February 26, 2019 marks the first anniversary of Twin Peaks Blog! Writing for this blog during the past year has sparked more than joy – it’s been electrifying! Thank you for reading about my discoveries from David Lynch and Mark Frost’s wonderful and strange world of Twin Peaks. I’m grateful for the friendships made along the way from one of the best fan communities in the world. So raise a glass to the Bureau and look back at 12 favorite stories from this past year.
In total, there were 210 stories published from February 26, 2018 to February 25, 2019.
February 2018 – ‘Spring Formal’ at the Double R Diner and the Roadhouse
This article was one of the first “prop identification” stories on TwinPeaksBlog.com. The Double R Diner painting is seen in so many iconic scenes, including an exchange between Garland and Bobby Briggs that contains one of the most beautiful pieces of music in all of Twin Peaks.
March 2018 – Finding the Zone
I still can’t believe how I found the southern California film location for The Zone from Twin Peaks Part 11 on Showtime.
April 2018 – Love Letter to Teresa Banks’ Captivating Eyes
I still recall waking up to the news that Pamela Gidley, the actress who played Teresa Banks in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, had passed at the age of 52 on April 16, 2018. This was my love letter to a talented actress whose presence on screen was mesmerizing.
May 2018 – Trip Report from the Festival of Disruption 2018 in Brooklyn, NY
Words can’t even begin to describe how awesome it was to attend the Festival of Disruption 2018 in Brooklyn, New York. There were so many highlights – visiting the film location of Diane Evans’ apartment exterior, seeing the Pink Room Burlesque show, meeting Twin Peaks stars, and hearing incredible music and stories. But I really enjoyed meeting fellow fans who love David Lynch’s work as much as me.
See the three trip reports: Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3
June 2018 – Love Letter to Ben Horne’s Ties
For Father’s Day, I penned a love letter to Ben Horne’s many ties. So many polka dots! The dream of the 90s is alive and well in Twin Peaks.
July 2018 – A Visit to the real One Eyed Jack’s film location in California
This is one of those moments where I can’t believe what I found – interior images from One Eyed Jack’s film location in southern California.
August 2018 – Chet Desmond’s Airplane from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the first 30 minutes of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Imagine my delight when I found the actual plane used by Special Agent Chet Desmond when he flew to the private Portland Airport.
September 2018 – Evelyn Marsh’s Vinyl Albums
Music has played such an important role in my enjoyment of Twin Peaks. This article identified two vinyl albums from the Marsh Mansion in season two.
October 2018 – Plane Spotting at Twin Peaks Airport
It’s John Justice Wheeler’s plane and I identified it! This story highlights other film and television shows where the plane can be found.
And oh, I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge that I married my wonderful wife Katie on October 13. She has fully supported my obsessions, and I couldn’t do this without her. Image by Adam Lowe Photography – an outstanding photographer in Columbus, Ohio (who also happens to be a Twin Peaks fan).
November 2018 – The Gazebo at Easter Park
My heart still aches for those affected by the terrible Woosley Fire in southern California. Unfortunately, the Gazebo from Seasons 1 and 2 was destroyed by that fire.

December 2018 – Do You Have Any Specials?
An incredibly detailed look at all the specials offered at the Double R Diner in Twin Peaks. Just don’t ask Irene at Hap’s about her specials – she doesn’t have any.
January 2018 – We’re Gonna Talk about Eat at Judy’s
A closer look at the southern California film location for Eat at Judy’s from Twin Peaks Part 18 on Showtime.
What’s next for 2019? There are plenty of stories on the horizon including one that identified the interior film location used for Lucky 7 Insurance.
I’ve also launched an Instagram page as a compendium to this Blog. Check it out – @TwinPeaksBlog