Roadhouse and Bookhouse under cloud-filled sky

Twin Peaks Location – Deputy Hawk Finds Major Briggs

After escaping Windom Earle, Major Briggs is found wandering out of the woods by Deputy Hawk in Episode 2.021. Like many scenes from Season 2 (Glastonbury Grove, Audrey Horne and John Justice Wheeler’s picnic, etc.), this brief interaction was shot at Franklin Canyon Park in Los Angeles, California. I visited this location on July 13, 2010 and returned on May 26, 2019.


Aerial view of the location from Google Maps
Google Maps

The scene was shot around 2300 Franklin Canyon Drive, which is further south from where those aforementioned scenes were captured. It’s also located next to Owl Pipe as seen at the end of Episode 2.009.

This episode was written by Barry Pullman between February 5-22, 1991. Revised scenes were printed on different colored paper as indicated below.

  • First Draft: February 5 ,1991
  • Second Draft/Distribution to Dept. Heads: February 8,1991
  • Revised/General Distribution: February 14, 1991 – Blue
  • Revised: February 14, 1991 – Pink
  • Revised: February 20, 1991 – Green
  • Revised: February 21, 1991 – Yellow
  • Revised: February 22, 1991 – Cherry

This scene takes place in the original script and during the broadcast at the end of Act Two, just after Nadine Hurley squeezes Mike Nelson’s hand.


Major Briggs' leg and shoe in dirt
Episode 2.021

The scene appears pretty much as scripted by Pullman.


START CLOSE ON dirtied shoes, footsteps stumbling up a ridge with great difficulty. Up a step, then another, then sliding down: the attempt to climb by a body that must struggle just to keep balance.

Major Briggs climbing out of a ravine in Episode 2021
Episode 2.021

The scene begins with Major Briggs climbing out of a ditch. At the time I visited, I didn’t think to take a shot that matched this angle in 2010.

View from embankment looking up at trees
May 26, 2019

When I revisited the location in May 2019, I captured this similar shot from the small embankment looking up.

Major Briggs walking out of the woods in Episode 2021.
Episode 2.021

After getting out of the ditch, Briggs stumbles toward the road.

Small area with trees
May 26, 2019

The spot between the two white carrots is the approximate location where Briggs walks. As you can tell, the area is now overgrown.

Major Briggs stumbling toward the road in Episode 2021.
Episode 2.2021
Trees in woods
May 26, 2019

I love this shot of Major Briggs who is clearly drugged up as he stumbles out of the woods. Don Davis did such a fantastic job playing this part. The bottom image of the tree behind Briggs is from my visit in May 2019.


Deputy Hawk driving a vehicle
Episode 2.021

The action continues as scripted.

HAWK drives a country road. SHOT ROTATES away from him until we look out the windshield, where SUDDENLY.

Road lined by trees
May 26, 2019

Hawk is Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department vehicle down Franklin Canyon Drive. The area in the background is a little farther north of the spot where Major Briggs exits the woods.

Deputy Hawk spots Major Briggs along the side of the road.
Episode 2.021

A MAN steps out into the road, groping, arms extended skyward; he has no sense he’s stepping out in front of a vehicle. As Hawk CAREENS and SLAMS on the BRAKES, he watches the zombi-like face of Major Briggs passing by.

Hawk pulls over gets out of the jeep and walks over to Briggs, who clearly does not recognize him.

Franklin Canyon Park on July 13, 2010
July 13, 2010

Hawk spots Briggs from his vehicle as he slowly approaches a bend in the road. The image above is from my visit in July 2010.

Image overlay from location visit in July 2010
July 13, 2010 vs. Episode 2.021

I placed an image from episode 2.021 over the location image to give you an idea of where Briggs walked.

Road with pull off area near trees
May 26, 2019

Here is how the location looked on May 26, 2019. The wooden pole has since been replaced with a metal one.

Major Briggs as seen from Deputy Hawk's car.
Episode 2.019
Location visit to Franklin Park Drive on July 13, 2010
July 13, 2010

Hawk slowly inches closer to Briggs. The image above is from my visit to Franklin Park on July 13, 2010.

Image overlay from Episode 2021
Episode 2021 vs. July 13, 2.010

Another image overlay from Episode 2021 with the location image.

Road with pull off area near trees
May 26, 2019

By 2019, the area had significant overgrowth which makes it impossible to see beyond the trees.

Hawk stops his car as Major Briggs walks onto the road.
Episode 2.021
Location visit to Franklin Park on July 13, 2010
July 13, 2010

Deputy Hawk stops his vehicle as Major Briggs walks onto the road. I had not mastered the art of taking screen accurate location photos in 2010 but the bottom image gives you an idea where the scene took place. It seems like the camera for the show was placed closer to the ravine Briggs originally climbed up.

View of road and trees
May 26, 2019

Nine years later, I took a better shot of the location. The episode was most likely shot after February 22 which could account for why the trees are not as full in the broadcast episode.

Hawk looks at Major Briggs in Episode 2021.
Episode 2.021

The scene ends with Hawk approaching Major Briggs before taking him back to the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department. Briggs asks, “Which way to the castle?” This dialogue doesn’t appear in the script so it was most likely improvised on set.


Special thanks once again to who helped me locate this spot. You can read about the location used for Owl Pipe in Episode 2.009 (#16) in this article. summary from this location


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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