The next story in this multi-part series about the film location for Glastonbury Grove continues with Special Agent Dale Cooper and Sheriff Harry Truman’s arrival in Episode 2022. In the previous article about Windom Earle and Annie Blackburn’s arrival, I detailed how different the televised version of this scene was compared to the script. The same analysis applies here. Rather than chase Earle, Cooper and Truman show up after Annie and he are in the Black Lodge.

Al of the Glastonbury Grove scenes take place in Franklin Canyon Park outside of Beverly Hills, California. The exact coordinates for this location are   34.12181, -118.40985.

The scene opens with Cooper and Truman riding in the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department vehicle. This footage, however, is recycled from the Pilot Episode.

In particular, the scene of the car follows James and Donna passing on his motorcycle.

Cooper and Truman arrive at the spot where Windom Earle parked Pete Martell’s Dodge truck. The pacing for the televised version is much slower than the intense action described in the script.
Truman’s Cruiser skids to a stop behind Pete’s pickup. Cooper runs to the truck, feels the hood.
Still hot. They’re close.
(into his radio)
Andy, we’ve found the truck, get the patrol up here I want the search centered from where we are now.
(to Cooper)
There’s a short cut to the Grove up through here.
Cooper checks his watch.
(breaking out his rifle)
We still got time, Coop.

(taking out his gun)
To fear the worst often causes the worst. He’s going to terrify her, Harry. He did it to me. It’s what he did to Caroline. Face to face with all that’s intolerable. All that is evil.
(getting his bearings)
He can’t terrify anybody with a bullet between his eyes.
(starts up)
It’s this way.
I’m right with you, Harry.

The path they take leads up to Franklin Canyon Drive, which is the same road where Laura Palmer meets the Trucker in The Missing Pieces and where Donna Hayward has a good cry while walking to meet James Hurley in Episode 2009.
The script answers why Truman had his rifle and why Andy eventually shows up later in the scene. But all that dialog and action was cut.

Action continues.
Truman and Cooper move quickly along a path.

Then, the script has Cooper delivering a long monologue. It reminds me his monologue at the Roadhouse in Episode 2009 when he’s faced with identifying Laura Palmer’s killer.
Harry, all my skills, intuitions and dreams have led me to the threshold of what is completely unknown. Led me in a direction I never could really see. In spite of Earle’s prideful insanity. In spite of my best reasoning, only one truth is clear. Whatever is, is right.
The monologue never happens. Instead, we see Cooper suddenly stop as if overcome by some larger force. Harry recognizes it and shines the flashlight on his face. Coop?

As for the location, I have debated this one for a long time. I believe the action actually took place behind the ring of trees and portal. They would have entered the scene just below that giant tree in the center of the image above. Of course, I didn’t realize this when I visited Franklin Canyon Park. It means I’ll have to return to get better photos.
My reasoning is that the scene cuts just as every actor exits screen left in front of this spot. It happens with Cooper, Truman and Andy (the latter fades to black).

(stops, to his friend)
I’ll take it from here, Harry. Alone. Cover me.
(before Truman’s protest)
This is how it’s supposed to be.

In the script, “Truman stops. Realizes the truth of what he’s saying.”
Go. Go.
Cooper races ahead.
Can we talk for a moment about the flashlight?

Windom Earle appears to use the same light from earlier in the episode.

It reminded me of Deputy Cliff’s flashlight from Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me.

Leland Palmer also had a similar one in the film. Perhaps it’s the only kind of light they stock at the Twin Peaks General Store.

All the lights are reminiscent of Maxa Beam Searchlights by Peak Beam Systems. An industrial strength flashlight would have improved lighting for the camera for versus a traditional light.
Okay, back to the scene….

As Cooper approaches the Grove, we see glimpses of trees and the ground illuminated by his flashlight.

Similar to Windom and Annie’s scene, I believe the crew shot this scene in the space behind the portal and ring of trees. The image above from April 21, 2012 shows ground that appears similar. You can also see two trees in the distance which seem like they could be the same ones in the middle photo.

Truman follows Cooper.

Cooper then passes a giant log on the ground.

It’s the same log that Windom Earle and Annie Blackburn pass earlier in the scene.

Cooper scans the trees above with his flashlight. I combined those scenes into one image above.

Most likely, the crew used the giant fir trees above the spot where Cooper was standing.

The sounds of an owl catches Agent Cooper’s attention so he looks up.

An owl perched in a tree looks down at Cooper.

But owl from Episode 2022 is just recycled and reversed footage from Episode 2010 where Cooper urinates in the woods. In that episode, he hears an owl and looks up. The owl is already looking down then looks up and around.

We then see Glastonbury Grove with its ring of 12 Sycamore trees.

This is the same spot from my visit on July 13, 2010 where I used water to create a fake portal.

An opening to another world.

Coop enters the ring of trees.
Light illuminates the portal and surrounding area. I combined all of the shots into one larger image.

Agent Cooper’s beam illuminates the substance that looks like engine oil in the portal. Mind you, none of this action is described in the script. Originally, Cooper chases after Windom and Annie and tries to grab Earle’s leg. The much slower televised version certainly adds to the mystery.

Then Cooper passes the portal and approaches the opening to the Lodge.

Sheriff Truman now passes the same log on the ground that both Cooper and Windom have passed.

Red drapes appears in front of Cooper.

Again, the script’s pace was much fast.
… rushes into the grove. Too late. Only to see Cooper disappear into the hole and it closes up after him.
No… god… no.

Cooper disappears into the Lodge.

From Sheriff Truman’s point of view, we see a light illuminate a spot just beyond the portal on the ground. Truman exclaims, “My god!”

The light reminds me of what Agent Cooper saw in Thomas Eckhardt’s suite after Josie Packard died.
The scene cuts to Cooper in the Black Lodge. The Little Man from Another Place appears and we hear Jimmy Scott singing “Sycamore Trees.”
In the script, Cooper’s entrance into the Lodge and Truman exclaiming “My god” was the end of the act. This is different than the televised version.

Andy then enters the woods (probably carrying the same flashlight that was used by everyone else in the scene). He calls out to Sheriff Truman.

Truman, who is still watching the entrance, yells, “Andy! Over here!” Andy exits the scene stage left and it fades to black.
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