In Twin Peaks – Part 2 on Showtime, Deputy Hawk takes a hike in the woods as he senses something is happening. As it turns out, the crew returned to Franklin Canyon Park outside Beverly Hills, California to shoot this scene. When the episode first aired, I thought they used the same location from Season 2 and Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me. Thanks to Behind the Curtain from Twin Peaks – From Z to A set, we get confirmation that this was the spot. Let’s take a closer look.

The location for Glastonbury Grove is found off Franklin Canyon Drive around the following coordinates – 34.12181, -118.40985.

Filming for the scene took place on December 17, 2015 according to Behind the Curtain extras on the Twin Peaks – From Z to A collection.
Sadly, no official script for Season 3 is available but we do have access to Combined Dialogue and Continuity Lists that were submitted to the Television Academy. I’ll reference these lists for this article.

The scene opens with a overhead shot of a forest. Most likely this was shot in Washington state.

The shot reminds me of the overhead shot later seen in Part 15 just before Weeks Falls appears on screen.

The scene cuts to a flashlight illuminating trees at night – first trees the left side of the screen and then trees on the right.

In Behind the Curtain for Part 2, Michael Horse (who played Deputy Hawk) is seen preparing to walk down a trail while George Billinger III walks by him while holding a Steadicam. We saw George’s work in the article about the film location for the Glass Box Experiment.

Michael Horse walks down the trail in Franklin Canyon Park. It’s in the opposite direction from where the ring of 12 Sycamore trees is located. The Continuity List continues with Hawk scanning the trees searching for something.

I’m guessing the crew shot Hawk walking down the same trail in the opposite direction. The trees are probably from the trail too. When I last visited Franklin Canyon Park on May 26, 2019, I didn’t have these reference photos. But when I return sometime this year, I will confirm.
The Log Lady places a telephone call to Hawk.

This tree in Franklin Canyon Park should be easy to identify. It’s unique shape is something that really stands out. I can’t wait to find it.

Hawk answers Margaret’s call on a mobile phone (this surely isn’t the 1990s). She asks where Hawk is walking tonight. He replies that her log and him are on the same page. Both know something is supposed to happen tonight.

Director David Lynch is seen watching this scene being shot on his two monitors. If you remember, they used a two camera set – Camera A and Camera B – up to shoot many of the scenes. This offered multiple options for each scene which was helpful when editing the episode.

Lynch appears to be set up just below the trail on the right side of the image above in Franklin Canyon Park. This was the same general area where Windom Earle’s cabin was constructed in Season 2.

Margaret tells Hawk that the “stars turn and the time presents itself.” He should watch carefully to which he agrees. The Log Lady also invites Hawk over as she is too weak. She will have pie and coffee waiting for him. She ends the conversation by asking Hawk to tell her what happens when he gets to the spot. In this case, the spot is Glastonbury Grove.

Again, Hawk is seen walking along this path.

The scene cuts and Hawk is seen walking around a fir tree.

This shot of Michael Horse and David Lynch from Behind the Curtain may be my all time favorite. I mean, could this just be the premise of Season 4 – Deputy Hawk and Gordon Cole in the woods looking for Blue Rose Cases? I digress.
Notice the trees behind Horse and Lynch.

They appear to be very similar to the trees on the right side of the image above.

They also appear similar to ones behind Sheriff Truman and Deputy Andy in Episode 2022.

I love this shot from Behind the Curtain as it shoes the exact spot where Deputy Hawk stood for the scene.
The scene continues after Hawk hangs up the phone with Margaret.

Hawk approaches the ring of 12 Sycamore trees. His flashlight shines on the tops of the trees first, then drops to see what the Continuity List describes as “a hole.”

The portal/gateway/hole appears similar to ones seen in David Lynch’s masterpiece, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and in episode 2.022. But it has its own character.

We get an even better look at the “hole” in Behind the Curtain for Part 18. Of course, scenes for Part 2 and Part 18 were shot on the same day, December 17.

Hawk continues to scan Glastonbury Grove with his light.

Meanwhile, David Lynch watches Michael Horse’s scene from his two camera monitors. I would love to see all the extra and alternate angles they captured for each scene.
The Continuity List has only a handful of shots left to describe.

As Hawk shines his light on the trees. Red drapes appear , then disappear.

Hawk stares at the red drapes and the spot. Something did indeed happen in those old woods that night.