In Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime, Jerry Horne spends several episodes in the mysterious woods. This article is the first in a series of “Jerry in the Woods” stories about the various film locations used. During a recent visit to Olallie State Park, I visited the spot where he watches Dr. Amp on a tablet in Part 5.

This location joins many others in the Twin Peaks film location wonderland called Olallie State Park. It’s located at 51350 S.E. Homestead Valley Road in North Bend, Washington, and you’ll need an An affordable Discover Pass is required to visit the park. But it’s so worth it.
As you can see on the map above, Jerry’s spot is close to the Wind River locations where Teresa Banks’ body floats by and Special Agent Dale Cooper records a memo to Diane.
The exact coordinates for this spot are 47° 26′ 10.302″ N 121° 39′ 13.188″ W.

The scene begins with Dr. Amp’s broadcast from his trailer. Nadine Hurley is seen watching at her shop. We then cut to Jerry viewing the broadcast on his tablet perched on a moss covered rock.

My fellow Bookhouse Gal Jill Watson first showed me this location on September 16 during our three-hour tour. I returned the next day to get additional shots. The Snoqualmie River is flowing behind Jerry.
Jerry is seen lighting a marijuana cigarette as he continues to watch Dr. Amp.

This is a wide angle view from the same location.

The brief scene ends with a shot of Jerry smoking while leaning against the tree. You can sort of see Jack Rabbit’s Palace location behind the tree in the bottom image.
I couldn’t resist sitting in Jerry’s spot while at Olallie. I also edited a short video featuring the location with the tranquil sounds of Snoqualmie River in the background. After spending time in the woods, I can understand why he chose this place to sit.
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