Since launching Twin Peaks Blog, I’ve discussed and explored some pretty obscure things from David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks. From identifying props to cataloging specials at the Double R Diner, I love these journeys down (bunny) rabbit holes. During my recent visit to Washington state in January, I discovered another small piece of Twin Peaks history is now gone – the stone bollards outside The Salish Lodge in Snoqualmie, Washington.

I stopped by The Salish Lodge to photograph Snoqualmie Falls. Rain had fallen every day in the Seattle area since New Year’s Day, so the falls were looking spectacular. After being drenched by the mist, I had coffee and a small bowl of steel oats and fruit in their Dining Room. By the way, their coffee service is outstanding as they include small bowls of cream, raw sugar and chocolate shavings. Damn fine!

As I was walking back to my car, I noticed new planters that stopped me in my tracks. Where were the stone bollards?!
I rushed over to the valet stand to inquire. The friendly staff there told me the bollards were replaced sometime in late October 2019. The new planters offered the team more room to park while ensuring the safety of guests visiting the Lodge. Luckily, I had photographed the bollards last fall, a few weeks before they were replaced.

If you’re confused as to what I’m referencing, no worries. Like I said, it’s obscure. The stone bollards were briefly seen outside The Salish Lodge in the Pilot Episode shot in early 1989. The promotional photo above, courtesy of The Mauve Zone, shows Audrey Horne (played by Sherilyn Fenn) sitting one of them. You can also see Mount Si in the distance.

The stone bollards were seen when Audrey Horne leaves the Hotel and gets into the waiting car.

You can see the corner of one as the chauffeur closes the car door. Others are found in the distance, lining the driveway.

I photographed the same spot in September 2019. You’ll see that the bollards are gone with only discolored squares where they once remained.

By February 2024, the porte-cochère at the Salish Lodge had been extended over the driveway.

I even tried to grab a corner shot of the bollard. This one wasn’t from the spot seen in the Pilot as they were moved back from the drive way sometime around 2016 (at least from what I could see on Google Earth and other photos I found from that time period on Flickr).

Some of the bollards had been damaged during the move and additional ropes were attached to prevent folks from straying into the parking area.

Here Sherilyn Fenn sits on one of the stone bollards in an early promotional photo.

I mean, look how happy she is sitting on the stone bollard.

But now they are gone. This image is around the same spot where she shows her painted-on saddle shoes in the Pilot Episode.
The stone bollards can be seen in the distance of several additional establishing shots. These shots were captured around the time when Pilot Episode footage was captured. A crew later returned to pick up some additional establishing shots (which is why things look a little different at times).

Bollards are in the background near the driveway in Episode 1.003.

The Great Northern near sunset and dusk from Episodes 1005 and 2005 respectively. The bollards line the drive in both shots.

Here’s another look at the new planter bollards today. Don’t get me wrong – they match the wonderful decor and luxurious setting of The Salish Lodge. They just aren’t the original from the series.

Most guests probably won’t even notice the change. Even the Valet staff said I was the first person to really notice the difference.
So next time you’re visiting the Lodge, pour one out for the original stone bollards that are now long gone like a turkey in the corn.