Twin Peaks Location – Convenience Store in Season 3

Convenience store location with Woodsman standing outside at night

This article marks a special milestone for Twin Peaks Blog – it’s number 300! To celebrate the occasion, I’m exploring the film location of the Convenience Store from Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime. Special thank you to Bookhouse Gal Jill Watson for taking me to this spot located just outside of North Bend, Washington. During my visit, I fell in love with a rock.


Through the darkness of future’s past, the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds… ‘Fire… walk with me.’ We lived among the people. I think you say, convenience store. We lived above it. I mean it like it is… like it sounds.” – Mike, the One-Armed Man

The Convenience Store from Fire Walk With Me
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

The convenience store was first introduced early on in Twin Peaks. Mike, the One-Armed Man mentions it in either the International Ending to the Pilot episode or in Special Agent Dale Cooper’s dream in Episode 1.002. In Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, we were transported inside the store for “one of their meetings” as Special Agent Phillip Jeffries recounts his experience during a freak appearance at FBI Headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Convenience Store in Part 8
Part 8

In the spectacular Part 8 on Showtime, we were given a look at the store’s exterior. I vividly recall jumping out of my seat when it appeared on screen as this spot has been a part of the Twin Peaks mythology since the beginning.


Google Maps
Google Maps

The Convenience Store building was constructed just outside of North Bend, Washington.

After spending nearly 3 1/2 hours exploring Olallie State Park with Jill on September 16, 2019, she asked if I wanted to see the location. The spot had been on my master list of places to find, so I enthusiastically responded, “YES!”

The Convenience Store in Part 8
Part 8

A short drive later, we arrived at the spot where the set was built. I immediately recognized the trees after writing the Vacant Peaks article about the Convenience Store.

Sadly, the store built for Season 3 no longer exists, yet the location remains. I’ll explain more in a moment. A black-and-white image of the store’s exterior appears in Part 8. Later in Part 15, we see the store in full color.

The Convenience Store spot
September 17, 2019

Let’s go shot-for-shot, InTwinPeaks style as I examine Part 15. I visited the location with Jill on September 16, 2019 and returned the next day to capture additional shots I missed.

The Convenience Store Spot in January 2020
January 24, 2020
Convenience Store location
August 28, 2023

I also revisited the location in 2020 and in August 2023.


David Lynch and crew gathered near Convenience Store spot
Behind the Curtain – Part 15

According to the Behind the Curtain footage from Part 15, the scene where Mr. C drives to the Convenience Store was shot on October 11, 2015.

Mr. C Driving in Part 15
Part 15

After driving down a dark, tree-lined road, Mr. C is seen approaching the Convenience Store.

The Convenience Store spot
September 16, 2019

Here is the location in September 2019 during my first visit.

Road by gravel field lined with trees
August 28, 2023

Here is the similar spot from my visit in August 2023.

Woodsman outside Convenience Store in Part 15
Part 15
The Convenience Store spot
September 17, 2019

Mr. C spots a Woodsman standing along side the road in front of the Convenience Store.

David Lynch marking spot
Behind the Curtain – Part 15

David Lynch picked out the spot where the Woodsman would greet Mr. C upon his arrival.

Convenience store location with Woodsman standing outside at night
Part 15
The Convenience Store
Part 15

Mr. C parks his black, 1988 Chevrolet V-30 Silverado Crew Cab and follows the Woodsman up a set of stairs to the second floor.

The Convenience Store spot
September 17, 2019

The fir tree to the far right of the image above is easily spotted in Part 15.

Richard Pulls a Gun on Mr. C In Part 15
Part 15

Once Mr. C is transported out of the Convenience Store, he is greeted by his son Richard holding a gun.

The Convenience Store spot
September 17, 2019

Again, you can see some of the trees on the far right side of this image in Part 15.

Richard holding a gun outside the Convenience Store
Part 15
The Convenience Store spot
September 17, 2019

The camera cuts to Richard holding the gun next to Mr. C’s truck. The cluster of trees since in the bottom image above is easily spotted in the episode.

Richard getting up after being disarmed in Part 15
Part 15
The Convenience Store spot
September 17, 2019

Mr. C eventually disarms his son and knocks him to the ground. We then see Richard slowly get up.

Mr. C and his son in the truck
Part 15
The Convenience Store spot
September 17, 2019

Richard climbs into the truck with his Dad and they set off to find a set of coordinates. Again, the trees in the background help identify this location. Just wait until I share more of the Olallie State Park locations – the trees were critical to identifying filming sites.

The Convenience Store
Part 15

Once Mr. C and Richard leave the area, we see a wide angle shot of the Convenience Store.

The Convenience Store
Part 15
The Convenience Store spot
September 16, 2019

The store begins to smoke and eventually fades away. To capture the smoke images, the crew literally set the shop on fire.

The Convenience Store fading away
Part 15

The store fading away thanks to the magic of editing.

The Convenience Store
Part 15

With the store gone, all we can see are the trees. But take a closer look.


The Rock at the Convenience Store
Part 15

Do you see it? It appears to be a rock. As I was photographing this spot, I noticed it while comparing the screen image on my iPhone to the image I took on my Canon 5D Mark II.

The Convenience Store spot
September 16, 2019

The image above is one of the first photos I took upon arriving at the location. You can see the rock sitting on the gravel. It was after taking this shot that I noticed the rock in the episode.

Steven running to the rock
September 16, 2019 – Photo by Jill Watson
Steven photographing the rock
September 16, 2019 – Photo by Jill Watson

I couldn’t contain my excitement so I ran to the rock and moved it into the correct location. I ended up doing this three times. Unbeknownst to me, Jill was snapping photos of my pure delight.

The Convenience Store rock
September 16, 2019

Here’s a closer look at the rock I found.

Steven holding the rock
Could I be any happier?

I mean, could I be any happier holding a rock?

The Convenience Store rock
September 16, 2019

Another look at the rock placed near the tree line.

The Convenience Store spot
September 16, 2019

Finally, a more appropriate shot with the rock in the correct place. Granted, I wondered if this rock was left by the crew on purpose in the episode.

Gravel area surrounded by trees
August 28, 2023

When I returned to this location on August 28, 2023, it looks like the giant rock was still in the spot where I left it.

Gravel area surrounded by trees
August 28, 2023

You can see it in the middle of this image. The grass and trees have grown a lot since my first visit.

Could it really be the same rock from filming? Without a closer look, it’s difficult to confirm 100%. But then I found this.

Leland in Glastonberry Grove
Fire Walk With Me

In Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, Leland Palmer enters the Red Room via Glastonberry Grove. Look at what is next to the scorched engine oil-filled portal – TWO ROCKS!

Glastonberry Grove in Part 2
Part 2

A rock also appears in Part 2 when Hawk stumbles upon the portal in Glastonberry Grove while speaking with the Log Lady on the phone.

The rocks don’t appear by the portal in Episode 2.022, so I can only guess they were specifically added for David Lynch’s film and Season 3. Since Season 3 is basically a continuation of the Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me universe, I have to imagine the rocks were also deliberately placed at the Convenience Store spot.

The Convenience Store Spot
September 16, 2019

In fact, it wasn’t until I was editing the images that I spotted a second rock at the site (look in the bottom right corner).

The location also had other mysterious things to see.

Engine Oil
September 16, 2019
Engine Oil
September 16, 2019

Is that scorched engine oil?

Petrified Wood
September 16, 2019

Jill spotted some petrified wood buried in the gravel. How long has that been sitting there?

The trees
September 17, 2019

And there were mysterious trees watching my every move.


Convenience Store Model
Image by Sebastien Nebut
Convenience Store Model
Image by Sebastien Nebut

Thanks to Sebastien Nebut, we have a look at the Convenience Store model he created for BUF, the special effects company who did many of the effects for Season 3. Sebastien posted the following on ArtStation:

“For the Season 3 of Twin Peaks, I was in charge of the creation of this full CG gas station that would later have disappear in a nuclear explosion during episode 8. I also did a part of the layout and the 3D extension on the Warehouse scene.”

Convenience Store Set
The Mauve Zone

The fantastic Mauve Zone posted an awesome full-color composite image of the set the crew built at the site.

Behind the Scenes - Convenience Store
Impressions Film by Jason S.

The short films from Jason S. on the Twin Peaks Blu-ray set in 2017 contained some behind-the-scenes images of this film location.

Behind the scenes - Ruth De Jong's mood board
Impressions film by Jason S.

Above is an image of Production Designers Ruth de Jong’s mood board for the Convenience Store set.


I leave you with a short video from my location visit. Music is by Dean Hurley from Anthology Resource Volume 1. The track is “Night Electric Music” and the entire album is available on

Thank you for following the past year and a half. I still have many stories left to tell.


  • Steven Miller

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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One thought on “Twin Peaks Location – Convenience Store in Season 3

  1. Totally fangirling and geeking out right along side you on this one! (just got back from my own TP pilgrimage)

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