatre and ImageWorks.” You may recall that Figment, the purple dragon from the Journey into Imagination pavilion, made a brief cameo in Episode 2015.


Steven backing up his car
Part 5
Behind Twede's Cafe
October 14, 2019

Backing up slowly, Steven parks his car next to some dumpsters and by railroad tracks.

Becky and Steven
Part 5
Behind Twede's Cafe
January 25, 2020

When I visited in January 2020, there were cars parked in the spots where Steven parked his vehicle.

Parking spaces behind Twede's Cafe
August 26, 2023

On a return trip in August 2023, I found no cars parked behind the diner very early one morning.

Steven talks with Becky
Part 5
Behind Twede's Cafe
January 25, 2020
Train tracks and dumpster
August 26, 2023

Once Steven parks, he asks his wife to kiss him. He looks longingly at Becky.

Becky looking at Steven
Part 5
Behind Twede's Cafe
January 25, 2020
Behind buildings in North Bend, Washington
August 26, 2023

Becky pauses before leaning over to kiss her husband. We get a better look at her apron that has a logo for a place called “Sweet Loaf.” Must be the bread store in town.

Amanda Seyfried and Caleb Landry Jones in a still from Twin Peaks Part 5
Amanda Seyfried and Caleb Landry Jones in a still from Twin Peaks Part 5. Photo: Suzanne Tenner/SHOWTIME

Onset photographer Suzanne Tenner captured a great publicity shot from this scene.

Shelly and Bobby

It again reminds me of the Shelly and Bobby’s kiss shared in the Pilot


Steven offering Becky some drugs
Part 5
Behind Twede's Cafe
January 25, 2020

After they kiss, Steven tells Becky, “And now I’m gonna take my girl out to dinner. Hey, I saved some [cocaine] for you. Want a taste?”

Train tracks and a crossing signal
August 26, 2023

Behind Steven, you can see part of the train tracks and crossing signal. These are the same tracks from the scene with the Grandmother and her Grandson in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.

Becky taking cocaine
Part 5

Becky is shocked that Steven took all the cocaine. He explained he needed it because of the job interview and he got some “feedback.” Hesitant at first, she eventually snorts cocaine off his hand.

Steven and Becky laugh
Part 5

As they clear their noses, Steven tells Becky he will tell her all about it at dinner.

I’ll tell you all about it at dinner. And in between, I’ll tell you… how much I love you, and I’ll tell you how beautiful you are, and I’ll tell you how sexy you are, and those tits, how majestic they are, and that ass give me a break, and I’ll get you some bread.


Because I heard you’ve been kneading it all day.

They laugh and Steven reaches for the car stereo.


Alpine Car Stereo
Part 5
Alpine Car Stereo
Part 5

The radio is tuned to channel 87.7 (not an official station in Washington state) and Steven turns up the volume as The Paris Sisters sing their August 1961 hit, “I Love How You Love Me.” The tune, written by Barry Mann and Larry Kolber and produced by Phil Spector, reached the number 5 spot on the Billboard Hot in November.

Alpine Stereo from eBay

The Alpine 2-Shaft Radio with cassette player is model 7401 created in 1991. You can see that number in the bottom right corner of the green screen.

Advertisement for stereo published the scan above of the stereo deck. The 7401 model is similar to the 7502 model except it doesn’t have the music sensor function.


Becky's face
Part 5

As the music plays, the scene cuts to an overhead closeup shot of Becky’s face.

Becky's face
Part 5
Becky's face
Part 5

The music continues and it appears the car moves.


David Lynch and crew directing a scene
Photo from: TwinPeaksArchve

Thanks to Twin Peaks Archive we have a look at how the crew captured the scene. A camera was mounted to the car (which is probably why they chose the T-Top model).

Dumpster and parking lot behind Twede's Cafe
August 26, 2023

I grabbed a similar shot during my visit in August 2023. How I wish I could have seen filming in person!

Photo by: SugarHigh on September 8, 2015
Photo by: SugarHigh on September 8, 2015

Speaking of behind-the-scenes things, this spot also once held a production truck that was carrying the Big Ed’s Gas Farm sign.

Mural by Bruce Edwards, Magi Graphics
Mural by Bruce Edwards, Magi Graphics

The crew had to be careful not to capture the mural that is found on the back of Twede’s Cafe. It was painted by Bruce Edwards from Magi Graphics.

Mural behind Mar-T Cafe
August 1996

Today’s mural is different than one that was painted in the 1990s. Above is an image from my first visit in August 1996. A fire in 2000 at the cafe damaged the mural so it was repainted by Bruce.

Mural behind Twede's Cafe
August 26, 2023

Here’s my own shot from August 2023 of the Welcome to Twin Peaks mural behind Twede’s Cafe.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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