The thing I love about writing for Twin Peaks Blog is that I continue to discover things I’ve never noticed before. This time, I’m examining an iconic scene from the Pilot episode thanks to a short behind-the-scenes video I found on YouTube.
At any given moment, I have a variety of stories in the works. While researching some topic, I stumbled upon this video published on December 22, 2013:
It’s short, only 23-seconds to be exact, yet it contains a fascinating look at how the crew shot part of this scene.
The easiest way to explain what I discovered is to explore this scene in detail.

“She’s dead, wrapped in plastic.”
Pete Martell’s words to Sheriff Harry Truman still echo on the shores of Blue Pine Lodge more than 26 years later. The discovery of Laura’s body sends Truman, Deputy Andy Brennan and Doc Hayward to the Lodge confirm the identity of this mysterious woman.

We’ll pick up the action right as Deputy Brennan takes his first photograph of the wrapped body.

Deputy Andy takes a photo then moves around the body for a different angle. Notice how he is stepping near the top of the body.

Suddenly, the scene cuts to Andy near the middle of her body.

After taking a few more photos, he begins to cry. Notice how the giant log isn’t seen in the corner of these images.

Truman and Hayward take notice of Andy’s emotional breakdown.

Doc Hayward attempts to comfort Andy by placing his hand on his back. Notice the log still isn’t in the photo.

After watching the behind-the-scenes video, I realized that the crew must have filmed part of the scene further down the beach from the giant log. It would account for why the log isn’t in the shots. Look carefully and you’ll see that Deputy Andy is standing with the crew while Truman and Hayward are in front of the camera.

There is a pier near the Kiana Lodge but it is further down the beach from the giant log. That pier is seen in the background of the behind-the-scenes shot.
The scene continues…

Doc Hayward takes the camera from and upset Andy, and places his hand on Andy’s back as he stands. The camera is in Hayward’s right hand.

The scene cuts to a different angle with Doc Hayward turning away while holding onto the camera with both hands.

Realizing that Deputy Andy is an emotional wreck, Truman sends him to get a stretcher.

The camera then hangs on Truman for a beat as Andy leaves.

The camera then cuts to Doctor Hayward looking down at the body. I always wondered why this shot was looking slightly upward.

The behind-the-scenes video shows how this could have been achieved. It even looks like Doctor Hayward is getting ready to kneel down.

Sheriff Truman watches as Doctor Hayward begins to kneel.

The behind-the-scenes video shows both of them starting to kneel.

Magically, we are back by the giant log. It can been barely be seen in the corner.

A better look at the log and what could be Andy’s camera strap are seen just before they roll the body over.

After rolling the body, Doc Hayward goes to remove the plastic from the girl’s face. Look carefully at his right forearm. Not a lot of hair.

Hairy arm! Either the camera angle from the previous shot didn’t show exactly how hairy Hayward’s forearm was, or it’s a different person that is opening up the plastic.

“Good Lord, Laura.”

“Laura Palmer” …. and Doc Hayward’s hairless arm.