Exterior of The Line

Twin Peaks Location – Limo Ride from Silver Mustang Casino to Jones’ Home

In Twin Peaks Part 4 on Showtime, Dougie Jones gets a complementary limousine ride home from the Silver Mustang Casino after hitting 30 Mega-Jackpots and winning $425,000. This brief driving scene was actually shot in the same neighborhood where Dougie Jones’ home was located in Southern California. The scene is similar to other driving scenes in Twin Peaks, such as the Drive to Deer Meadow or Ray Monroe driving Mr. C. Thanks to the magic of editing, it feels like they drive farther than they actually do. Let’s explore!


Google Maps
Google Maps

You may recall that Dougie Jones’ home is located on Lancelot Court in Las Vegas, Nevada. In reality, the home is located at 25140 Huston Street in Stevenson Ranch, California. It’s the home with a red door as seen in the bottom left side of the image above.

Newspaper article about homes
The Signal. April 20, 2003

The Jones’ home and neighboring houses were constructed around 2003 in the Crescent Moon subdivision of the planned Parkside Stevenson Ranch Community. I found a newspaper clipping in The Signal from April 20 that year describing the new area. Greystone Homes constructed 67 houses with four bedrooms, three baths and from 2,310 to 2,729 square feet of interior living space.

Sold for approximately $400,000, the houses featured Greystone’s innovative “Everything’s Included” (EI) program. Many standard features in the homes were included such as slab granite countertops, microwave oven in the kitchen, dishwasher, refrigerator and built-in select-cleaning electronic oven.

David Lynch greeting Naomi Watts
Behind the Curtain | January 25, 2016

According to theĀ Behind the Curtain footage from theĀ Twin Peaks: From Z to A Collection, the limo scene was shot on January 25, 2016. The image above has Naomi Watts seeing David Lynch as the crew prepares the location for the shoot.


The scene opens with Dougie sitting in the back of the limo clutching his bag of money from the Silver Mustang. That’s image “1” above on the overview map.

Dougie Jones in a limo holding a bag of money
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

The scene was shot further down the street from the Jones’ home. Notice the light pole next to the tree. It’s the only one like it on Huston Street.

View out the front of the limo
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

The scene eventually cuts to a view of the back of the Limo Driver (played by Jay Larson). Out the front window we can see a street with a light pole at the end of it. It appears they are actually on Oliver Way, which is around the corner from Huston Street.

Dougie Jones in the back of limo
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

The scene cuts back to Dougie, which was shot while on Huston Street. Notice the unique mailboxes seen outside the window.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Cutting back to the view outside the front window, the limo is seen turning left from Huston Street onto Oliver Way. No wonder the Limo Driver couldn’t find Dougie’s home – he already drove past it.

Inside of limo
Part 4
Neighborhood street with homes
May 26, 2019

The home with the four windows on the white garage is located at 25017 Oliver Way. The scene continues through the turn with additional houses passing by.

Nighttime view of homes on street
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

Here’s a better look at the home at 25017 Oliver Way.

Passing a home at night
Part 4
Home at night
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

The home at 25023 Oliver Way – notice the stone front which matches the home in the episode.

Home at night
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

The home at 25029 Oliver Way also has a white garage with windows.

Street at night
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

You can see the two trees tied together and the green electric box in front of the homes located at 25029 and 25037 Oliver Way.

View from limo
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

After completing the turn, we see the back of the Limo Driver again as the car is facing toward Gale Drive. The white mailboxes were the clue to finding this spot.

Dougie Jones holding a bag of money in back of limo
Part 4
Dougie Jones holding a bag of money in back of limo
Part 4
Bing Maps
Bing Maps

Meanwhile, we cut back to Dougie Jones still holding his bag of cash. The reaction scenes were actually shot on the other side of Gale Drive from where the previous scene took place. The Limo Driver will turn left onto Huston Street in the scene.

View from limo
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps
View from limo
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

As the turn is being made, the scene returns to looking at the back of the driver while he is still on Oliver Street.

Most likely, there were multiple takes for this entire driving sequence. First, the crew capture Kyle MacLachlan’s reaction shots and lines as Dougie Jones. Then the crew capture the back of the limo driver scenes, before capturing any scenes of the homes from outside the car. When editing, they pulled the best scenes which accounts for it being out of order. Most viewers probably won’t even recognize the location changes.

Dougie Jones holding a bag of money in back of limo
Part 4
Bing Maps
Bing Maps

The scene returns to Dougie now on Huston Street. Again, those white mailboxes were so helpful with identifying the locations.

Dougie Jones holding a bag of money in back of limo
Part 4
Google Maps
Google Maps

My favorite find was the white van that the limo passes by on the way to Dougie’s house. You can see the same van parked IN THE SAME SPOT on this Google Street View image from 2011.

View from limo
Part 4
Street with homes
May 26, 2019

The Limo Driver finally spots Dougie’s “red door” and stops the car to point.

Red Door on the front of a home
Part 4
Green door on the front of a home
May 26, 2019

With that, we have arrived home … and to the end of this story.


  • Steven Miller at Twede's Cafe enjoying cherry pie and coffee

    A "Twin Peaks" fan since October 1993, Steven Miller launched Twin Peaks Blog in February 2018 to document his decades-long fascination with David Lynch and Mark Frost's wonderful and strange show. With his Canon camera in hand, he's visited numerous film locations, attended Twin Peaks events and conducted extensive historical research about this groundbreaking series. Along with fellow Bookhouse Boys, he dreams of creating a complete Twin Peaks Archive of the series and feature film. Steven currently resides in Central Florida.

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