One of my favorite locations in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is the FFat Trout Trailer Park in Deer Meadow. When I learned a New Fat Trout would be in Season 3 on Twin Peaks on Showtime, I was beyond excited to see what mysteries would be revealed. Granted, I don’t know why Carl Rodd moved from the southwest corner of Washington State to Twin Peaks, but it doesn’t matter as we got to see him in action again. The location for the new park was one of the first Season 3 film locations I identified in April 2017.

The New Fat Trout is located at 336 Bendigo Boulevard in North Bend, Washington.

Bendigo Boulevard may sounds familiar as it’s the same road that passes by the Double R Diner, and where the infamous traffic light was shot (Bendigo Boulevard and North Bend Way).
On April 28, 2017, Showtime gave us a look at several new and familiar locations coming to Season 3.
After viewing the YouTube video, I set out to find the location of the New Fat Trout. It didn’t take long thanks to Mt. Si in the background.

Using Google Street View, I quickly identified the spot and shared the news on Twitter. I thought the park, however, would be located in Deer Meadow, not Twin Peaks.

The crew couldn’t return to Riverside Mobile Home Park from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me for these scenes as it was demolished in 2011.

The crew chose Towne Mobile Park for Season 3. I searched EVERYWHERE on the web for history about this location. The only post I found was from Cook Real Estate Services where they described a previously sold mobile home:
“Towne Mobile [sic] Park offers affordable senior living in downtown North Bend. Mobile is a Tamarack Champion, space #7 with a blue book value of $13,700. Conventional financing is available for this unit. Newer double pane vinyl windows and the roof were installed approx. two years ago. The unit needs painting and carpets. Electric forced air and all appliances stay. SOLD AS IS estate sale. Buyers must pre-approved by park manager prior to sale.”
So, the easiest way to explore this location is to break down the various scenes from Parts 6, 10, 11, 12, and 15.

The establishing shot for the New Fat Trout Trailer Park is seen multiple times throughout the series (that’s a future “Setting the Stage” article). I love that the Google Maps image contains the same red car seen in the series.

In Part 6, Carl Rodd is seen getting into his van. This is the same road where his trailer and Steven and Becky’s trailer is located. We will see it several more times. The easiest way to identify the spot is the white box at the end of the street.
The main street is seen in Parts 6, 10, 11, 12, and 15, with scenes such as Becky driving away with her mom on car hood, Kriscol walking away from Carl, and Cyril Pons and Carl discussing Steven in the woods.

Here’s another look at that Main Street in the New Fat Trout Trailer Park from Google Maps.

You can see more of the street in these scenes. The mobile home on the far left has wood stairs and is seen in the background of multiple scenes.

The same mobile home is seen in this image from Google Maps.

As Carl’s driver walks around the van in Part 6, we catch a glimpse of a small trailer with a yellow stripe. The same trailer is seen in this Bing Maps image.

As Carl’s driver leaves the New Fat Trout Trailer park in Part 6, he turns right onto Bendigo Boulevard. You can see a wooden fence at the home across the street.

The same fence is seen again in Parts 10 and 11. You can also see the trailer with the yellow stripe first spotted in Part 6.

Here’s another look at the fence from 2014 on Bing Maps.

In Part 10, we get a first look at Carl Rodd’s trailer which appears to have been upgraded since Fire Walk With Me. Since Google Maps doesn’t offer Street View down the main street, I pulled this image from Google Earth. Carl’s trailer is the one below the big tree.

You can also see it from Bendigo Boulevard on Google Street view (the tree with orange leaves).

In Part 12, we get a look at Carl’s updated “Do Not Disturb” sign. Times are slightly different than what he posted on his door at the original Fat Trout Trailer Park.
Here are more looks at Carl’s trailer from Parts 11 and 12.
You can see the tree just outside Carl’s home in both episodes.

Steven and Becky’s home is best seen in Part 10. Similar to Carl Rodd’s trailer, I pulled an image from Google Earth to show the approximate location (it’s the home in the middle).

A view of the red cup tossed from their window. Mark Frost first discussed this scene on October 6, 2014 in a Buzz Feed News article:
“What is one thing that fans can expect from the revival, if we can talk in very broad terms?
Hmm. One thing I can guarantee they will see — they will see a cup of coffee fly through a window. Just to give you one mundane specific. I hope that they walk away from the end of this next chapter feeling like it all comes together and it all makes sense.”

Here’s a look at the broken window from Parts 10 and 15 respectively. I wish I could get better street view shots of this mobile home (one day perhaps when I visit Washington).

Here are additional looks at Steven and Becky’s home. You can also see that trailer with the yellow stripe in the image with Carl Rodd.

After grabbing the car keys from Shelly, Becky frantically drives out of the New Fat Trout Trailer Park. Shelly tries to stop her daughter but is thrown from hood of the car.

The blue mobile home and adjacent RV are found close to the entrance to Towne Moble Park.
Additional looks at Becky driving away with her mother on the car hood.

All of those scenes took place around the spot where the white van is parked. You can also catch a glimpse of the “Speed Limit 15” sign in Part 11.

The last time we see the New Fat Trout Trailer Park is in Part 15. Former news reporter Cyril Pons relays to Carl Rodd what he found in the woods behind the park. You can see part of the trailer where this scene was shot in the Google Maps image above.

I was delighted to see Cyril Pons again. The last time we saw him was in Episode 2001 while he was reporting from the Packard Saw Mill fire. Mark shared in an AMA on Reddit how Cyril ended up at the Fat Trout Trailer Park:
“Cyril’s thriving career as a local reporter in the Spokane media market let to a brief stint as anchorman, tragically derailed when he used the F word during an on-air earthquake and dove under his desk. Downhill from there, as if he riding a luge, all the way to the Fat Trout Trailer Park.”